Duchy of Daggerford

Duchy of Daggerford



Largest City



Illuskan, Elven, Dwarvish (Shanatan)


Monarchy (Duke)

Land Area

5,332 sq mi


17,731 (summer), 12,340 (winter)

Duchy of Daggerford

Situated on the flood plains of the River Delimbiyr, the Duchy of Daggerford is a primarily human dominated duchy centered around the walled fortress town of Daggerford.

The region now known as Daggerford sits atop a legacy of dozens of ancient realms dating back to the mythical time of the elven Crown Wars. The mostly self sufficient hillock farm steads are studded and criss-crossed with ancient roads, crumbling aqueducts, and curse-haunted ruins.

Though mainly independently wealthy due to its strategic position along the trade way from Waterdeep to Baldur's Gate, it is economically dominated by the immensely powerful noble houses of it's northern neighbor and the canny dukes of Daggerford have long played the Waterdhavian economic powers off against each other to retain the realm's independence.


The geography of the Duchy of Daggerford is incredibly varied, stretching as it does from the bleak Forlorn Hills in the north to the blasted heath of the High Moor in the south, and from the forbidding stretches of the Lizard Marsh in the west to the fertile and verdant verge of the High Forest in the east.

For the most part, the geography of the realm is dominated by the huge expanse of east-west running of the River Delimbiyr, which in tandem with the north-south Trade Way forms the lifeblood for the hardscrabble merchants and traders who inhabit the vales and hills.

The climate of the region is much like the rest of the Savage North, if a bit more moderated by it's more southern position. That is to say it is humid and warm in the summer months, with a short but verdant growing season for strong crops like oats and barley. The winters come early and last a long time, with heavy snows and freezing rain driving the inhabitants to either warmer climes (for the wealthy who can afford second estates in the south) or indoors to wait out the worst of the season with their domesticated beasts.

Baronies and Regions

Along the periphery of the Barony of Daggerford are seven nominally independent baronies, all of which can trace their investiture back to the Realm of Three Crowns, the Kingdom of Man, or the splinter kingdoms that arose in the wake of Delimbiyran’s collapse. Individual barons may claim additional titles (e.g. several claim the title of King of Man), but most are commonly accorded the rank of baron and collectively known the Shining Barons.

Although nominally independent, none of the Shining Baronies are strong enough to survive without maintaining a strong defensive and trading alliance with the Duke of Daggerford, with the possible exception of Delantar and Floshin Estates. Such ties were further strengthened during the Dragonspear War, when soldiers in the employ of the various Shining Barons formed companies under the banner of the Duke of Daggerford. The Shining Barons and the Duke of Daggerford collectively make up the Council of Man, a forum for adjudicating disputes between realms and acting with common purpose against foes of the Lawkeeper races. Although the Duke of Daggerford or any of the Shining Barons may call for a convening of the Council of Man, the Duke of Daggerford traditionally chairs all such councils.

Most of the Shining Barons command little more than a crumbling keep and a handful of hamlets. While they are accorded some measure of respect in the Lower Delimbiyr Vale, their titles would get them little more than spit in their drink in most taverns in the City of Splendors. The baron-in-waiting of Vaelendaer now commands the soldiers defending on the Way Inn on behalf of the Lords’ Alliance.

Barony Lands Seat Family Lord Heir Colors Symbol Motto Population

The Clearflow Plains

Daggerford Town (once Delimbiyran) Daggerford Castle

HG Pwyll Daggerford

HrL Bronwyn Daggerford

Silver and Crimson on Blue

Bloody Dagger on a Deep Blue Field

"By Grace Impassable"

6,230 (summmer), 3,456 (winter)


The Lizard Marsh

Cromm's Hold Cromm's Hold

HL Cromm Redhand

HL Petyr Redhand

Red on Gray

Red Dragon Rampant

"We Stand"



Ardeep Vale

Selton Seacrag

HL Targarth Longhorn

HL Emmail Longhorn

Gold on Blue

Gold Longship

"Vision Exceeding"


Floshin Estates


Elvenhold House of Long Silences

HL Elorfindar Floshin

HL Darfin “Longwalker” Floshin

White on Cornflower Blue

White Arch

"By Song and Memory"



Bloody Reach

Bloodhome Bloodgate Keep

HK Indigar Loravatha

Gammon Loravatha

Black on Red

Black Gate

"Unbowed, Unbroken"



The Athwater

Julkoun Evergreen House

HL Agwain Delantar

HrL Sindryl Delantar

Gold on Green

Gold Unicorn




The Sword Vale

Starnaer Liam's Hold

HrL Taera Shimmerstar

HL Illyn Shimmerstar

Silver on Blue


"Hearthfires Welcome"



The Haglands (formerly Dragonfields)

Hardoon (abandoned) Moorgard Keep (ruin)

HL Nanthar Harcourt

HG Pwyll Daggerford

Black on Copper

Black Spear

"Vigilance and Strength"

180 (scattered)

  • HG - His Grace, HrG - Her Grace, HL - His Lordship, HrL - Her Ladyship, HK - High Knight

Realm Breakdown

Province Law Temple Guild Source
Daggerford (3/4)

PD (1), CoG (2)

Ch (2), La (1)

CG (2), TU (1)

DO (2), GD (2)

Tavboryn (2/6)

PD (1), CR (1), Ta (0)

He (2), Ta (0)

CR (2)

RE (5), Ta (1)

Ardeepsward (2/5)

PD (1), TL (1), CoS (0)

La (2)

TL (2)

Aristophaxis (4), EF (1)

Floshin Estates (1/9)

EF (1)

Seh (1)

EF (1)

EF (4), Ardeep (5)

Loravatha (2/3)

PD (1), IL (1)

La (1), Mo (1)

IL (1), DI (1)

DO (1), KI (1), Yb (1)

Delantar (2/5)

AD (2), PD (0)

Ch (2)

AD (1), TU (1)

Me (4), Ath (1)

Starnaer (2/3)

TS (1), PD (1)

Ch (1), La (1)

TS (1), TU (1)

DO (2), GD (1)

Vaelendaer (1/7)

NH (1), BQ (0)

Au (0)

Dauravyn Redbeard (1)

The Circle (5), SK (2)

  • PD - Pwyll Daggerford, CoG - Council of Guilds, CR - Cromm Redhand, TL - Targarth Longhorn, IL - Indigar Loravtha, EF - Elorfindar Floshin, AD - Agwain Delantar, TS - Taera Shimmerstar, NH - Nanthar Harcourt, BQ - Banshee Queen, TU - Tarn Urmbrusk, DO - Delfin Ondabar, GD - Gwydion pen Dafwyd, Ch - Chauntea, La - Lathander, He - Helm, Ta - Talos, Mo - Morndinsamman, Seh - Sehanine, Au - Auril
Province Population Terrain Pr/So Max Pr/So Ruler


Plains (River)



HG Pwyll Daggerford



Swamp (River)



HL Cromm Redhand



Forest (Coastal/River)



HL Targarth Longhorn

Floshin Estates


Forest (elven)



HL Elorfindar Floshin






HK Indigar Loravatha



Plains (River)



HL Agwain Delantar






HrL Taera Shimmerstar



Swamp (Cursed)



HL Nanthar Harcourt


During the era of Delimbiyran, the Daggerford region was known as the Duchy of Calandor, and encompassed the rich heartlands of the Kingdom of Man.

In the Year of the Triton’s Horn (697 DR), worshipers of Shar rioted throughout the Sword Coast as the machinations of Lalondra, the Dark Mother, sweep away the power of the Dark Goddess clergy overnight. King Davyd of the Kingdom of Man died in the tumult without an heir, and several kingdoms—including Calandor, Scathril, and Loravatha—broke away. The royal seat of Delimibiyran retained its independence, but was closely allied with the duchy of Calandor, which encircled it.

In the Year of the Clutching Death (702 DR), orc raiders from the High Forest inflicted heavy losses on the splinter kingdoms of Delimbiyran that were formerly part of the Kingdom of Man. Many of these lesser realms were destroyed before the armies of the Duke of Calandor finally defeated the orcs.

In the Year of Doom (714 DR), during the Battle of Two Gates’ Fall in the Weeping War, the city of Delimbiyran and much of the lower Delimbiyr Vale were devastated by a magical explosion resulting from the destruction of the Warrior’s Gate—a portal in Myth Drannor. Many of Delimbiyran’s remaining splinter kingdoms began to sink into decline. Although the duke of Calendor claimed Delimbiyran as his ducal seat and promised to rebuild, this also began a precipitous decline in the fortunes of the Duchy of Calandor that have never been reversed.

In the Year of the Curse (882 DR), moon elf refugees from Eaerlann resettled Ardeep and rebuilt the realm. A brief alliance with the humans dwelling along the Delimbiyr, including the Duchy of Calandor, and the dwarves of Dardath foundered because of lingering suspicions about the role of humans in the fall of Ascalhorn. Like Phalorm, this alliance was dubbed the Fallen Kingdom, much to the confusion of later historians.

In the Year of the Hurled Axe (928 DR), the reigning duke of Calandor attempted to reestablish the Kingdom of Man and have himself crowned King of Delimbiyran, but his efforts were undermined by the unwillingness of the surrounding realms to bend to his rule. One small benefit of this effort was the establishment of the Council of Man, a deliberative body composed of the local noble rulers and chaired by the Duke of Calandor to address and resolve disputes amongst the lordlings of the lower Delimbiyr Vale.

In the Year of the Penitent Rogue (931 DR), a wagon master from Baldur’s Gate sent his son, named Tyndal, ahead of the family wagon one evening to locate a safe passage across the River Delimbiyr. The boy, named Tyndal located the ford, but was surprised and attacked by a party of lizardfolk. The lad slew six of the creatures with his only weapon, a dagger, and held off the rest until reinforcements from the merchant caravan arrived.

Unbeknownst to his father, Tyndal discovered a king’s tear, depicting Morlin Castle at its height, and a sack of ancient coins in a sack carried by the leader of the lizardfolk, suggesting they were returning from an expedition into the ruins. After the caravan reached Waterdeep, Tyndal returned to explore the ruins with some of his companions. After repeated forays into the ruins, Tyndal emerged a rich man and a hero among the people. With his newfound wealth, he quickly came to own large swaths of land and numerous caravan companies in Calandor.

By the Year of the Foolish Bridegroom (945 DR), Tyndal, who adopted the surname “Daggerford,” sought and received permission to marry the aging duke of Calandor’s only child and heir, Eleesa, leaving him well positioned to control the ducal throne when tragedy struck two years later.

In the Year of the Advancing Wind (947 DR), the realm of Calandor was ravaged by the battle between the silver dragon Teskulladar “Manytalons” and the white dragon Cortulorrulagalargath. In his death throes, the great white wyrm fell from the sky onto the remnants of Delimbiyran, slaying the reigning duke of Calandor and his retinue. Tyndal, his son-in-law, was proclaimed duke and relocated the ducal seat to the baronial seat of the old Barony of the Steeping Falls. Construction of Daggerford Castle atop the ruined remnants of Morlin Castle began immediately.

In the Year of the Black Horde (1235 DR), much of the town and Castle Daggerford were burned to the crown during a prolonged siege by an army of orcs. After this attack, the duke’s subjects began building their shops and homes outside the castle proper, closer to the River Delimbiyr. A berm was required to separate the spreading town from the frequent spring floods, which in time led to a wall that encircled both town and castle.

The modern era has seen three dukes of Daggerford. Duke Conan Daggerford assumed the ducal throne in the Year of Thunder (1306 DR), several years after his marriage to Lady Sonja Loravatha, daughter of the reigning high knight of Loravtha at that time. In the Year of the Mace (1307 DR), shortly after his ascension to the ducal throne, Duke Conan granted the town of Daggerford its own charter, which his heirs have not seen fit to withdraw.

The union of Duke Conan and Duchess Sonja produced one son, Pryden Daggerford, in the Year of the Starfall (1300 DR). Unbeknownst to all, Duke Conan was secretly in love with Della Longhand, a commoner, who bore him an illegitimate son, Llewellyn Longhand, in the Year of the Griffon (1312 DR).

Duke Conan’s legitimate son, then known as Lord Pryden Daggerford, married Lady Analinda Talmost of Waterdeep, who bore him three heirs: Merovy Daggerford (1326 DR), Bronwyn Daggerford (1328 DR), and Pwyll Daggerford (1332 DR). Duke Conan died in the Year of the Lion (1340 DR), and Duke Pryden Daggerford acceded to the ducal throne.

Duke Pryden’s reign was marked by tragedy. His wife, Duchess Analinda, died of a wasting sickness in the Year of the Bloodbird (1346 DR). His eldest son and heir, Lord Merovy, died adventuring along the Unicorn Run in the Year of the Bow (1354 DR). The duke himself died in battle during the Dragonspear War in the Year of the Worm (1356 DR), leaving his youngest son to ascend the ducal throne on the field of battle.

The Dragonspear War (1356 DR) devastated the local economy, cutting off all trade from the south and leaving Daggerford on the front lines of a diabolic invasion. Fortunately the main fighting did not reach as far north as River Delimbiyr, allowing the duchy to begin recovering relatively quickly.


Official Government

The region around Daggerford is ruled by a duke whose authority dates back to an ancient kingdom that is all but forgotten in the present era. The first duke was granted a fief bordered by the Lizard Marsh and the Misty Forest and running south as far as Dragonspear Castle, and the current duke theoretically retains command over that whole region, but in practice the dukes of Daggerford don’t have soldiers to spare to patrol such a large area, so they traditionally worry about the High Road, the ford, and the town itself.

De Facto Government

The town of Daggerford is an outgrowth of the ducal castle, but it has its own charter allowing a Council of Guilds to run the town’s day-to-day affairs. Imitating the masked Lords of Waterdeep, the council members wear masks and shroud themselves in robes to hide their identities at council meetings, but everyone in Daggerford knows who the council members are. The council consists of the heads of the town’s loose, informal trade guilds: the Smiths’ Guild, the Merchants’ Guild, the Tanners’ Guild, the Farmers’ Guild, the Watermen’s Guild, the Rivermen’s Guild, the Taverners’ Guild, and a handful of others. In addition, the head of the militia, the duke’s master-at-arms, and the chief priests of the town’s three largest temples (dedicated to Chauntea, Lathander, and Tymora) also sit on the council.

Lords of the Realm

Together, the Shining Barons and the Duke of Daggerford make up the Council of Man, an ancient compact that governs the general muster of the duchy's levies and issues of great import to the region. There are no set meetings of the Council of Man, they are called on an ad hoc basis in times of need. Though technically any of the barons can can muster a meeting of the Council, by tradition only the sitting Duke of Daggerford has ever issued a summons to meeting.

Life and Culture

The Duchy of Daggerford now is a bustling if mostly poor (by Whaterdhavian standards) region dominated by river and caravan trade. For a small town, the city of Daggerford is surprisingly metropolitan, with a huge influx of temporary residents that sweep in with the caravans and river barges each spring and summer and then flow back outward with the last harvest festival. These foreign merchants and transients bring with them exotic customs and trade goods that add a curious level of sophistication for a frontier town.

Additionally, the duchy is heavily influenced by the presence of (relatively) recent and stable non-human peers and neighbors, including the powerful and ancient gold and moon elves of the Floshin Estates, the stalwart refugee shield dwarves of the Ironeater clan, the scattered rock gnomes of the legendary under city of Dolblunde, and the extensive clans of halfling farmer families that dot the Shining Vale. By tradition, the collective assembly of humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes of the region are referred to as the Lawkeeper races, for reasons that have mostly disappeared into history.

Prominent among the cultural touchstones of the region is a strong belief in, and fear of, the dangers of the many ancient ruins that dot the land. In many cases, these fears are well founded. The ruined keeps, dolmens, barrows, crypts, and dungeons of the Fallen Lands are legion, and many provide the perfect lair for everything from the ancient dead to wandering raiding parties of orcs or goblins from the High Moor. This wariness does not often translate to wandering adventuring companies, however, who often use the duchy as a convenient launching point for their exploration of the North.

Daggerford Armed Forces

The Duchy of Daggerford is a relatively small realm and its armed forces are not large in number. All members of the lawkeeper races must be ready to defend their homes and lives.

The defense of the duchy is ultimately the job of the duke of Daggerford, Duke Pwyll Daggerford, although that duty is traditionally delegated to the duke’s master-at-arms, Lord Llewellyn Longhand. The duke’s master-at-arms directly controls the duke’s soldiers, who are primarily based at Castle Daggerford, but also posted in hamlets throughout the duchy.

By agreement with the duke, the town of Daggerord maintains its own militia, trained by Duke Pwyll’s soldiers. Commander Sherlen Spearslayer leads the Daggerford Militia. The commander reports to the duke’s master-at-arms and is served by three captains, each of whom commands one of three 8-hour shifts: the morning shift, the evening shift, or the night shift.

Law-and-order within the town is the purview of the duke’s lawsword, who, despite the traditional title, reports to the Council of Guilds. Duke’s Lawsword Rauthgar Thundersworn is served by a half dozen lesser lawswords, who split their time between patrolling the town streets, visiting the town’s taverns, and patrolling the caravan grounds outside the walls. Any one of the lawswords can call on active militia members to back them up in a dangerous situation.

While the City of Splendors does not formally base troops in Daggerford, the Lords of Waterdeep do dispatch regular patrols of Waterdeep’s soldiers down to Daggerford and back. Such patrols are usually timed so that there is always a patrol of Waterdhavian soldiers spending the night at the town’s barracks.

Daggerford Militia

All able-bodied, adult residents of Daggerford are required to be members of the militia. Even transients of the right age find themselves either training with the militia or asked to leave the town. If a person stays longer than two weeks, a militia soldier shows up at his residence to induct him. Of course, the person can try to evade this duty, but in a town the size of Daggerford, this is difficult. Anyone can avoid the duty by paying the expenses of another militiaman, but most residents would rather spend the time than the money. Those living in outlying areas are also expected to have militia training and duty. This is mainly accomplished by local musters, usually at the estate of a local baron or the common of a hamlet under the training of the duke’s soldiers.

In a practical sense, this means that most inhabitants of the duchy are 1st level warriors, not 1st level commoners, although all classes and skills are welcome. New militia recruits are taught to ride and to use a spear. Each militiaman is given one spear and one suit of studded leather armor. If the armor is ruined in any way, the militiaman must replace it. Spears are replaced free. All militia equipment, aside from spears and armor, must be supplied by the militia member. The militia has the use of light warhorses owned by the town and kept in the town stables. The town must be repaid for the loss of a horse, either with money or with extra militia service. Any militia member who can afford such weapons as maces and swords is trained in their use by the duke’s master-at-arms, Lord Llewellyn Longhand. The duke’s master-at-arms also provides advanced training in swords and riding to the minor nobility. The duke’s huntmaster, Kelson Darktreader, gives instruction in bows and other hunting weapons to those with talent.

Militia duty is actually quite light, except in times of trouble. Militia members must show up for training at least one day per month. The militia is split up into various troops, and these troops meet on different days. Militia troops must serve three days out of the month, serving as in-town street patrol, wall guard, or road patrol (along the Delimbiyr Route or the Trade Way). Usually, at least two veteran militia members are on duty on any given day, while the new militia members train and help the veterans.

Militia members who participate in combat or other hazardous missions are entitled to split any loot they obtain among them. The town is entitled to buy any magic items deemed necessary for the well-being of the town.

Militia members who die in the line of duty will be raised if possible, but there is only one priest in Daggerford with this ability. Veteran militia members have priority for being raised.

The main problem the militia has is hanging on to its veteran members. If they gain any significant expertise, the militia’s best swords are hired away by caravan masters, go off to the mercenary hiring fairs in Waterdeep, or try their hands at adventuring.

  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • "Nikki" Nightswallow
  • "Nikki"
  • (BDH1-1)
  • (BDH1-1a)
  • (BDH1-2)
  • (BDH1-3)
  • (BDH1-4)
  • (DM) Artifacts to Think About
  • (DM) Spellbound, Story Arc "Z"
  • (WOT1-1)
  • (WOT1-2)
  • 100 Clear Nights
  • 2COT47_48
  • A Brief History of Cormyr
  • A Glorious Dawn Awaits (2COT41)
  • A Grueling Ordeal
  • A Guide To The very best South Bay summer camp
  • A Maiden’s Tears
  • A Marid's Flagon
  • A Time For Discovery (Coming of Twilight, S2)
  • A Time for Discovery (2COT)
  • A Timeline of Recent Events
  • A'sha the Darkdreamer
  • A. Simon Caswell
  • A. Simon Vail
  • AV-85 Watcher
  • AV-88 Overseer
  • Aasimar (Creature)
  • Abigail Margaret Winthrop
  • Ability Focus (Feat)
  • Aboleth (Creature)
  • Aboleth Mage (Creature)
  • Aboleth, Psionic (Creature)
  • Abomination (Epic Creature)
  • Acacia of the Yuirwood
  • Achaierai (Creature)
  • Acid Arrow (Spell)
  • Acid Fog (Spell)
  • Acid Splash (Spell)
  • Acid Storm
  • Acrobatic (Feat)
  • Adamantine Golem (Epic Creature)
  • Adamantine
  • Adamas Thrul
  • Adamas
  • Adarbrent Vill
  • Adarbrent Villa
  • Additional Magic Item Space (Epic Feat)
  • Adlel Sabban
  • Adrian Deepwinter
  • Adrian Tepes
  • Adventurer's Quarter
  • Aecris
  • Aemhan yi Shabalyn
  • Agile (Feat)
  • Aglarel Tanthul
  • Aglarond
  • Agundar Villa
  • Ahghairon's Statue
  • Ahghairon’s Tower
  • Aid (Spell)
  • Ailion Mellontuare
  • Air Elemental (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Air Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Air Mephit (Creature)
  • Air Walk (Spell)
  • Ajvent Sabban
  • Aktorral Sabban
  • Alaera Felys Skyfire
  • Alamber Sea
  • Alaor (Tharch)
  • Alaor
  • Alarm (Spell)
  • Alassra Silverhand
  • Alaundo
  • Aldrick
  • Aleric Argentsworn
  • Aleric the Argentsworn
  • Alerion Flameborn
  • Alertness (Feat)
  • Alexander Templeton
  • Alexandra Dragonsbane
  • Alexei Ismailov
  • Algharabadah
  • Alice Young
  • Alice
  • Align Weapon (Spell)
  • Aligned Attack (Feat)
  • Alimarif
  • Alisannara Morcane
  • Alisha Killendare
  • Allies
  • Allip (Creature)
  • Alter Self (Spell)
  • Altumbel
  • Alusair Nacacia Obarskyr
  • Alusair Nacacia
  • Alustriel Silverhand
  • Alustriel
  • Aluvauna Thornym
  • Alvaerele Tasundrym
  • Alzhedo
  • Amalia Barov
  • Amalia Icewhisper
  • Amaratha
  • Amcathra Villa
  • Amhir
  • Amlak
  • Amlakkar
  • Amlakkhan Badjit
  • Amlakkhan Edijo
  • Amlakkhan Jaleh
  • Amlakkhan Minqa
  • Amlakkhan Taorahl
  • Amlakkhan
  • Amlakkhar
  • Amlaruil Moonflower
  • Amlaruil
  • Ammakyl Villa
  • Ammathair Hawkfeather’s residence
  • Amon-lhost
  • Amrani’s Laundry
  • Amruthar
  • Amulet of Affinity
  • Amyran Sabban
  • Anadia (astrological symbol)
  • Analyze Dweomer (Spell)
  • Anastasia I of Thay
  • Anastasia Scrubs
  • Anazebel
  • And Providence Their Guide (2COT22)
  • Andrew MacLaren
  • Andros Calaudra
  • Androsphinx (Creature)
  • Angel (Creature)
  • Angelique Marie Del'eaux
  • Ani
  • Animal (Creature)
  • Animal Affinity (Feat)
  • Animal Companion (Special Ability) (Midnight)
  • Animal Growth (Spell)
  • Animal Messenger (Spell)
  • Animal Shapes (Spell)
  • Animal Trance (Spell)
  • Animate Dead (Spell)
  • Animate Object (Spell)
  • Animate Objects (Spell)
  • Animate Plants (Spell)
  • Animate Rope (Spell)
  • Animated Object (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Colossal (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Gargantuan (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Huge (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Large (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Medium (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Small (Creature)
  • Animated Object, Tiny (Creature)
  • Animorph (Spell)
  • Ankheg (Creature)
  • Ankhisis
  • Annasbelli
  • Annis (Creature)
  • Annuv
  • Ant, Giant (Creature)
  • Ant, Giant Queen (Creature)
  • Ant, Giant Soldier (Creature)
  • Ant, Giant Worker (Creature)
  • Anteos Villa
  • Antilife Shell (Spell)
  • Antimagic Field (Spell)
  • Antipathy (Spell)
  • Antiplant Shell (Spell)
  • Antipsionic Magic (Feat)
  • Ape (Creature)
  • Ape, Dire (Creature)
  • Appraise (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Appraise (Skill)
  • Appraise
  • Apprentice Keymaster (Prestige Class)
  • Aquas and Azures
  • Arabel
  • Aramhadras Nordharil
  • Aran Moonflower
  • Aran
  • Arandur
  • Aranea (Creature)
  • Aratabarh
  • Arcane Devotee (Prestige Class)
  • Arcane Eye (Spell)
  • Arcane Lock (Spell)
  • Arcane Mark (Spell)
  • Arcane Sight (Spell)
  • Arcane Sight, Greater (Spell)
  • Arch Wood
  • Archendale
  • Archetypes (Earth)
  • Archived Session Logs - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Archmage (Prestige Class)
  • Archmage
  • Archon (Creature)
  • Arctic Dwarf
  • Ardeep Forest
  • Ardeep
  • Ardeepsward
  • Ardyn Flameborn
  • Arellon Mistdancer
  • Arellon
  • Argens Bruil
  • Arken Gorge
  • Arkhen Falls
  • Arkhen Vale
  • Armada Ward
  • Armor Class (Rules)
  • Armor Proficiency (Heavy) (Feat)
  • Armor Proficiency (Light) (Feat)
  • Armor Proficiency (Medium) (Feat)
  • Armor Skin (Epic Feat)
  • Arn Kuldar
  • Arrabar
  • Arrowhawk (Creature)
  • Arrowhawk, Adult (Creature)
  • Arrowhawk, Elder (Creature)
  • Arrowhawk, Juvenile (Creature)
  • Artemel Villa
  • Arthindol the Terraseer
  • Arthur Simons
  • Artificer (Class)
  • Artume Miritar
  • Arturo DeNada
  • Arun's Alley
  • Arutha von Doin-Heltharn
  • Ashanath
  • Ashella Milsimmar
  • Ashenwood
  • Asimov
  • Asiyra Boldwinter
  • Askar
  • Asleep (M&M3)
  • Asmagh's Alley
  • Aspect of Tiamat
  • Assassin (Prestige Class)
  • Assassin Spell List
  • Assassin Vine (Creature)
  • Assassin
  • Assumbar Villa
  • Astaré Sabban
  • Astaré Sabban
  • Astraea
  • Astral Construct (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 1st-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 2nd-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 3rd-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 4th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 5th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 6th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 7th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 8th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Construct, 9th-Level (Creature)
  • Astral Deva (Creature)
  • Astral Projection (Spell)
  • Astrology in the Realms
  • Atashban
  • Athach (Creature)
  • Athalantar
  • Athal’s Stables
  • Athletic (Feat)
  • Atkiss Alley
  • Atonement (Spell)
  • Atropal (Epic Creature)
  • Augathra the Mad
  • Augmented Alchemy (Epic Feat)
  • Augury (Spell)
  • Aumvor the Undying
  • Aurensahldah
  • Auret
  • Aurora Phaundal
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, High Road Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Singing Dolphin Catalog Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Slut Street Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, South High Road Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Street of Tusks Catalogue Counter
  • Aurora’s Realms Shop, Waterdeep Way Catalogue Counter
  • Autharch
  • Autharchs
  • Autohypnosis (Skill)
  • Autohypnosis
  • Autonomous (Feat)
  • Avoral (Creature)
  • Awaken (Spell)
  • Axash Sabban
  • Azer (Creature)
  • Azhir Kren
  • Aznar Thrul
  • Azoun IV Obarskyr
  • Azoun IV
  • Azureedge
  • Azuth’s Mug
  • Azzrik
  • BDC 2-1
  • BDC XP
  • BDC1-1
  • BDC1-2
  • BDH1-1
  • BDH1-2
  • BDH1-3
  • BDH1-4
  • BDH2-1
  • BGE Reward Log
  • BGE Rulings
  • BGE1-1
  • BGE1-2
  • BGE1-3
  • BGE1-4
  • BGE1-5b Rewards
  • Babau (Creature)
  • Baboon (Creature)
  • Badger (Creature)
  • Badger, Dire (Creature)
  • Bahil-Bakadah
  • Bail Organa
  • Bail Prestor Organa
  • Bajhit Sabban
  • Bajit Drudach
  • Bakal Sabban
  • Bakkal Sabban
  • Balak
  • Balance (Skill)
  • Balance
  • Baleful Polymorph (Spell)
  • Balor (Creature)
  • Balthazar
  • Balthorr'’s Rare and Wonderful Treasures
  • Balthorr’s Rare & Wondrous Treasures
  • Bane (Spell)
  • Bane (Weapon Enhancement)
  • Bane of Enemies (Epic Feat)
  • Banishment (Spell)
  • Barbarian (Class)
  • Barbarian (Midnight) (Class)
  • Barbarian
  • Barbazu (Creature)
  • Barbed Devil (Creature)
  • Bard (Class)
  • Bard Spell List
  • Bard
  • Barghest (Creature)
  • Barghest, Greater (Creature)
  • Barkskin (Spell)
  • Barl Shardrin
  • Barony of Floshin Estates
  • Barony of Starnaer
  • Barony of Steeping Falls
  • Barony of Tavboryn
  • Barony of Vaelendaer
  • Barony of the Steeping Falls
  • Barovia
  • Barrdo Harrfoot
  • Base Attack Bonus Template Test
  • Basilisk (Creature)
  • Basilisk, Abyssal Greater (Creature)
  • Bat (Creature)
  • Bat Swarm (Creature)
  • Bat, Dire (Creature)
  • Battledale Campaign
  • Battledale
  • Bayal Dethirinn (DM)
  • Bayal Dethirinn
  • Bazaar
  • Bear's Endurance (Spell)
  • Bear's Endurance, Mass (Spell)
  • Bear, Black (Creature)
  • Bear, Brown (Creature)
  • Bear, Dire (Creature)
  • Bear, Legendary (Creature)
  • Bear, Polar (Creature)
  • Bearded Devil (Creature)
  • Bebilith (Creature)
  • Bee, Giant (Creature)
  • Beetle, Devastationi (Epic Creature)
  • Beetle, Giant Bombardier (Creature)
  • Beetle, Giant Fire (Creature)
  • Beetle, Giant Stag (Creature)
  • Beguiler (Class)
  • Beguiler (Variant)
  • Beguiler Spell List
  • Behir (Creature)
  • Belabranta Villa
  • Beljuril
  • Belker (Creature)
  • Bell Tower
  • Belmonder’s Meats
  • Ben's Character
  • Best Harps Hall
  • Bestow Curse (Spell)
  • Beyond Good and Evil
  • Bezantur
  • Bezekira (Creature)
  • Bhaluin
  • Big Damn Coleheads
  • Big Damn Heroes
  • Binding (Spell)
  • Bison (Creature)
  • Black Dog Alley
  • Black Flame Menace
  • Black Flame Zealots
  • Black Opal
  • Black Pudding (Creature)
  • Black Pudding, Elder (Creature)
  • Black Sapphire
  • Black Tentacles (Spell)
  • Black Wagon Alley
  • Black Well Court
  • Blackguard Spell List
  • Blacklight (Spell)
  • Blacklock Alley
  • Blackstaff Tower
  • Blackstone House
  • Blackthorn Alley
  • Blade Barrier (Spell)
  • Bladebane (Spell)
  • Bladebound
  • Bladed Gauntlet
  • Bladesemmer Villa
  • Blasingdell
  • Blasingmark
  • Blaskin
  • Blasphemy (Spell)
  • Bless (Spell)
  • Bless Water (Spell)
  • Bless Weapon (Spell)
  • Blessing of Renewal, Greater
  • Blessing of Renewal
  • Blight (Spell)
  • Blightlords
  • Blind (M&M3)
  • Blind-Fight (Feat)
  • Blinding Speed (Epic Feat)
  • Blindness_Deafness (Spell)
  • Blindsight, 5-ft. Radius (Feat)
  • Blink (Spell)
  • Blink Dog (Creature)
  • Bloodhorn
  • Blue (Creature)
  • Blue Scaled Boots
  • Blueshine
  • Bluff (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Bluff (Skill)
  • Bluff
  • Blur (Spell)
  • Blushing Nymph
  • Boar (Creature)
  • Boar, Dire (Creature)
  • Bodak (Creature)
  • Body Fuel (Feat)
  • Bone Devil (Creature)
  • Boots of the Icewall
  • Borril con Doin con Heltharn
  • Borril von Doin-Heltharn
  • Bound (M&M3)
  • Bowryll ap Dain
  • Bracers of Mighty Striking
  • Brachyurus (Epic Creature)
  • Brain Mole (Creature)
  • Brain Spider (Spell)
  • Bralani (Creature)
  • Break Enchantment (Spell)
  • Brendan Hurst
  • Brennus Tanthul
  • Brentwood summer camp - Are They Really Good for your Children?
  • Brian the Swordmaster
  • Briar Rose of Arabel
  • Briar Rose of Sune
  • Briar Rose
  • Bridget Cathleen O'Barry
  • Brilliant Aura (Spell)
  • Brilliant Blade (Spell)
  • Brindul Alley
  • Bring on the Wonder (COT3-1e)
  • Bristar
  • Brokengulf Villa
  • Bronwyn Caradoon
  • Brossfeather Villa
  • Bryonna of Viktal
  • Bryonna van Houser
  • Bryonna von Hauser
  • Buchanans
  • Buckle Alley
  • Buckleswashers
  • Bugbear (Creature)
  • Builders’ Hall
  • Bulette (Creature)
  • Bull's Strength (Spell)
  • Bull's Strength, Mass (Spell)
  • Bungobar Talltankard
  • Bungobar
  • Burax Dragonspawn
  • Burning Hands (Spell)
  • CGP
  • Caaledar
  • Cache of magic blades
  • Cache of the Bestiary
  • Caedermon's Walk
  • Caernarfon
  • Cafe Cormyrean
  • Caitlin Treeshield
  • Caius Alexander Black
  • Cajaan Sabban
  • Caladorn Cassalanter’s residence
  • Calandor
  • Caleb March
  • Caleph Arcane
  • Caleph
  • Calimar Arkhenneld
  • Calimport Below
  • Calimport
  • Calimshan
  • Call Lightning (Spell)
  • Call Lightning Storm (Spell)
  • Caller In Darkness (Creature)
  • Calm Animals (Spell)
  • Calm Emotions (Spell)
  • Camel (Creature)
  • Camille Dilisnya
  • Campaigns
  • Candle Lane
  • Capridah
  • Caransil
  • Caravan Court
  • Caravan Ward
  • Caravaneer
  • Caravans Ward
  • Carberg
  • Carline von Doin-Heltharn
  • Carmine Dilisnya
  • Carmine Fortunato
  • Carthax Nayusiyim
  • Casajr Sabban
  • Cassalanter Villa
  • Casters' Claim
  • Castle Barovia
  • Castle Ward
  • Castle Waterdeep
  • Cat (Creature)
  • Cat Alley
  • Cat's Grace (Spell)
  • Cat's Grace, Mass (Spell)
  • Catchthief Alley
  • Category talk:Creature
  • Category:Class
  • Category:Cleric Spells by Category
  • Category:Cleric Spells by Level
  • Category:Cleric Spells
  • Category:Creature
  • Category:Indices
  • Category:Skills by Attribute
  • Cathalishaera
  • Cause Fear (Spell)
  • Caylix
  • Celestial Ascendant
  • Celestial Charger (Creature)
  • Celestial Creature (Creature Template)
  • Celestial Staff
  • Cemberyl Stables
  • Centaur (Creature)
  • Centipede Swarm (Creature)
  • Centipede, Colossal Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Devastation (Epic Creature)
  • Centipede, Gargantuan Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Huge Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Large Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Medium Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Small Monstrous (Creature)
  • Centipede, Tiny Monstrous (Creature)
  • Cerebrilith (Creature)
  • Ceresia Lacedaemona
  • Chain Devil (Creature)
  • Chain Lightning (Spell)
  • Chandos (astrological symbol)
  • Change Shape (Special Ability)
  • Changestaff (Spell)
  • Channeler (Class)
  • Channeler (Midnight) (Class)
  • Chaos Beast (Creature)
  • Chaos Hammer (Spell)
  • Character Wealth
  • Charm (Midnight)
  • Charm Animal (Spell)
  • Charm Monster (Spell)
  • Charm Monster, Mass (Spell)
  • Charm Person (Spell)
  • Charm Repair (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Charter
  • Chathaodah
  • Chawal
  • Chedlara's Kisses
  • Cheetah (Creature)
  • Chelor's Alley
  • Chelor’'s Alley
  • Ches
  • Cheslav Voltinic
  • Chester
  • Chicago
  • Chichimec (Epic Creature)
  • Chill Metal (Spell)
  • Chill Touch (Spell)
  • Chimera (Creature)
  • Choker (Creature)
  • Chondath
  • Chosen of Eilistraee (Prestige Class)
  • Chosen of Mystra
  • Chosen of Talos
  • Christian Theodericson
  • Church of Gond (Waterdeep)
  • Church of Gond in Waterdeep
  • Church of the Lords Assembled
  • Church
  • Chuul (Creature)
  • Circle Magic
  • Circle of Death (Spell)
  • Cirdan
  • Citadel Rashemar
  • Citadel Thay
  • Citadel of the Arrow
  • City Districts
  • City Gates of Waterdeep
  • City of Glory
  • City of the Dead
  • Clairaudience_Clairvoyance (Spell)
  • Clariburnus Tanthul
  • Class Chart Test
  • Classes (House Rules)
  • Classes
  • Claudia Simons
  • Clay Golem (Creature)
  • Clenched Fist (Spell)
  • Cleric (Class)
  • Cleric Domains, Forgotten Realms
  • Cleric Domains, SRD
  • Cleric Domains
  • Cleric Spell List (alternate)
  • Cleric Spell List
  • Cleric
  • Cliffs of Leaping Horses
  • Cliffwatch Ruins
  • Climate of Cormyr
  • Climb (Skill)
  • Climb
  • Clíodhna
  • Cloak of Chaos (Spell)
  • Cloak of Resistance (Magic Item)
  • Cloak of Resistance, Greater (Magic Item)
  • Cloak of Shadows
  • Cloak of the Ruby
  • Cloak of the Wraithguard
  • Cloaker (Creature)
  • Cloaksweep Alley
  • Clockwork Golem
  • Clone (Spell)
  • Cloud Giant (Creature)
  • Cloudkill (Spell)
  • Clíodhna
  • Cobblers’ and Corvisers’ House
  • Cockatrice (Creature)
  • Coinage of Cormyr
  • Coinage of Impiltur
  • Cold Comfort
  • Cold Snap (Spell)
  • Cole's Character
  • Coliar (astrological symbol)
  • Color Spray (Spell)
  • Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Coming of Twilight, S2E1S1
  • Command (Spell)
  • Command Plants (Spell)
  • Command Undead (Spell)
  • Command, Greater (Spell)
  • Commonwealth City
  • Commune (Spell)
  • Commune with Nature (Spell)
  • Company of Crazed Venturers
  • Compelled (M&M3)
  • Complete List of Expanded Prestige Classes
  • Complete List of Prestige Classes of the Realms
  • Comprehend Languages (Spell)
  • Concentration (Skill)
  • Concentration
  • Condition Zero
  • Cone of Cold (Spell)
  • Confusion (Spell)
  • Confusion, Lesser (Spell)
  • Conrad Kessler
  • Consecrate (Spell)
  • Contact Other Plane (Spell)
  • Contagion (Spell)
  • Contingency (Spell)
  • Continual Flame (Spell)
  • Control Plants (Spell)
  • Control Shape (Skill)
  • Control Shape
  • Control Undead (Spell)
  • Control Water (Spell)
  • Control Weather (Spell)
  • Control Winds (Spell)
  • Controlled (M&M3)
  • Copper
  • Core Classes
  • Cormanthor
  • Cormyr Epilogue
  • Cormyr
  • Cormyrean Adventuring Charter
  • Cormyrian greatshield
  • Cornugon (Creature)
  • Costumers’ Hall
  • Couatl (Creature)
  • Couatl, Psionic (Creature)
  • Count von Durzig (TNC3-1)
  • Court of the White Bull
  • Coven
  • Craft (Skill)
  • Craft Charm (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Craft Greater Spell Talisman (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Craft Spell Talisman (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Craft
  • Craftworks
  • Cragsmere Villa
  • Create Food and Water (Spell)
  • Create Greater Undead (Spell)
  • Create Undead (Spell)
  • Create Water (Spell)
  • Creeping Doom (Spell)
  • Criosphinx (Creature)
  • Crocodile (Creature)
  • Crocodile, Giant (Creature)
  • Crommer
  • Crommor Villa
  • Crommor
  • Crommor’s Warehouse
  • Crown of Narfell
  • Crown of Shadows
  • Crushing Despair (Spell)
  • Crushing Hand (Spell)
  • Crypt Ward
  • Crysmal (Creature)
  • Cult of the Black Flame
  • Culver City summer camp for any Age
  • Cure Critical Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Cure Light Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Light Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Cure Minor Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Moderate Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Cure Serious Wounds (Spell)
  • Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Curse Water (Spell)
  • Curse of Fire, Greater
  • Curse of Fire
  • Custom Classes (Worthy Blades)
  • Custom Rules (Worthy Blades)
  • Cynndria Melshimber
  • Cyric
  • Cyril Rhodes
  • D&D Rules Update
  • Dínendal
  • DM (Dales)
  • DR
  • Dacer'’s Inn
  • Dacer’s Inn
  • Daedalus
  • Dag Zoreth
  • Dagger of Power Leech
  • Dagger of Scrivening
  • Daggerford
  • Daggertooth Pass
  • Dahyarif
  • Daily Trumpet
  • Dalelands
  • Dalereckoning
  • Dales
  • Dance Styles list
  • Dancer in Darkness
  • Danchilaer
  • Dancing Dragon Inn
  • Dancing Dragon
  • Dancing Lights (Spell)
  • Danilo Thann's residence
  • Danilo Thann
  • Danisil
  • Dar'donal
  • Dardath
  • Darehj Sabban
  • Dargiev
  • Dark Alley
  • Dark Calimport
  • Dark Dagger
  • Dark Naga (Creature)
  • Dark Sun
  • Darkbolt (Spell)
  • Darkmantle (Creature)
  • Darkness (Spell)
  • Darksteel
  • Darkvision (Spell)
  • Darkwatch
  • Date Synchronization
  • Daughter of Darkness (COT3-1)
  • Day and Night
  • Daylight (Spell)
  • Daze (Spell)
  • Daze Monster (Spell)
  • Dazed (M&M3)
  • Deaf (M&M3)
  • Death Knell (Spell)
  • Death Pact (Spell)
  • Death Ward (Spell)
  • Death Ward
  • Death of Enemies (Epic Feat)
  • Deathwatch (Spell)
  • Deathwhisper
  • Debilitated (M&M3)
  • Decipher Script (Skill)
  • Decipher Script
  • Deep Imaskar
  • Deep Slumber (Spell)
  • Deeper Darkness (Spell)
  • Deepingdale
  • Deepwater Beacon
  • Deepwater Harbor
  • Deepwinter Vault
  • Defender (Midnight) (Class)
  • Defense and Warcraft of Evermeet
  • Defenseless (M&M3)
  • Deinonychus (Creature)
  • Delantar
  • Delay Poison (Spell)
  • Delayed Blast Fireball (Spell)
  • Delhumide (Tharch)
  • Delhumide
  • Delimbiyr Vale
  • Delimbiyran
  • Delimibiyr Vale
  • Deliverance (1COT34)
  • Deloun Alley
  • Delthuntle
  • Delver (Creature)
  • Demand (Spell)
  • Demilich (Epic Creature)
  • Demon (Creature)
  • Den Dell
  • Derro (Creature)
  • Desdemona Heliakos
  • Desecrate (Spell)
  • Desert Wind Technique
  • Desert Wind
  • Destrachan (Creature)
  • Destruction (Spell)
  • Detect Animals or Plants (Spell)
  • Detect Astirax (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Detect Chaos (Spell)
  • Detect Evil (Spell)
  • Detect Good (Spell)
  • Detect Law (Spell)
  • Detect Magic (Spell)
  • Detect Poison (Spell)
  • Detect Scrying (Spell)
  • Detect Secret Doors (Spell)
  • Detect Snares and Pits (Spell)
  • Detect Thoughts (Spell)
  • Detect Undead (Spell)
  • Dethud Tanthul
  • Devastating Mounted Assault (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Devil (Creature)
  • Devil Trigger (Spell)
  • Devora Galasjbruna
  • Devourer (Creature)
  • Dezlentyr Villa
  • Dhalmass
  • Diamond
  • Dictum (Spell)
  • Diety Specific Spells
  • Digester (Creature)
  • Diloontier’s Apothecary
  • Dimension Door (Spell)
  • Dimensional Anchor (Spell)
  • Dimensional Lock (Spell)
  • Dimian Ree Banacath
  • Diminish Plants (Spell)
  • Dimon
  • Dimvel Stoutkeg
  • Dimvel
  • Dinara Mirandor
  • Dinosaur (Creature)
  • Diplomacy (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Diplomacy (Skill)
  • Diplomacy
  • Dire Animal (Creature)
  • Dire Wereboar (Creature)
  • Disable Device (Skill)
  • Disable Device
  • Disabled (M&M3)
  • Discern Lies (Spell)
  • Discern Location (Spell)
  • Discussion: Profession (astrology) or Knowledge (astrology)
  • Disguise (Skill)
  • Disguise Ally (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Disguise Self (Spell)
  • Disguise Weapon (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Disguise
  • Disintegrate (Spell)
  • Disjunction
  • Dismissal (Spell)
  • Dispel Chaos (Spell)
  • Dispel Evil (Spell)
  • Dispel Good (Spell)
  • Dispel Law (Spell)
  • Dispel Magic (Spell)
  • Dispel Magic, Greater (Spell)
  • Dispel Magic, Supreme (Spell)
  • Displacement (Spell)
  • Disrupt Undead (Spell)
  • Disrupting Weapon (Spell)
  • Divination (Spell)
  • Divine Favor (Spell)
  • Divine Fortitude (Spell)
  • Divine Power (Spell)
  • Djawal
  • Djen Arenas
  • Djenispool Sabban
  • Djinni (Creature)
  • Djinni, Noble (Creature)
  • Dlarun
  • Dmitra flass
  • DoD1-1
  • Dock Ward (Calimport)
  • Dock Ward
  • Dog (Creature)
  • Dog, Riding (Creature)
  • Doingorod
  • Dolin Greatanvil
  • Domain Only Spells
  • Dome of the Balak
  • Dominate Animal (Spell)
  • Dominate Monster (Spell)
  • Dominate Person (Spell)
  • Dominic Grosheva
  • Donkey (Creature)
  • Doom (Spell)
  • Doppelganger (Creature)
  • Dorian Adricus
  • Dornig Leiyraghon
  • Dorns
  • Dove Falconhand
  • Downybeard Tobacconist
  • Dragan Vasska
  • Dragon Edge
  • Dragon Turtle (Creature)
  • Dragon's Tooth
  • Dragon, Advanced (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Black (Creature)
  • Dragon, Blue (Creature)
  • Dragon, Brass (Creature)
  • Dragon, Bronze (Creature)
  • Dragon, Copper (Creature)
  • Dragon, Epic (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Force (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Gold (Creature)
  • Dragon, Green (Creature)
  • Dragon, Prismatic (Epic Creature)
  • Dragon, Red (Creature)
  • Dragon, Silver (Creature)
  • Dragon, True (Creature)
  • Dragon, White (Creature)
  • Dragonjaw Mountains
  • Dragonne (Creature)
  • Dragonspear Castle
  • Dragonsword Mountains
  • Drakhon Sabban
  • Dread Wraith (Creature)
  • Dream (Spell)
  • Dream Larva (Epic Creature)
  • Dretch (Creature)
  • Drider (Creature)
  • Drive it Deep (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Dromite (Creature)
  • Drow (Creature)
  • Drudach
  • Drudachs
  • Druid (Class)
  • Druid (Prestige Class) (Midnight)
  • Druid Spell List
  • Druid, Shapeshifter Variant (Class)
  • Druid
  • Druxus Rhym
  • Druzir Kemmel
  • Druzir Salim el Khufu
  • Druzir Walaf
  • Druzir Wilam el Loriln
  • Druzir and Pasha Izayad
  • Druzir and Pasha Kyel
  • Druzir and Rysal Aban el Sirsi
  • Druzir
  • Dryad (Creature)
  • Duchy of Calandor
  • Duchy of Daggerford
  • Duergar (Creature)
  • Duir's Alley
  • Duke Vortrus
  • Dun Guldur
  • Dunblast Roofing Company
  • Duncan Hinds
  • Dunn Undermountain of Dumathoin
  • Durgis Rock
  • Durinbold Villa
  • Durnan "the Wanderer"
  • Durpin Stonefire
  • Duskwood
  • Dust Mephit (Creature)
  • Dvorak Skullcrusher
  • Dwarf (Creature)
  • Dwarf (Midnight)
  • Dwarrow
  • Dwarven gates
  • Dwarven racial traits
  • Dwarves
  • Dworg
  • Dying (M&M3)
  • Dínendal
  • EVA-001
  • Eagle (Creature)
  • Eagle's Splendor (Spell)
  • Eagle's Splendor, Mass (Spell)
  • Eagle, Behemoth (Epic Creature)
  • Eagle, Giant (Creature)
  • Eagleshield Villa
  • Earth Elemental (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Earth Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Earth Mephit (Creature)
  • Earth, 2030 AD
  • Earth
  • Earthquake (Spell)
  • Eberton Hawkshill
  • Eboshi Missena
  • Ebrul Naramixna
  • Edijo Sabban
  • Edwin Cormaeril
  • Efreeti (Creature)
  • Efreeti Hellguard
  • Eichenholz
  • Eirik
  • Eirinn Alluon (DM)
  • Eirinn Alluon
  • Eirontalar Villa
  • El Ghadabaan
  • El Ghaelidah
  • El Muzaddhishadah
  • El Niral
  • El Pajabbar
  • El Sikaena
  • Elaint Marsk
  • Elaith "the Serpent" Craulnober
  • Elaith Craulnober
  • Elaith Rideire
  • Elan (Creature)
  • Elasmosaurus (Creature)
  • Eldain Lothandrien
  • Eleasis
  • Eleine Galanodiel
  • Eleint
  • Elemental (Creature)
  • Elemental Form (Spell)
  • Elemental Savant (Prestige Class)
  • Elemental Swarm (Spell)
  • Elemental Type (Creature Type)
  • Elenial's Quiver (DM)
  • Elephant (Creature)
  • Elf (Creature)
  • Elf (Midnight)
  • Elfling
  • Eli yn Estaar's Inks
  • Elizabeth Dubord
  • Elmdaerle
  • Elminster Aumar
  • Elminster
  • Elorfindar Floshin
  • Elsambul's Lane
  • Eltabbar (Tharch)
  • Eltabbar
  • Eltorchul Academy
  • Eltorchul Villa
  • Eltragir
  • Elven Sage of the Shimmering Sky
  • Elwrynn Galanodiel
  • Elwrynn
  • Emblem of Triumph
  • Embrae Aloevan
  • Emerald Dreams
  • Emerald Ward
  • Emerald
  • Emily Luclass
  • Emmech
  • Empathic Transfer, Hostile (Psionic Power)
  • Empire of Sarphil
  • Emveolstone Villa
  • Enclave Portal
  • Endure Elements (Spell)
  • Energy Drain (Spell)
  • Enervation (Spell)
  • Enhir
  • Enlarge Person (Spell)
  • Enlarge Person, Mass (Spell)
  • Enlightened Flame Zarek
  • Enlightened Flame Zorak
  • Entangle (Spell)
  • Enthrall (Spell)
  • Entranced (M&M3)
  • Entropic Shield (Spell)
  • Ephemereal Snowflake
  • Epic Feat Selection
  • Epic Monsters
  • Equipment (Midnight)
  • Eraré Sabban
  • Eraré Sabban
  • Erase (Spell)
  • Erech Forest
  • Erehnir Sabban
  • Erenlanders
  • Eric Sigurdsson
  • Erik Sigurdsson
  • Erinyes (Creature)
  • Eris Darkhope
  • Ernst Padraig
  • Errant Spades
  • Errya Eltorchul
  • Erunsil
  • Escalant
  • Escanor Tanthul
  • Escape Artist (Skill)
  • Escape Artist
  • Essimuth Lanys
  • Essimuth's Equipment
  • Essimuth’s Equipment
  • Estelmer Villa
  • Estelmer
  • Esther Marie Del'eaux
  • Estrip Rosznar
  • Etarad Sabban
  • Etheniel's Bow
  • Ethereal Filcher (Creature)
  • Ethereal Jaunt (Spell)
  • Ethereal Marauder (Creature)
  • Etherealness (Spell)
  • Etherscope
  • Ettercap (Creature)
  • Ettin (Creature)
  • Eve
  • Everbright
  • Evereska
  • Evermeet
  • Evyrtaan Sabban
  • Ewer of Healing
  • Excalibur
  • Exhausted (M&M3)
  • Exhibition Hall
  • Expeditious Retreat (Spell)
  • Experience Log - The Grey League
  • Explosive Runes (Spell)
  • Extra Gift (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Eyebite (Spell)
  • Eyesafar Hall
  • Ezzat
  • Fabricate (Spell)
  • Facing the Monster (1COT14)
  • Facing the Monster, part 2 (1COT15)
  • Faen Firewind
  • Faerie Fire (Spell)
  • Faerlthann "First King"
  • Faerzress
  • Fair Winds
  • Fairy stools
  • Faith and Courage (2COT14)
  • Faith and Courage, part 2 (2COT15)
  • Faiths Ward
  • Fallen Hills
  • Fallen Stars Fish
  • Falling Leaf
  • Falls of Erech
  • False Life (Spell)
  • False Vision (Spell)
  • Falsely Accused (TNC3-3)
  • Falthranis "Deathspeaker"
  • Fang
  • Far Whisper (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Farah bin Nysar al-miriad
  • Farida of Huzuz
  • Farisan
  • Farouq Al'Hazred
  • Faruq el'Dihar
  • Fast Healing (Creature Ability)
  • Fast Healing (Special Ability)
  • Fatigued (M&M3)
  • Favored Soul (Class)
  • Fea
  • Fear (Spell)
  • Feather Fall (Spell)
  • Feats (Midnight)
  • Feats of the Realms
  • Feats
  • Feeblemind (Spell)
  • Fellowship Hall
  • Felzoun’'s Folly
  • Felzoun’s Folly
  • Festhall of Eternal Delight
  • Fever Iron
  • Fict:A Conversation with Devora
  • Fict:Behold the Phoenix
  • Fict:Facing the Phoenix
  • Field of Triumph
  • Fiendform (Spell)
  • Fiendish Creature (Creature)
  • Fiery Transformation (Spell)
  • Fighter (Class)
  • Fighter (Midnight) (Class)
  • Fighter
  • Filfaeril Selazair
  • Final Death
  • Find Traps (Spell)
  • Find the Path (Spell)
  • Finger of Death (Spell)
  • Fire Elemental (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Fire Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Fire Giant (Creature)
  • Fire Mephit (Creature)
  • Fire Opal
  • Fire Seeds (Spell)
  • Fire Shield (Spell)
  • Fire Storm (Spell)
  • Fire Trap (Spell)
  • Fireball (Spell)
  • Firehammer Hold
  • Firestar (Spell)
  • First Escarpment
  • Fishnet Alley
  • Five Heads of Tiamat (Trap)
  • Fix Spells
  • Flame Arrow (Spell)
  • Flame Blade (Spell)
  • Flame Strike (Spell)
  • Flame of Hope
  • Flamerule
  • Flames of Fate: Codex of the Sha'ir Masters
  • Flaming Sphere (Spell)
  • Flare (Spell)
  • Flassrin
  • Flesh Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Flesh Golem (Creature)
  • Flesh to Stone (Spell)
  • Floating Disk (Spell)
  • Floshin Estates
  • Fluxing Energy Coils
  • Fly (Spell)
  • Fog Cloud (Spell)
  • Folk of Waterdeep
  • Folugub (Creature)
  • For King and Country
  • Forbiddance (Spell)
  • Force Augment
  • Forcecage (Spell)
  • Forceful Hand (Spell)
  • Foresight (Spell)
  • Forgery (Skill)
  • Forgery
  • Forgotten Realms
  • Forlorn Hills
  • Formian (Creature)
  • Formian Myrmarch (Creature)
  • Formian Queen (Creature)
  • Formian Taskmaster (Creature)
  • Formian Warrior (Creature)
  • Formian Worker (Creature)
  • Fortress of the Half-Demon
  • Four Bezels
  • Fourth Scimitar Garrison
  • Fox's Cunning (Spell)
  • Fox's Cunning, Mass (Spell)
  • Freedom (Spell)
  • Freedom of Movement (Spell)
  • Freezing Sphere (Spell)
  • Friendly Agent (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Frost Giant (Creature)
  • Frost Giant Jarl (Creature)
  • Frost Worm (Creature)
  • Full of Grace (2COT13)
  • Fun with Transclusion
  • Furlesahdah
  • Furthinghome
  • Gabriel Heltharn
  • Gabriel Renault
  • Galaghard III
  • Garandilya Malovna Septim
  • Gareth Thalemis Moonfire
  • Gargoyle (Creature)
  • Garrison Katar
  • Gaseous Form (Spell)
  • Gate (Spell)
  • Gatecrasher (Prestige Class)
  • Gather Information (Skill)
  • Gather Information
  • Gauntyl Villa
  • Gauros (Tharch)
  • Gauros
  • Geas, Lesser (Spell)
  • Geas_Quest (Spell)
  • Gelatinous Cube (Creature)
  • Gelfuril the Trader
  • Gelugon (Creature)
  • Gemini Dancer
  • Gems and Wands
  • Genie (Creature)
  • Genius Loci (Epic Creature)
  • Gentle Repose (Spell)
  • Geography of Silverymoon
  • Gethrun-Upon-Imphras
  • Ghaele (Creature)
  • Ghanisi
  • Gharab's Jewels
  • Gharab
  • Ghast (Creature)
  • Gheldaneth
  • Ghost (Creature)
  • Ghost Sound (Spell)
  • Ghoul (Creature)
  • Ghoul Touch (Spell)
  • Giant (Creature)
  • Giant Vermin (Spell)
  • Giant-Fighter (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Gibbering Mouther (Creature)
  • Gibbering Orb (Epic Creature)
  • Giidaradah
  • Gino's Character
  • Girallon (Creature)
  • Glabrezu (Creature)
  • Glaemril Ford
  • Glarondar
  • Glaun Bog
  • Glibness (Spell)
  • Glitterdust (Spell)
  • Globe of Invulnerability (Spell)
  • Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser (Spell)
  • Gloom (Epic Creature)
  • Glossary
  • Glossolalia (Spell)
  • Glyph of Warding (Spell)
  • Glyph of Warding, Greater (Spell)
  • Gnoll (Creature)
  • Gnome (Creature)
  • Gnome (Midnight)
  • Gnomes
  • Gnorbes
  • Goblin (Creature)
  • Gold Dwarf
  • Gold
  • Golden Harp Inn
  • Golden Horn Gambling House
  • Golden Protector (Creature)
  • Golem (Creature)
  • Golem-Grip Gauntlets
  • Golnar Sabban
  • Gondalim’s
  • Gondwatch Lane
  • Good Hope (Spell)
  • Good
  • Goodberry (Spell)
  • Gorge of Gauros
  • Gorgon (Creature)
  • Gorilla, Behemoth (Epic Creature)
  • Gost Villa
  • Gounar'’s Tavern
  • Gounar’s Tavern
  • Gralhund Villa
  • Grand Marshal Goodhearth
  • Grand Vizar
  • Grand Ward
  • Grasping Hand (Spell)
  • Gravity Bomb Launcher
  • Gravity Bomb
  • Gray Dwarf
  • Gray Glutton (Creature)
  • Gray Ooze (Creature)
  • Gray Render (Creature)
  • Grayson Shadowbrooke
  • Grease (Spell)
  • Great Vale
  • Greater Golembane Scarab
  • Greater Spellcasting (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Green Age Energy
  • Green Hag (Creature)
  • Green Wyvern Trade Company
  • Greenshield (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Grick (Creature)
  • Griffon (Creature)
  • Grig (Creature)
  • Grimlock (Creature)
  • Guallidurth
  • Guardian Naga (Creature)
  • Guardians of the Weave
  • Guards and Wards (Spell)
  • Guidadh's Gold
  • Guidance (Spell)
  • Guide to Calishite Terminology
  • Guide to the City of Calimport
  • Guide to the City of Waterdeep
  • Guildhall of the Order
  • Gundwynd Villa
  • Gust of Wind (Spell)
  • Gynosphinx (Creature)
  • HDI
  • Ha-Naga (Epic Creature)
  • Haerun Mhammaster’s residence
  • Hag (Creature)
  • Hagunemnon (protean) (Epic Creature)
  • Hakkam
  • Halambar Lutes & Harps
  • Halaster Blackcloak
  • Halaster
  • Halazar’s Fine Gems
  • Half-Celestial (Creature)
  • Half-Dragon (Creature)
  • Half-Fiend (Creature)
  • Half-Giant (Creature)
  • Half-elf
  • Half-hearted Attempt at Reconciling the Session Logs
  • Halfbreed (Midnight)
  • Halfling (Creature)
  • Halfling (Midnight)
  • Halfling Burrow (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Hall of Ways
  • Hall of the Makers
  • Hallow (Spell)
  • Halls of Hilmer
  • Halls of Origination (1COT31)
  • Hallucinatory Terrain (Spell)
  • Halmuth Bruil
  • Halt Undead (Spell)
  • Hamatula (Creature)
  • Hammer Ward
  • Hammer
  • Hammersring Hall
  • Hamurza Warbringer
  • Handle Animal (Skill)
  • Handle Animal
  • Hapij Sabban
  • Hardening (Spell)
  • Harm (Spell)
  • Harod Blaendryn
  • Harper
  • Harpers
  • Harpy (Creature)
  • Harpy Archer (Creature)
  • Harrold Farrier
  • Harukohara Nessine-Karad
  • Hasicor Danali
  • Haste (Spell)
  • Hatching a Plan (1COT33)
  • Hathran (Prestige Class)
  • Hawk (Creature)
  • Hawkwinter Villa
  • Hayley Paige Henson
  • Heal (Skill)
  • Heal (Spell)
  • Heal Mount (Spell)
  • Heal, Mass (Spell)
  • Heal
  • Heart of the Beast
  • Heat Metal (Spell)
  • Heavy weapons
  • Hecatoncheires (Epic Creature)
  • Helena Penelope Wright
  • Helena the Artificer
  • Hell Hound (Creature)
  • Hellcat (Creature)
  • Hellwasp Swarm (Creature)
  • Helm of Darkness
  • Helmed Horror
  • Helmfast Villa
  • Helmstar Warehouse
  • Helm’s Hall
  • Help:Editing
  • Helping Hand (Spell)
  • Heltharn
  • Hemmerem’s Stables
  • Henry Harrington
  • Henry James Winthrop, Sr.
  • Henry James Winthrop, Sr
  • Henry James Winthrop
  • Henry Phillip Winthrop, Sr.
  • Henry Phillip Winthrop, Sr
  • Henry Phillip Winthrop
  • Herbalism (Midnight)
  • Herbalist (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Heroes' Feast (Spell)
  • Heroes' Rest
  • Heroes'’ Rest
  • Heroes’ Garden
  • Heroes’ Rest
  • Heroic Paths
  • Heroism (Spell)
  • Heroism, Greater (Spell)
  • Hezass Nymar
  • Hezrou (Creature)
  • Hide (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Hide (Skill)
  • Hide from Animals (Spell)
  • Hide from Undead (Spell)
  • Hide
  • Hideous Laughter (Spell)
  • Hieracosphinx (Creature)
  • Hierophant (Prestige Class)
  • Hierophant
  • High Country
  • High Moor
  • High Thay
  • Highborn Imaskari (Race)
  • Highmoon
  • Hiilgauntlet Villa
  • Hill Giant (Creature)
  • Hill Giant Dire Wereboar (Creature)
  • Hill Town
  • Hillsfar
  • Hilmer Storage
  • Hindered (M&M3)
  • Hippogriff (Creature)
  • History of Cormanthyr
  • History of Eltabbar
  • History of Impiltur
  • History of Waterdeep
  • History of the Church of Kossuth
  • Hizagkuur
  • Hlakken Stables
  • Hlanta Melshimber
  • Hoary Hunter (Epic Creature)
  • Hoary Steed (Creature)
  • Hobgoblin (Creature)
  • Hold Animal (Spell)
  • Hold Monster (Spell)
  • Hold Monster, Mass (Spell)
  • Hold Person (Spell)
  • Hold Person, Mass (Spell)
  • Hold Portal (Spell)
  • Holy Aura (Spell)
  • Holy Smite (Spell)
  • Holy Sword (Spell)
  • Holy Word (Spell)
  • Holyhands House
  • Home of the Healers
  • Homen Odesseiron
  • Homunculus (Creature)
  • Hook Sadidah
  • Hook Ward
  • Horn Ring
  • Horned Devil (Creature)
  • Horrid Wilting (Spell)
  • Horse (Creature)
  • Horse, Heavy (Creature)
  • Horse, Heavy Warhorse (Creature)
  • Horse, Light (Creature)
  • Horse, Light Warhorse (Creature)
  • Horustep III
  • Hothemer Villa
  • Hound Archon (Creature)
  • Hound Archon (SRD Creature)
  • Hound Archon Hero (Creature)
  • House Adarbrent
  • House Agundar
  • House Amcathra
  • House Ammakyl
  • House Anteos
  • House Artemel
  • House Assumbar
  • House Becket
  • House Belabranta
  • House Bladesemmer
  • House Brokengulf
  • House Brossfeather
  • House Cassalanter
  • House Cragsmere
  • House Crommor
  • House Dezlentyr
  • House Durinbold
  • House Eagleshield
  • House Eirontalar
  • House Eltorchul
  • House Emveolstone
  • House Estelmer
  • House Gauntyl
  • House Gost
  • House Gralhund
  • House Gundwynd
  • House Hawkwinter
  • House Helmfast
  • House Heltharn
  • House Hiilgauntlet
  • House Hothemer
  • House Hunabar
  • House Husteem
  • House Ilitul
  • House Ilvastarr
  • House Ilzimmer
  • House Irlingstar
  • House Jardeth
  • House Jhansczil
  • House Kormallis
  • House Kothont
  • House Lanngolyn
  • House Lathkule
  • House Maerklos
  • House Maernos
  • House Majarra
  • House Manthar
  • House Margaster
  • House Massalan
  • House Melshimber
  • House Mirandor
  • House Moonstar
  • House Nandar
  • House Nesher
  • House Phull
  • House Phylund
  • House Piiradost
  • House Raventree
  • House Roaringhorn
  • House Rosznar
  • House Ruldegost
  • House Silmerhelve
  • House Snome
  • House Stormweather
  • House Sultlue
  • House Talmost
  • House Tarm
  • House Tchazzam
  • House Tesper
  • House Thann
  • House Thongolir
  • House Thorp
  • House Thunderstaff
  • House Ulbrinter
  • House Urmbrusk
  • House Von Doin
  • House Wands
  • House Wavesilver
  • House Zulpair
  • House Zun
  • House of Crystal Storage
  • House of Flass
  • House of Holy Dawn
  • House of Inspired Hands
  • House of Light Storage
  • House of Long Silences
  • House of Pride Perfumes
  • House of Two Hands
  • House of the Bound Hands
  • House of the Fine Carvers
  • House of the Four Moons
  • House of the Silken Pillows
  • House of the Veil Gizara
  • How to format a prestige class in wikitext without really trying
  • Howler (Creature)
  • Howling Cat Court
  • Hriiat Fine Pastries
  • Hssthak
  • Hulburg
  • Human (Creature)
  • Human (Midnight)
  • Hunabar Villa
  • Hunefer (Epic Creature)
  • Hunter's Alley
  • Hunter's Down (DM Only)
  • Hunter's Down
  • Hunter-Killer
  • Hurl Thunderbolt (Spell)
  • Husteem Villa
  • Hyacinth Knight
  • Hydar
  • Hydra (Creature)
  • Hydra, Eight-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Eleven-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Five-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Nine-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Seven-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Six-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Ten-Headed (Creature)
  • Hydra, Twelve-Headed (Creature)
  • Hyena (Creature)
  • Hypnotic Pattern (Spell)
  • Hypnotism (Spell)
  • Icarus
  • Ice Devil (Creature)
  • Ice Mephit (Creature)
  • Ice Storm (Spell)
  • Icelia
  • Identify (Spell)
  • Ilisar's Alley
  • Ilitul Villa
  • Illis Khendarhine
  • Illusory Script (Spell)
  • Illusory Wall (Spell)
  • Ilmaryn Oakheart
  • Iltkazar
  • Ilvastarr Villa
  • Ilyykur's Mantle (Spell)
  • Ilzimmer
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  • Image:Queen Sophia.jpg
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  • Image:Selune Temple Interior.jpg
  • Image:Selune Temple.jpg
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  • Image:ShoonVII.jpg
  • Image:Silver Marches Map.jpg
  • Image:Simon Vail.jpg
  • Image:Sisterhood HQ.png
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  • Image:Thay.jpg
  • Image:The Cape.jpg
  • Image:The Glaemril River.jpg
  • Image:The Masked One.jpg
  • Image:The Pink Knight.jpg
  • Image:The Tharchioness.jpg
  • Image:The Traveler.jpg
  • Image:The tower of the rising moon.jpg
  • Image:TheAutumnking.jpg
  • Image:TheBeast.jpg
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  • Image:Vi Mom.jpg
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  • Image:Window of Eternity.jpg
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  • Image:Zhengyi.jpg
  • Image:Zhentil Keep.jpg
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  • Imaskar
  • Imaskarcana et al
  • Imaskarcana
  • Imaskari Empire
  • Imaskari Goodies
  • Imaskari Portal Lord (Prestige Class)
  • Imaskari
  • Imbruin
  • Imbue with Spell Ability (Spell)
  • Immelswit Nackle
  • Immil Vale
  • Immilmar
  • Immobile (M&M3)
  • Imp (Creature)
  • Impaired (M&M3)
  • Imphras V Heltharn
  • Impiltur (Old Fanon)
  • Impiltur
  • Impilturan
  • Implosion (Spell)
  • Imprisonment (Spell)
  • Improved Grab (Creature Ability)
  • Improved Grab (Special Ability)
  • Improved Mage Armor (Spell)
  • Improved Point Blank Shot (Feat)
  • Improvised Weapon (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Imuriel
  • Incantatrix (Prestige Class)
  • Incapacitated (M&M3)
  • Incendiary Cloud (Spell)
  • Inception (1COT32)
  • Inception and Deliverance (1COT3)
  • Inception and Deliverance (Coming of Twilight, S1E3)
  • Inconspicuous (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Inevitable (Creature)
  • Infernal (Epic Creature)
  • Inflict Critical Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Inflict Light Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Light Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Inflict Minor Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Moderate Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Inflict Serious Wounds (Spell)
  • Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass (Spell)
  • Ingerr & Ingerr Warehouses
  • Iniarv
  • Initiate of Bane (Feat)
  • Initiate of Cyric (Feat)
  • Initiate of Gond (Feat)
  • Initiate of Helm (Feat)
  • Initiate of Ilmater (Feat)
  • Initiate of Lathander (Feat)
  • Initiate of Malar (Feat)
  • Initiate of Mystra (Feat)
  • Initiate of Nature (Feat)
  • Initiate of Selune (Feat)
  • Initiate of Tyr (Feat)
  • Inn of the Dripping Dagger
  • Innate Magic (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Inner Sea
  • Insanity (Spell)
  • Insect Plague (Spell)
  • Instant Summons (Spell)
  • Intellect Devourer (Creature)
  • Intensely useful Firefox trick
  • Interesting Rules Changes
  • Interlude (Coming of Twilight, S1-2)
  • Interposing Hand (Spell)
  • Intimidate (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Intimidate (Skill)
  • Intimidate
  • Introduction 1: Politics
  • Invarri Metron
  • Invisibility (Spell)
  • Invisibility Purge (Spell)
  • Invisibility Sphere (Spell)
  • Invisibility, Greater (Spell)
  • Invisibility, Mass (Spell)
  • Invisible Stalker (Creature)
  • Ioulaum
  • Irataq Sabban
  • Irbryth Authamaun's residence
  • Irlingstar Villa
  • Iron Body (Spell)
  • Iron Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Iron Golem (Creature)
  • Irontooth
  • Ironwood (Spell)
  • Irresistible Dance (Spell)
  • Isabella Marie Lacheri
  • It Begins With a Letter (2COT11)
  • It just so happens
  • Item Creation
  • Ivan Dilisnya
  • Ivan Romovskii
  • Ivana Boritsi
  • Jacinth
  • Jacob Simons
  • Jade Dancer
  • Jaded (2COT43)
  • Jakob Sprengler
  • Jaleh Sabban
  • James Erasmus Winthrop
  • James Winthrop
  • Jamis Belem Martigan
  • Janni (Creature)
  • Jardeth Villa
  • Jared Althame
  • Jarûz Sabban
  • Jarûz Sabban
  • Jasmal
  • Jaster Imbruin
  • Jester's Court
  • Jewel Ward
  • Jhaapir Sabban
  • Jhansczil Villa
  • Jhasin
  • Jhasina
  • Jhasinnar
  • Jhassinni
  • Jhenna Iliathor
  • John Smith (Xaa Juyaay)
  • John Smith
  • John
  • Josephine Tenant
  • Journal of Martisor Biresceu
  • Journeys in Space and Time (COT3-1b)
  • Julian Rene Del'eaux III
  • Julian Rene Del'eaux Jr
  • Jump (Skill)
  • Jump (Spell)
  • Jump
  • Juron Brightmantle
  • Juron's Ramblings 6_17_2009
  • Juron
  • Justinian
  • Ka'mil of Evermeet
  • Ka'mil
  • Kadar's Stables
  • Kage Tenjin
  • Kage
  • Kahn
  • Kaine
  • Kalil's Sabban
  • Kalil'’s Sabban
  • Kalman Leiyraghon
  • Kapoacinth (Creature)
  • Kappiyan Flurmastyr
  • Kara Calaudra
  • Kara Zial
  • Karpri (astrological symbol)
  • Kartak Spellseer
  • Kasylwen Rideire
  • Katars High
  • Katrina van Hauser
  • Kaval Sabban
  • Kealza's Home
  • Keen Edge (Spell)
  • Keffiyehdah
  • Keket Ma'at Ishnu
  • Keket
  • Kella Baker
  • Kerowyn Hucrele
  • Khallos Melshimber
  • Khamarkha
  • Khanduq Ward
  • Khanduq of the Coinmother
  • Khanduq
  • Khanduqs
  • Khatrev Sabban
  • Khazark
  • Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun
  • Khelben Arunsun
  • Khelben “Blackstaff’ Arunsun
  • Khelben
  • Khelbun "Blackstaff" Arunsun
  • Khelbun Arunsun
  • Khelbun
  • Kheldroun Stonehammer
  • Kiara Padraig
  • King Plataeus
  • King's Tear
  • Kingdom of Man
  • King’s tear
  • Kirilar Moonflower
  • Kirna Howling-Moon
  • Kirruk Sabban
  • Kisul
  • Knife Thrower (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Knightly Orders of Impiltur
  • Knights of Imphras II
  • Knock (Spell)
  • Know Direction (Spell)
  • Knowledge (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Knowledge (Skill)
  • Knowledge
  • Kobold (Creature)
  • Kolat Towers
  • Kolat’s Towers
  • Kolyarut (Creature)
  • Kormallis Villa
  • Kothont Villa
  • Krabbellor Silversmiths
  • Kraken (Creature)
  • Krath Graybeard
  • Krath Ironbeard
  • Krenshar (Creature)
  • Krista Summerwind
  • Kulzar's Alley
  • Kyrin Lothandrien
  • Kythorn
  • Kyton (Creature)
  • Lacedon (Creature)
  • Lady Amalia Barov
  • Lady Naneatha Lhaurilstar’s residence
  • Lady of the Sea
  • Laeral Silverhand
  • Laeral's spell shield
  • Laeral's storm armor
  • Laeral
  • Lake Ashane
  • Lake Ereduie
  • Lake Mulsantir
  • Lake Thaylambar
  • Lake Tirulag
  • Lake Vlacul
  • Lallara Mediocros
  • Lamia (Creature)
  • Lammasu (Creature)
  • Lamorak Tanthul
  • Languages of Eredane
  • Lanngolyn Villa
  • Lantern Archon (Creature)
  • Lantern Archon (SRD Creature)
  • Lapendrar (Tharch)
  • Lapendrar vale
  • Lapendrar
  • Laran’s Cartographers
  • Larau Sabban
  • Larissa Neathal
  • Larloch
  • Las Vegas Downtown
  • Las Vegas Strip
  • Las Vegas
  • Laskor
  • Lathan Carlysle
  • Lathin's Cut
  • Lathkule Villa
  • Lauzoril
  • Lavawight (Epic Creature)
  • Lawful Good
  • Laws of Magic
  • Laws of Thay
  • Lazar Becket
  • League of Basketmakers & Wickerworkers Storage
  • Leaves of Learning
  • LeftMenu
  • Legend Lore (Spell)
  • Legion's Spell (Feat)
  • Lemontree Alley
  • Lemure (Creature)
  • Leonal (Creature)
  • Leopard (Creature)
  • Leshara Tanthul
  • Leshay (Epic Creature)
  • Leunesca
  • Leuthilspar
  • Levitate (Spell)
  • Lhoril's Alley
  • Liam's Hold
  • Lich (Creature)
  • Lifetrap (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Light (Spell)
  • Light Bomb Launcher
  • Light Bomb
  • Lighthouse of the Moon
  • Lightning Bolt (Spell)
  • Lightning's Tower
  • Lillend (Creature)
  • Lillian Rochelle Baptiste
  • Lily Knight
  • Lily Monet
  • Lily
  • Limited Wish (Spell)
  • Line of Pasha-syl-Pashas of Calimshan
  • Lion (Creature)
  • Lion, Dire (Creature)
  • Lisa Nynaed
  • Listen (Skill)
  • Listen
  • Liveoak (Spell)
  • Living Metal
  • Living Vault (Epic Creature)
  • Lizard (Creature)
  • Lizard Marsh
  • Lizard, Monitor (Creature)
  • Lizardfolk (Creature)
  • Lizaveta Becket
  • Locate Creature (Spell)
  • Locate Object (Spell)
  • Locathah (Creature)
  • Locust Swarm (Creature)
  • Loene the Fighter’s House
  • Logan Kronusson
  • Loht
  • Lonely Hearts Killer
  • Long Portage
  • Longstrider (Spell)
  • Loravatha
  • Lord Kauldur
  • Lords' Respite
  • Loretan
  • Lorien
  • Lost Souls (1COT21)
  • Lower Delimbiyr Vale
  • Lowerdark
  • Lucentio Solesca
  • Lucia bint Delilah
  • Lucita Adricus
  • Lucky (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Lullaby (Spell)
  • Lupalidah
  • Luskanite
  • Lyam von Doin-Heltharn
  • Lycanthrope (Creature)
  • Lyratha Goldenale
  • Lyratha Talltankard
  • Lyratha
  • Mad Mage of Undermountain
  • Madame Garah’s Boarding House
  • Maddening Scream (Spell)
  • Maelstrom’s Notch
  • Maenad (Creature)
  • Maerghoun’s Inn
  • Maerklos Villa
  • Maeve
  • Mage Armor (Spell)
  • Mage Armor, Greater (Spell)
  • Mage Hand (Spell)
  • Mage of the Sigil
  • Mage's Disjunction (Spell)
  • Mage's Faithful Hound (Spell)
  • Mage's Lucubration (Spell)
  • Mage's Magnificent Mansion (Spell)
  • Mage's Private Sanctum (Spell)
  • Mage's Sword (Spell)
  • Magecraft (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Magic (Earth)
  • Magic Aura (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Chaos (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Evil (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Good (Spell)
  • Magic Circle against Law (Spell)
  • Magic Eating
  • Magic Fang (Spell)
  • Magic Fang, Greater (Spell)
  • Magic Item Descriptions
  • Magic Item Market Discussion
  • Magic Items (Magic of Faerun)
  • Magic Items
  • Magic Items: Scrolls (Rules)
  • Magic Jar (Spell)
  • Magic Missile (Spell)
  • Magic Mouth (Spell)
  • Magic Stone (Spell)
  • Magic Vestment (Spell)
  • Magic Weapon (Spell)
  • Magic Weapon, Greater (Spell)
  • Magic and the Supernatural (Earth)
  • Magic in Midnight
  • Magic-Hardened (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Magister
  • Magma Mephit (Creature)
  • Magmin (Creature)
  • Main Page
  • Mairah Icewhisper
  • Majarra Villa
  • Majarra
  • Major Creation (Spell)
  • Major Image (Spell)
  • Make Whole (Spell)
  • Maker's Ward
  • Makers Ward
  • Maker’s Ward
  • Makista Sabban
  • Malchior
  • Malchor Harpell
  • Malchor
  • Malcolm DeProximo
  • Malhan Septim
  • Maltas Silvertear
  • Manhattan Beach summer camp - More Options Than Just Fun
  • Manshoon
  • Manta Ray (Creature)
  • Manthar Villa
  • Manticore (Creature)
  • Mantle of Holy Power (Magic Item)
  • Manycats Alley
  • Manysteps Alley
  • Maquar Crusader
  • Marblehearth
  • Marcellus Waldgrave
  • Marekh Sabban
  • Margaret Winthrop
  • Margaster Villa
  • Mariam
  • Maridah
  • Marilith (Creature)
  • Marina Del Rey summer camp - Discovering the right Kids Summer Camp
  • Mariners' Rest
  • Marius Vatraska
  • Mark of Justice (Spell)
  • Markhout
  • Marpenoth
  • Martinet of Gilgeam (Prestige Class)
  • Martuk Vortrus
  • Marut (Creature)
  • Maskar
  • Masks (1WDK2)
  • Masque of the Red Death
  • Massalan Villa
  • Massatyr
  • Master of Shrouds
  • Master of the Order of the Phoenix (Prestige Class)
  • Mattick Tanthul
  • Maze (Spell)
  • Mechanus (TNC3-2)
  • Medusa (Creature)
  • Meepo
  • Meet the Parents (COT3-1c)
  • Megaraptor (Creature)
  • Melander
  • Meld into Stone (Spell)
  • Melegaunt Tanthul
  • Melek's Fine Silks and Textiles
  • Melinter's Court
  • Melshimber Villa
  • Melshimber
  • Melvaunt
  • Memnon's Fingers
  • Mending (Spell)
  • Mephit (Creature)
  • Meraedos Fine Furs
  • Meran Dholuk
  • Mercane (Epic Creature)
  • Merchants' Rest
  • Merfolk (Creature)
  • Merrow (Creature)
  • Message (Spell)
  • Metalmasters’ Hall
  • Meteor Swarm (Spell)
  • Mhaer's Alley
  • Mhair’s Tower
  • Miatarra
  • Middledark
  • Midnight Sun
  • Midnight System Ideas
  • Midnight
  • Mighty Manticore Tavern
  • Mikhail Kraznik
  • Millomyr Harps
  • Milsantos Daramos
  • Mimic (Creature)
  • Minaret of the Sage Khumal
  • Minaret
  • Minarets Guardant
  • Mind Blank (Spell)
  • Mind Fog (Spell)
  • Mines of Tethkel
  • Minor Creation (Spell)
  • Minor Image (Spell)
  • Minotaur (Creature)
  • Minqa Sabban
  • Miracle (Spell)
  • Mirage Arcana (Spell)
  • Miransil
  • Mirror Image (Spell)
  • Mirt the Moneylender
  • Mirt
  • Mirtul
  • Mirt’s Mansion
  • Misdirection (Spell)
  • Mishtan
  • Mislead (Spell)
  • Misty Forest
  • Mithral Golem (Epic Creature)
  • Mithral Helm
  • Mithral
  • Mjôm Sabban
  • Mjôm Sabban
  • Mnemonic Enhancer (Spell)
  • Moarinskoar Alley
  • Modify Memory (Spell)
  • Mohrg (Creature)
  • Moment of Prescience (Spell)
  • Monastery of the Sun
  • Monk (Class)
  • Monk
  • Monkey (Creature)
  • Monster Lists
  • Monsters by CR
  • Monsters of Faerun
  • Monsters
  • Moon Elf
  • Moon Sphere
  • Moon elves
  • Moonbar
  • Moonsea
  • Moonstar Alley
  • Moonstar Villa
  • Moonstars, Archived Discussion 1
  • Moonstars
  • Moonstars:Session 1
  • Moonstars:Session 2
  • Moonstars:Session 3
  • Moonstars:Session 4
  • Mordayn Vapor
  • Mordayn
  • Mordite Shard
  • Morlin Castle
  • Morrigan
  • Morus Brokengulf
  • Morus II Brokengulf
  • Most Holy Order of the Sacred Shrike
  • Mother Tathlorn’s House of Pleasure
  • Mount (Spell)
  • Mount Nirg
  • Mount Thalagbror
  • Mount Waterdeep
  • Mourn Deepwood
  • Mouse Alley
  • Move Earth (Spell)
  • Move Silently (Skill)
  • Move Silently
  • Mt. Olympus
  • Mu Spore (Epic Creature)
  • Muham's Inn
  • Muhmad Haphet
  • Mulan
  • Mule (Creature)
  • Mulhorand
  • Mulhorandi Empire
  • Mulhorandi Pharaoh
  • Mulmaster
  • Mulptan
  • Mulsantir
  • Mulsanyaar Plateau
  • Multiclassing
  • Mumijn
  • Mummy (Creature)
  • Mummy Lord (Creature)
  • Mummy, Advanced (Creature)
  • Munaa's Smiles
  • Murphy
  • Musadhyar
  • Musar
  • Mutants & Masterminds
  • Muza-dahyarif
  • Muzad
  • Muzhahajaarnadah
  • Myrmeen Lhal
  • Myrna Cassalanter
  • Myrna Cassalanter’s residence
  • Mystic Theurge (Prestige Class)
  • Mystic Theurge
  • Mystra
  • Mythrell’aa
  • Mythrella
  • Mythrell’aa
  • NPCs (Dales)
  • NPCs
  • Nadana Sabban
  • Naga (Creature)
  • Naiid Sabban
  • Nain Keenwhistler
  • Nain
  • Naingate
  • Najja Sabban
  • Najlet Sabban
  • Nalfeshnee (Creature)
  • Nallojal
  • Nandar Villa
  • NarrTest
  • Narro
  • Nasim Sabban
  • Natasha von Durzig
  • Natural Healer (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Nature's Revelation (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Nazherreloth
  • Nazir
  • Negative Energy Protection
  • Neh-Thalggu (Brain Collector) (Epic Creature)
  • Neldorild
  • Nelkaush the Weaver
  • Neothelid (Creature)
  • Nerick S. Chaucer
  • Nerick S. Chauser
  • Nerick Spellchaser
  • Neril Aundar
  • Nesher Villa
  • Nessian Warhound (Creature)
  • Nethentir
  • Nethjet
  • Neutralize Poison (Spell)
  • Nevron
  • New Beginnings, Old Awakenings (1COT1)
  • New Olamn
  • New Setting
  • New Spells
  • Nexus Fuel (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Nick Pellegrino
  • Nictwahradh
  • Nida Kiyare Daen-Karad
  • Night Hag (Creature)
  • Nightal
  • Nightcrawler (Creature)
  • Nightmare (Creature)
  • Nightmare (Spell)
  • Nightmare, Cauchemar (Creature)
  • Nightshade (Creature)
  • Nightwalker (Creature)
  • Nightwing (Creature)
  • Nikki Nightswallow
  • Nikki
  • Nikolai Becket
  • Nimbleness
  • Ninaran
  • Ninaren Olossyne
  • Ninaren Olosynne
  • Ninaren Olósynne
  • Ninaren Olósynne
  • Nine Pashas Trading Coster
  • Ninth Scimitar Garrison
  • Nisa Vasuda
  • Nixie (Creature)
  • Nobility of Waterdeep
  • Non-Player Characters (Dales)
  • Non-Player Characters in Spellbound
  • Nondetection (Spell)
  • Nord Elethlim
  • North Country
  • North Ward
  • Northgate
  • Nualorminoalh
  • Nueth’s Fine Nets
  • Nymia Focar
  • Nymph (Creature)
  • Obscure Object (Spell)
  • Obscuring Mist (Spell)
  • Obsequious
  • Obsidian Scythe
  • Ochre Jelly (Creature)
  • Octopus (Creature)
  • Octopus, Giant (Creature)
  • Odessa Ilyanova
  • Odessa
  • Of Man's First Disobedience (2COT21)
  • Official Rules of the Spellbound Game
  • Ogre (Creature)
  • Ogre Barbarian (Creature)
  • Ogre Mage (Creature)
  • Oksana Tepes
  • Old Campaigns
  • Old Info
  • Old Knot Shop
  • Old Shanatar
  • Old Swords
  • Old Xoblob Shop
  • Older Front-page Content
  • Oliver Tenant
  • Olmhazan’s Jewels
  • Once More Unto the Breach (COT3-1a)
  • One Faithful Harp Shall Praise Thee (2COT32)
  • Ooze (Creature)
  • Ooze Mephit (Creature)
  • Opal
  • Opalline Scepter
  • Open Game License v1.0a
  • Open Lock (Skill)
  • Open Lock
  • Open_Close (Spell)
  • Orblen
  • Orc (Creature)
  • Orc (Midnight)
  • Orc-Slayer (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Order of the Phoenix
  • Order of the Thunder God
  • Order's Wrath (Spell)
  • Order’s Wrath (Spell)
  • Orders
  • Order’s Wrath (Spell)
  • Oreal Nanther
  • Organizations of Faerun
  • Orl
  • Orlpar Husteem's residence
  • Orm’s Highbench
  • Orora Phaundal
  • Orsabbas’'s Fine Imports
  • Orsabbas’s Fine Imports
  • Ort
  • Orthodox Church of Impiltur
  • Orthodox Church
  • Orthodox Faith
  • Osbrin Selchoun
  • Osco
  • Osiir Sabban
  • Osiirdah
  • Osyluth (Creature)
  • Otahl Sabban
  • Oth
  • Othlor (Prestige Class)
  • Otyugh (Creature)
  • Overland Flight (Spell)
  • Overview
  • Owl (Creature)
  • Owl's Wisdom (Spell)
  • Owl's Wisdom, Mass (Spell)
  • Owl, Giant (Creature)
  • Owlbear (Creature)
  • PCs (Dales)
  • PCs (Ether)
  • PCs
  • Pahlemm Sabban
  • Palace Paddocks
  • Palace Sabban
  • Palace Stables
  • Palace Storage
  • Palace Ward
  • Palace of the Cresting Wave
  • Palace of the Murabirs
  • Paladin (Class)
  • Paladin Spell List
  • Paladin
  • Palaghard II
  • Panacea (Spell)
  • Paradise
  • Paragon Creature (Epic Creature)
  • Paralyzed (M&M3)
  • Paris
  • Party Treasure (Dales)
  • Party Treasure (Spellbound)
  • Party Treasure
  • Parzal the Outrageous
  • Pasha Abhuk
  • Pasha Akhadar
  • Pasha Awadabh
  • Pasha Baadilhaela
  • Pasha Baalaed
  • Pasha Badayin
  • Pasha Bhinasal
  • Pasha Dasanm
  • Pasha Daud el Vehmet
  • Pasha Ehmarik
  • Pasha Ghaebir
  • Pasha Ghasael
  • Pasha Haesib
  • Pasha Haraf
  • Pasha Haris
  • Pasha Hidashar
  • Pasha Iserib
  • Pasha Izaez
  • Pasha Kahmir
  • Pasha Khaetim
  • Pasha Khafif
  • Pasha Mitayn
  • Pasha Modiminah
  • Pasha Mohandis
  • Pasha Ozar
  • Pasha Qoriha
  • Pasha Rabta
  • Pasha Rasûl
  • Pasha Rasûla
  • Pasha Rasûl
  • Pasha Rasûla
  • Pasha Samarkhan
  • Pasha Saralon
  • Pasha Semasim
  • Pasha Sha'al
  • Pasha Synnabat
  • Pasha Talaeta
  • Pasha Tehibi
  • Pasha Tomouh
  • Pasha Wariq
  • Pasha Ydarit
  • Pasha Yekhol
  • Pasha Yisaemid
  • Pasha Yshriin
  • Pasha Yzhan
  • Pasha and Sabbalad Nalihleb
  • Pasha's Sabban
  • Pasha
  • Pass of Thazar
  • Pass without Trace (Spell)
  • Passwall (Spell)
  • Patient Fingers Finework
  • Patrick's Character
  • Peaktop Aerie
  • Pearl Cross
  • Peerage of the Realms
  • Pegasus (Creature)
  • Peirgeiron
  • Pelauvir'’s Counter
  • Pelauvir’s Counter
  • Penny
  • Peraphon Thond
  • Perfected One (Class)
  • Perfected One (Prestige Class)
  • Perfected One
  • Perform (Skill)
  • Perform
  • Permanency (Spell)
  • Permanent Image (Spell)
  • Perratus the Blacknose
  • Persistent Image (Spell)
  • Peuter Marsk
  • Pewterers’ and Casters’ Guildhall
  • Phaethon (Epic Creature)
  • Phalantar’s Philtres & Components
  • Phalorm
  • Phane (Epic Creature)
  • Phantasmal Killer (Spell)
  • Phantom Fungus (Creature)
  • Phantom Fungus
  • Phantom Steed (Spell)
  • Phantom Trap (Spell)
  • Pharaoh Horustep III
  • Pharos
  • Pharra's Alley
  • Phase Door (Spell)
  • Phase Spider (Creature)
  • Phasm (Creature)
  • Phaulkonmere
  • Philosopher's Court
  • Phlan
  • Phourken One-Eye
  • Phrenic Creature (Creature)
  • Phthisic (Creature)
  • Phull Villa
  • Phylactery of Warding
  • Phylund Villa
  • Piatran’s Clothiers
  • Piergeiron the Paladinson
  • Piergeiron's Palace
  • Piergeiron
  • Piergeiron’s Palace
  • Piiradost Villa
  • Pilgrims’' Rest
  • Pillars of Imaskar
  • Pit Fiend (Creature)
  • Pixie (Creature)
  • Plains of Purple Dust
  • Planar Ally (Spell)
  • Planar Ally, Greater (Spell)
  • Planar Ally, Lesser (Spell)
  • Planar Binding (Spell)
  • Planar Binding, Greater (Spell)
  • Planar Binding, Lesser (Spell)
  • Plane Shift (Spell)
  • Planetar (Creature)
  • Planetouched (Creature)
  • Planning (Unther)
  • Plant Growth (Spell)
  • Plateau of Thay
  • Platinum
  • Playa Del Rey Summer Camp - The Best Choice For Your Family
  • Player Characters (Loretan)
  • Player Characters in Spellbound
  • Player Options
  • Plaza of Divine Truth
  • Pleasure Planet
  • Plots (Spellbound)
  • Poison (Spell)
  • Polar Ray (Spell)
  • Polyblasian
  • Polymorph (Spell)
  • Polymorph Any Object (Spell)
  • Pony (Creature)
  • Pony, War (Creature)
  • Pook's Palace
  • Porpoise (Creature)
  • Portals
  • Power Sources
  • Power Word Blind (Spell)
  • Power Word Kill (Spell)
  • Power Word Stun (Spell)
  • Power Word, Shield
  • Prayer (Spell)
  • Prayer Alley
  • Praying Mantis, Giant (Creature)
  • Pre-History
  • Prendergast Brokengulf
  • Prestidigitation (Spell)
  • Prestige Classes of the Realms
  • Prestige Classes
  • Priador (Tharch)
  • Priador
  • Priest Spell List
  • Priest Spells by Level
  • Priest Spells by Sphere
  • Priest
  • Primal Elementalist (Prestige Class)
  • Prismasaurus (Epic Creature)
  • Prismatic Sphere (Spell)
  • Prismatic Spray (Spell)
  • Prismatic Wall (Spell)
  • Probe Thoughts (Spell)
  • Produce Flame (Spell)
  • Profession (Skill)
  • Profession
  • Programmed Image (Spell)
  • Project Image (Spell)
  • Project W
  • Prone (M&M3)
  • Proof against Transmutation
  • Propriety
  • Protection from Arrows (Spell)
  • Protection from Chaos (Spell)
  • Protection from Energy (Spell)
  • Protection from Evil (Spell)
  • Protection from Good (Spell)
  • Protection from Law (Spell)
  • Protection from Spells (Spell)
  • Prying Eyes (Spell)
  • Prying Eyes, Greater (Spell)
  • Pseudodragon (Creature)
  • Pseudonatural Creature (Epic Creature)
  • Pseudonatural Troll (Epic Creature)
  • Psicraft (Skill)
  • Psicraft
  • Psicrystal (Creature)
  • Psion-Killer (Creature)
  • Psionic Items: Power Stones (Rules)
  • Puppeteer (Creature)
  • Puppeteer, Flesh Harrower (Creature)
  • Purify Food and Drink (Spell)
  • Purple Dragons of Cormyr
  • Purple Worm (Creature)
  • Pwyll Daggerford
  • Pyarados (Tharch)
  • Pyarados
  • Pyrados
  • Pyras Autorian
  • Pyrotechnics (Spell)
  • Qayadin
  • Qhibal Sabban
  • Qilue Veladorn
  • Quaff Alley
  • Quartermaster's Report
  • Quartz Crystal Wand
  • Quasit (Creature)
  • Queen Ceresia
  • Quench (Spell)
  • Quick Guide to BDH Factions
  • Quickened Donning (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Quill Alley
  • Quill Ward
  • Quiver of Solonor
  • Qysagghani Fortress
  • Qysaghanni
  • Qysar
  • R'taalin Armorers
  • Races (Earth)
  • Races (SRD)
  • Races of Midnight
  • Races
  • Rafayam
  • Rafayar
  • Ragathan Furriers
  • Rage (Spell)
  • Rainbow Pattern (Spell)
  • Raise Dead (Spell)
  • Raithen Nightsong
  • Rakshasa (Creature)
  • Ral Vlacul
  • Ralbahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal
  • Ralbahr
  • Rana Kaelain
  • Random Charm Generation (Midnight)
  • Ranger (Class)
  • Ranger Spell List
  • Ranger
  • Ranks and Measures (M&M3)
  • Ranneck
  • Rapha Tanthul
  • Rashemen
  • Rashemi
  • Rast (Creature)
  • Rat (Creature)
  • Rat Swarm (Creature)
  • Rat, Dire (Creature)
  • Raurin Desert
  • Raurin Dust Desert
  • Rauthengflow
  • Raven (Creature)
  • Raven
  • Ravenar
  • Ravenhold
  • Raventree Villa
  • Ravid (Creature)
  • Ray of Enfeeblement (Spell)
  • Ray of Exhaustion (Spell)
  • Ray of Frost (Spell)
  • Raynar Thrul
  • Raynar
  • Read Magic (Spell)
  • Realm of Three Crowns
  • Realm of the Sword and the Wand
  • Rebeka Vatraska
  • Rebel character infobox
  • Red Sails
  • Red Tear
  • Red Wizard (Prestige Class)
  • Rednose Alley
  • Reduce Animal (Spell)
  • Reduce Person (Spell)
  • Reduce Person, Mass (Spell)
  • Refuge (Spell)
  • Regenerate (Spell)
  • Regent-King Aleric
  • Reincarnate (Spell)
  • Relkath's Foot
  • Remorhaz (Creature)
  • Remove Blindness_Deafness (Spell)
  • Remove Curse (Spell)
  • Remove Disease (Spell)
  • Remove Fear (Spell)
  • Remove Paralysis (Spell)
  • Renewal Pact (Spell)
  • Repel Metal or Stone (Spell)
  • Repel Vermin (Spell)
  • Repel Wood (Spell)
  • Repulsion (Spell)
  • Resilient Sphere (Spell)
  • Resist Energy (Spell)
  • Resistance (Spell)
  • Restoration (Spell)
  • Restoration, Greater (Spell)
  • Restoration, Lesser (Spell)
  • Restrained (M&M3)
  • Restricted
  • Resurrection (Spell)
  • Retriever (Creature)
  • Reverse Gravity (Spell)
  • Revify (Spell)
  • Revised Races of Midnight
  • Revivify (Spell)
  • Rewards: Coming of Twilight, Interlude 1
  • Rewards: Destroyer
  • Rewards: Tyan Voth
  • Rhangaun
  • Rhauntides' Tower
  • Rhauntides
  • Rhiann
  • Rhigaerd II
  • Rhingalade’s harp
  • Rhingalade’s harp
  • Rhinoceros (Creature)
  • Rhys Fairchild
  • Riautar’s Weaponry
  • Ride (Skill)
  • Ride
  • Righteous Might (Spell)
  • Rilimbrar Heltharn
  • Rilimbrar
  • Ring of Gray Flames
  • Ring of Three Colors
  • Ring of lore
  • Rise of the Empress
  • Rise of the Thayan Empire
  • Rising Moon Inn
  • Ritual Magic (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Rivalen Tanthul
  • River Delimbiyr
  • River Gate
  • River Gauros
  • River Lapendrar
  • River Rauthengflow
  • River Sur
  • River Thay
  • River Thazarim
  • River Umber
  • River of Shadows
  • River of Spears
  • River of Swords
  • River of the Dawn
  • Roads' End
  • Roaringhorn Villa
  • Roaringhorn
  • Robe of many sigils
  • Roc (Creature)
  • Rochefort
  • Rod of Negation
  • Rogue (Class)
  • Rogue (Midnight) (Class)
  • Rogue Stone
  • Rogue
  • Roguerun Alley
  • Rohan Hawkshill
  • Rohan Lhal
  • Rohan
  • Rokkek Ingerr's Residence
  • Roland Black
  • Roland Drakov
  • Roll of Impilturan Monarchs
  • Roll of Years (Chronological)
  • Roman Banacath
  • Rook Alley
  • Rope Trick (Spell)
  • Roper (Creature)
  • Rosznar Villa
  • Round Again Alley
  • Rowan Silvercrown
  • Royal Signet of the White Queen
  • Rôghiian Stables
  • Ruais
  • Ruby
  • Ruid the Damned
  • Ruid's Stroll
  • Ruin Swarm (Epic Creature)
  • Ruldegost Villa
  • Runer's Alley
  • Runik Sorenson of Orin
  • Running Rocks
  • Rust Monster (Creature)
  • Rusting Grasp (Spell)
  • Ruthammar Plateau
  • Rylaun Greyshade
  • Rylauntyrr Zauvirr Veladorn
  • Rylauntyrr'Trinth ne'De'Viir
  • Rysal
  • Rôghiian Stables
  • SLA Treasure
  • SRD
  • SV-4F
  • Sabbalad
  • Sabbaladah Dahaban
  • Sabban
  • Sabbar's Alley
  • Saddlers’ & Harness-Makers’ Hall
  • Sadidah Taorahl
  • Sadidah
  • Sadidahjalan
  • Sadidrif
  • Sadimmin
  • Sadufah's Tannery
  • Saern’s Fine Swords
  • Sage of Shadowdale
  • Sahar Sabban
  • Saharel
  • Sahuagin (Creature)
  • Sakura of Kleindorf
  • Sakura
  • Salamander (Creature)
  • Salamander, Average (Creature)
  • Salamander, Flamebrother (Creature)
  • Salamander, Noble (Creature)
  • Salehlon's Carpets
  • Salember "the Rebel Prince"
  • Salember
  • Sallus Keru
  • Salt Mephit (Creature)
  • Salve of minor spell resistance
  • Sam Harrington
  • Samael Arcosian
  • Sambryl Heltharn
  • Sampranasz
  • Sanctuary (Spell)
  • Sandstone Golems
  • Santa Monica summer camp - Making a Positive Memory for the Child
  • Sapphire
  • Saqirbhalan
  • Sarcosan Pureblood (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Sarcosans
  • Saref
  • Sarschel
  • Satchel Alley
  • Sated Satyr
  • Satrap
  • Satyr (Creature)
  • Save Bonus Template Test
  • Scare (Spell)
  • Scarlet Blaze
  • Scathril
  • Schamazharkh
  • Scheherazade, Staff of A Thousand Suns
  • Scintillating Pattern (Spell)
  • Scirkhel Wands
  • Scorching Ray (Spell)
  • Scorpion, Colossal Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Devastation (Epic Creature)
  • Scorpion, Gargantuan Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Huge Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Large Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Medium Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Small Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scorpion, Tiny Monstrous (Creature)
  • Scrag (Creature)
  • Screen (Spell)
  • Scrying (Spell)
  • Scrying, Greater (Spell)
  • Sculpt Sound (Spell)
  • Sdm
  • Sea Cat (Creature)
  • Sea Hag (Creature)
  • Sea Ward
  • Sea of Dlurg
  • Sea of Fallen Stars
  • Seal of the Raging Titan
  • Sealed Tome
  • Sean Gabriel O'Keeffe
  • Search (Skill)
  • Search
  • Searing Light (Spell)
  • Seawind Alley
  • Sea’s Edge Beach
  • Sebastian Becket
  • Sebastian Lazarus Becket
  • Second Escarpment
  • Secret Chest (Spell)
  • Secret Page (Spell)
  • Secure Shelter (Spell)
  • See Invisibility (Spell)
  • Seeming (Spell)
  • Selamek's Scarlet Cross Trading Coster Warehouse
  • Selcharoon Nrim
  • Selchoun’'s Sundries
  • Selchoun’s Sundries
  • Self-Identifying Magic Items
  • Selune (astrological symbol)
  • Semphar
  • Semphâr
  • Semphâr
  • Sending (Spell)
  • Sense Motive (Skill)
  • Sense Motive
  • Sense Nexus (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Sepia Snake Sigil (Spell)
  • Sequester (Spell)
  • Serafina Horowicz
  • Sergei Gaznayev
  • Sergei Vlacul
  • Serpentil Books & Folios
  • Session 1
  • Session 2
  • Session Five
  • Session Four - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session Four
  • Session Log
  • Session One - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session One
  • Session Seven
  • Session Six
  • Session Three - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session Three
  • Session Two - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Session Two
  • Sessrendale
  • Sethma's Court
  • Setting (Ether)
  • Seven Chalices Trading House
  • Seven Draughts
  • Sevenlamps Cut
  • Shackles Ward
  • Shade
  • Shades (Spell)
  • Shades of Gray
  • Shadow (Creature)
  • Shadow Adept (Prestige Class)
  • Shadow Conjuration (Spell)
  • Shadow Conjuration, Greater (Spell)
  • Shadow Evocation (Spell)
  • Shadow Evocation, Greater (Spell)
  • Shadow Magic
  • Shadow Mastiff (Creature)
  • Shadow Of The Void (Epic Creature)
  • Shadow Techniques
  • Shadow Walk (Spell)
  • Shadow, Greater (Creature)
  • Shadowfell Gloves
  • Shadows Alley
  • Shadows of Calimshan
  • Shadows of the Past, Treasure Awards
  • Shadows of the Past
  • Shadowtop
  • Shalanna Duthmere
  • Shaman (Class)
  • Shaman Totems
  • Shambler (Spell)
  • Shambling Mound (Creature)
  • Shanate
  • Shangalar the Black
  • Shank Alley
  • Shape Of Fire (Epic Creature)
  • Shapechange (Spell)
  • Sharakh
  • Shared Dreamstate
  • Shark (Creature)
  • Shark, Dire (Creature)
  • Shark, Huge (Creature)
  • Shark, Large (Creature)
  • Shark, Medium (Creature)
  • Sharra's Flight
  • Shatter (Spell)
  • Shattercrock Alley
  • Shelamardah
  • Sherry
  • Shevel
  • Shield (Spell)
  • Shield Dwarf
  • Shield Guardian (Creature)
  • Shield Hall
  • Shield Other (Spell)
  • Shield dwarves
  • Shield of Faith (Spell)
  • Shield of Law (Spell)
  • Shield of vigilance
  • Shiinalidajh
  • Shillelagh (Spell)
  • Ship of the Gods
  • Shipmates' Hall
  • Shocker Lizard (Creature)
  • Shocking Grasp (Spell)
  • Sholeh Sabban
  • Shoon VII
  • Shout (Spell)
  • Shout, Greater (Spell)
  • Shrieker (Creature)
  • Shrink Item (Spell)
  • Shyk
  • Shyrrhr’s House
  • Shyvar Pass
  • Sigil of Fire
  • Silavene’s
  • Sildëyuir
  • Sildëyuir
  • Silence (Spell)
  • Silent Image (Spell)
  • Silmerhelve Villa
  • Silver Blood (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Silver Marches Moon
  • Silver Storm (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Silver Wind (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Silver
  • Silverymoon Epilogue
  • Silverymoon
  • Simbul
  • Simulacrum (Spell)
  • Sir Christian of Impiltur
  • Sirrush (Epic Creature)
  • Sisterhood of the Sacred Salvation
  • Sitrep
  • Six Minutes to Midnight (2COT46)
  • Sjûl Sabban
  • Sjûl Sabban
  • Skeleton (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Advanced Megaraptor (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Chimera (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Cloud Giant (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Ettin (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Human Warrior (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Owlbear (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Troll (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Wolf (Creature)
  • Skeleton, Young Adult Red Dragon (Creature)
  • Skill Summary (SRD Rules)
  • Skills (Midnight)
  • Skills
  • Skuld
  • Skullport
  • Skum (Creature)
  • Slarkrethel
  • Slay Living (Spell)
  • Sleep (Spell)
  • Sleet Storm (Spell)
  • Sleight of Hand (Skill)
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Slow (Spell)
  • Sluth
  • Snake (Creature)
  • Snake, Constrictor (Creature)
  • Snake, Giant Constrictor (Creature)
  • Snake, Huge Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Large Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Medium Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Small Viper (Creature)
  • Snake, Tiny Viper (Creature)
  • Snare (Spell)
  • Sniff Alley
  • Snome Villa
  • Soargar's Legacy
  • Soargar
  • Socothbenoth
  • Soften Earth and Stone (Spell)
  • Sojrab Sabban
  • Solar (Creature)
  • Solid Fog (Spell)
  • Solon Zhi
  • Song of Discord (Spell)
  • Sophia Lauviger
  • Sophia von Albrecht
  • Sorcerer (Class)
  • Sorcerer
  • Sorcerer_Wizard Spell List
  • Soul Bind (Spell)
  • Soul Scour (Spell)
  • Sound Burst (Spell)
  • Sourcebooks
  • South Gate
  • South Ward
  • Southern Ward
  • Spandeliyon
  • Speak Language (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Speak Language (Skill)
  • Speak Language
  • Speak with Animals (Spell)
  • Speak with Dead (Spell)
  • Speak with Plants (Spell)
  • Special Materials
  • Spectral Hand (Spell)
  • Spectral Harpist
  • Spectralhouse
  • Spectre (Creature)
  • Spell 1
  • Spell 2
  • Spell 3
  • Spell Immunity (Spell)
  • Spell Immunity, Greater (Spell)
  • Spell Knowledge (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Spell Lists & Domains
  • Spell Lists
  • Spell Resistance (Spell)
  • Spell Talismans (Midnight)
  • Spell Turning (Spell)
  • Spellbound (Campaign Setting)
  • Spellbound (DM)
  • Spellbound (The Errant Spades)
  • Spellbound Epilogue
  • Spellbound Rules Updates
  • Spellbound, General Future Sessions
  • Spellbound, Session 1
  • Spellbound, Session 10
  • Spellbound, Session 11
  • Spellbound, Session 12
  • Spellbound, Session 13
  • Spellbound, Session 14
  • Spellbound, Session 15
  • Spellbound, Session 15b
  • Spellbound, Session 16
  • Spellbound, Session 17
  • Spellbound, Session 18
  • Spellbound, Session 19
  • Spellbound, Session 2
  • Spellbound, Session 20
  • Spellbound, Session 21
  • Spellbound, Session 22
  • Spellbound, Session 23
  • Spellbound, Session 3
  • Spellbound, Session 4
  • Spellbound, Session 5
  • Spellbound, Session 6
  • Spellbound, Session 7
  • Spellbound, Session 8
  • Spellbound, Session 9
  • Spellbound
  • Spellbound: A Divergence of Goals
  • Spellbound: Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Spellbound: New Rules, Part 2
  • Spellbound: Which Game to Play?
  • Spellbound: in space?
  • Spellcasting (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Spellcraft (Skill)
  • Spellcraft
  • Spells (House Rules)
  • Spells
  • Spellslinger (Class)
  • Spellstaff (Spell)
  • Spendthrift Alley
  • Sphinx (Creature)
  • Spider Climb (Spell)
  • Spider Eater (Creature)
  • Spider Swarm (Creature)
  • Spider, Colossal Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Devastation (Epic Creature)
  • Spider, Gargantuan Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Huge Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Large Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Medium Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Small Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spider, Tiny Monstrous (Creature)
  • Spike Growth (Spell)
  • Spike Stones (Spell)
  • Spires of the Morning
  • Spirit Naga (Creature)
  • Spiritual Weapon (Spell)
  • Spoils Alley
  • Spoils of the Conquered Warlock
  • Spot (Skill)
  • Spot
  • Sprite (Creature)
  • Square of the Djen
  • Squid (Creature)
  • Squid, Giant (Creature)
  • Stabbed Sailor Alley
  • Stables of Tobeah
  • Staff of the Fire God
  • Staggered (M&M3)
  • Star Ruby
  • Star Sapphire
  • Star wars character template
  • Starnaer
  • Starting Equipment (Midnight)
  • Starting Information - Waterdhavian Knights
  • Starting Wealth
  • Stationers’ Hall
  • Statue (Spell)
  • Status (Spell)
  • Steam Mephit (Creature)
  • Stefan Bachmeier
  • Stinking Cloud (Spell)
  • Stirge (Creature)
  • Stone Body (Spell)
  • Stone Colossus (Epic Creature)
  • Stone Giant (Creature)
  • Stone Giant Elder (Creature)
  • Stone Golem (Creature)
  • Stone Golem, Greater (Creature)
  • Stone Shape (Spell)
  • Stone Soup (Spell) (Midnight)
  • Stone Tell (Spell)
  • Stone of Kest
  • Stone to Flesh (Spell)
  • Stoneskin (Spell)
  • Stooger
  • Storm Giant (Creature)
  • Storm Silverhand
  • Storm armor of the earth's children
  • Storm of Vengeance (Spell)
  • Storm
  • Stormhome
  • Stormspell Mage
  • Stormwatch
  • Stormweather Villa
  • Story Time
  • Storytelling for Beginners
  • Strength
  • Stunned (M&M3)
  • StupidWTF
  • Subpage Test
  • Subpage Test_Subpage 1
  • Succubus (Creature)
  • Suggestion (Spell)
  • Suggestion, Mass (Spell)
  • Sulmest’s Splendid Shoes & Boots
  • Sultan
  • Sultlue Vault
  • Sultlue Villa
  • Summarl's Scrolls and Maps
  • Summon Fiendish Raven
  • Summon Instrument (Spell)
  • Summon Monster I (Spell)
  • Summon Monster II (Spell)
  • Summon Monster III (Spell)
  • Summon Monster IV (Spell)
  • Summon Monster IX (Spell)
  • Summon Monster Table (SRD Spell)
  • Summon Monster Table (Spell)
  • Summon Monster V (Spell)
  • Summon Monster VI (Spell)
  • Summon Monster VII (Spell)
  • Summon Monster VIII (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally I (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally II (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally III (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally IV (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally IX (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally Table (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally V (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally VI (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally VII (Spell)
  • Summon Nature's Ally VIII (Spell)
  • Summon Ragewalker
  • Summon Swarm (Spell)
  • Summon Swarm II
  • Summon Swarm III
  • Summon Sword Archon
  • Sun (astrological symbol)
  • Sun Li-Sheng
  • Sun
  • Sunbeam (Spell)
  • Sunburst (Spell)
  • Sune's Abandon
  • Sunglade
  • Sunned Barley Villa
  • Sunrise Escarpment
  • Sunrise Mountains
  • Superb advice For picking An Pacific Palisades summer camp
  • Supersphere Theory (TNC1)
  • Supersphere Theory
  • Supreme Dispelling
  • Surague Escarpment
  • Surmarsh
  • Surprised (M&M3)
  • Surthay (Tharch)
  • Surthay
  • Surtlan’s Metalwares
  • Survival (Skill) (Midnight)
  • Survival (Skill)
  • Survival
  • Suryn
  • Suryvlashadah
  • Sustaining Spoon
  • Svetlana Marisova
  • Svirfneblin (Creature)
  • Swarm (Creature)
  • Swim (Skill)
  • Swim
  • Sword Dancer (Prestige Class)
  • Sword Mountains
  • Syd
  • Sydaren Delcorenrath
  • Syl-Pasha
  • Syl-Sultan
  • Syl-vizar
  • Syl
  • Sylune Silverhand
  • Syluné
  • Syluné
  • Sylvia Hart
  • Sylvia Praka
  • Symbol I (Spell)
  • Symbol II (Spell)
  • Symbol III (Spell)
  • Symbol IV (Spell)
  • Symbol V (Spell)
  • Symbol of Death (Spell)
  • Symbol of Fear (Spell)
  • Symbol of Insanity (Spell)
  • Symbol of Pain (Spell)
  • Symbol of Persuasion (Spell)
  • Symbol of Sleep (Spell)
  • Symbol of Stunning (Spell)
  • Symbol of Weakness (Spell)
  • Sympathetic Vibration (Spell)
  • Sympathy (Spell)
  • Syrimatarah
  • Systems
  • Szafyragosa
  • Szass Tam
  • Szoth
  • T'Quession
  • Taanith's Khanduq
  • Tabarif
  • Tabarifa
  • Tabuq's Nightmares
  • Taerako Statuary and Stonework
  • Tahkasra Sasson
  • Takhasra Sasson
  • Talatha Vaerovree
  • Talk:A. Simon Vail
  • Talk:Alerion Flameborn
  • Talk:Artificer (Class)
  • Talk:Arturo DeNada
  • Talk:Brendan Hurst
  • Talk:Complete List of Prestige Classes of the Realms
  • Talk:Conrad Kessler
  • Talk:Dark Dagger
  • Talk:Devora Galasjbruna
  • Talk:Dorian Adricus
  • Talk:Elwrynn Galanodiel
  • Talk:Empathic Transfer, Hostile (Psionic Power)
  • Talk:Etherscope
  • Talk:Fict:A Conversation with Devora
  • Talk:Hurl Thunderbolt (Spell)
  • Talk:Imaskar
  • Talk:Incantatrix (Prestige Class)
  • Talk:It just so happens
  • Talk:Jared Althame
  • Talk:John Smith (Xaa Juyaay)
  • Talk:Justinian
  • Talk:Kage Tenjin
  • Talk:Magic in Midnight
  • Talk:Main Page
  • Talk:Martinet of Gilgeam (Prestige Class)
  • Talk:Master of the Order of the Phoenix (Prestige Class)
  • Talk:Moonstars
  • Talk:Official Rules of the Spellbound Game
  • Talk:Party Treasure (Spellbound)
  • Talk:Sitrep
  • Talk:Spellbound Rules Updates
  • Talk:Spellbound: A Divergence of Goals
  • Talk:Spellbound: Choose Your Own Adventure
  • Talk:Spellbound: Which Game to Play?
  • Talk:Staff of the Fire God
  • Talk:Storytelling for Beginners
  • Talk:Subpage Test
  • Talk:Takhasra Sasson
  • Talk:Tiamat Temple Treasure
  • Talk:Use of this wiki
  • Talk:Warlock Spell List
  • Talk:Zen Archer
  • Talmost Villa
  • Talos Arrnath
  • Talrendis Sunshadow
  • Talrendis
  • Tamramujah
  • Tanalasta Obarskyr
  • Tannath Gap
  • Tannath Mountains
  • Tannyth
  • Taorahl Drudach
  • Taporan
  • Tarm Villa
  • Tarrasque (Creature)
  • Tarsakh
  • Tarshaj Sabban
  • Tarzshaj Sabban
  • Tasha's Spell List
  • Tatyana Drakov
  • Tavaray
  • Tavboryn
  • Tavhir Sabban
  • Tavihr Sabban
  • Tayellah (Epic Creature)
  • Tchazzam Villa
  • Tehmak’s Coaches
  • Telamont Tanthul
  • Telamuzhidah
  • Telekinesis (Spell)
  • Telekinetic Sphere (Spell)
  • Telepathic Bond (Spell)
  • Telepathic Bond, Lesser (Spell)
  • Teleport (Spell)
  • Teleport Object (Spell)
  • Teleport, Greater (Spell)
  • Teleportation Circle (Spell)
  • Tellgor Cogswrench
  • Temp
  • Template:!
  • Template:*
  • Template:+
  • Template:Age
  • Template:Base Attack Bonus
  • Template:Birth date and age
  • Template:Character Sheet 2
  • Template:Character Sheet 3
  • Template:Character Sheet Brief
  • Template:Character Sheet
  • Template:Character
  • Template:City
  • Template:Class Chart Base Level
  • Template:Class Chart Base
  • Template:Class Chart Level
  • Template:Class Chart
  • Template:Class table
  • Template:Cleanup
  • Template:Country
  • Template:Creature Table
  • Template:Creature Table_Data
  • Template:DC Database:Location Template
  • Template:DM
  • Template:Dragon
  • Template:Dragon_Abilities
  • Template:Dragon_Abilities_Row
  • Template:Dragon_By Age
  • Template:Dragon_By Age_Row
  • Template:Fact
  • Template:Faerun
  • Template:Floater
  • Template:Generic Class Chart
  • Template:Generic Class Table
  • Template:Generic Table Noheader
  • Template:Generic Table
  • Template:Infobox Celebrity
  • Template:Infobox Country or territory
  • Template:Infobox Former Country
  • Template:Infobox Military Conflict
  • Template:Infobox Mountain
  • Template:Infobox building
  • Template:Infobox lake
  • Template:Infobox lake_conv
  • Template:Infobox lake_convert
  • Template:Lake
  • Template:MONTHNAME
  • Template:MONTHNUMBER
  • Template:Monster Table
  • Template:NPOV language
  • Template:Narr
  • Template:Nation
  • Template:Noble House
  • Template:Not verified
  • Template:Note
  • Template:Nowrap
  • Template:OGL Bottom
  • Template:OGL Top
  • Template:Odd or Even
  • Template:Ordinal
  • Template:Organization
  • Template:Person
  • Template:Pipe
  • Template:Plus
  • Template:Protected template
  • Template:Rebel character infobox
  • Template:SRD Spell Footer
  • Template:SWCharacter
  • Template:Save Bonus
  • Template:Sorcerer Spells per Day
  • Template:Spell Progression
  • Template:Spell
  • Template:Split
  • Template:Star wars character template
  • Template:Starship
  • Template:Template1
  • Template:Verify source
  • Template:War
  • TemplateTest1
  • Temple of Good Cheer
  • Temple of Old Night
  • Temporal Filcher (Creature)
  • Temporal Stasis (Spell)
  • Tendriculos (Creature)
  • Tenure in the Collegia
  • Tesper Villa
  • Tespergates
  • Tessalar’s Tower
  • Tessele Whitehorn
  • Test Page
  • Tethyrian
  • Thaaleqab Khanduq
  • Thann Villa
  • Thann
  • Tharch
  • Tharchion
  • Tharchions of Thay
  • Tharchions
  • Tharchs
  • Tharqualnaar
  • Thasunta
  • Thay Statistics
  • Thay
  • Thayan Escarpments
  • Thayan Intervention in Unther
  • Thaymount (Tharch)
  • Thaymount
  • Thazalhar (Tharch)
  • Thazalhar
  • Thazar Pass
  • The Adhavensarai
  • The Anhakhamarkha
  • The Arena Efreetum
  • The Arena Sabam
  • The Arms House
  • The Auret
  • The Bakkal's Dial
  • The Bards' Wisdom
  • The Beacon of Battle
  • The Beer Golem
  • The Bent Nail
  • The Bindery
  • The Black Dolphin's Wake
  • The Black Flame
  • The Blackstar Inn
  • The Bloody Fist
  • The Blue Alley
  • The Blue Jack
  • The Blue Mermaid
  • The Blue Wyrm
  • The Blushing Mermaid
  • The Bowels of the Earth
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship (1.5COT)
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship
  • The Broken Lance
  • The Brood of Maldariasellice
  • The Brotherhood of Righteous Wrath
  • The Brothers Humuz
  • The Cabin at the End of Time (COT3-1d)
  • The Calendar of Harptos
  • The Cat's Tail
  • The Cattlemans' House
  • The Chawal's Bridle
  • The Chawal's House
  • The Chosen of Mystra
  • The Church of the Lords Assembled
  • The Circle's Ovens
  • The Citadel
  • The City of the Dead
  • The Coach and Wagon Hall
  • The Coiled Quelzarn Tower
  • The Coinchapel
  • The Collegia
  • The Color of Ambition (Adventure)
  • The Coming of Twilight, Episode One
  • The Coming of Twilight, Session 10
  • The Coming of Twilight
  • The Company of Crazed Venturers
  • The Copper Ante
  • The Copper Cup
  • The Cormyrean Embassy
  • The Costerest
  • The Counting House
  • The Covenant
  • The Crawling Spider
  • The Crown of Shadows Campaign
  • The Curious Past
  • The Curseforged Armor of Etikan Nyek
  • The Cynosure
  • The Dalelands
  • The Dancing Dragon
  • The Dao's Step
  • The Darkness Passing
  • The Darkness Revealed (1COT2)
  • The Darkness Revealed (Coming of Twilight, S1E2)
  • The Dawn Belltowers
  • The Dawn of Defiance
  • The Desert's Grifthouse
  • The Dragon Tower of Maaril
  • The Dragon's Maw
  • The Dragonshards
  • The Dragon’s Head Tavern
  • The Easting Coast
  • The Elfstone Tavern
  • The Empress of Thay
  • The Empress
  • The Errant Spades
  • The Everfull Jack
  • The Eye Tyrant's End
  • The Eye Tyrant's Khanduq
  • The Fang
  • The Fetters
  • The Fiery Flagon
  • The Fires of Love (Quest)
  • The First Trader's Drink
  • The Font of Knowledge
  • The Forcebar
  • The Foreign Canton
  • The Fountain of the Qysars
  • The Four Villas of Castle Ward
  • The Fourth Cataclysm (story)
  • The Fourth Cataclysm
  • The Full Cup
  • The Gallery Majesta
  • The Galloping Minotaur
  • The Game Has Changed (2COT44)
  • The Garrulous Grocer
  • The Gathering Storm
  • The Gauntlet Guardant
  • The Gentle Mermaid
  • The Gentle Rest
  • The Ghostwalk
  • The Gilded Lantern
  • The Globe Well
  • The Golden Goblet
  • The Golden Haired Harpy
  • The Golden Key Locksmiths
  • The Golden Maidens
  • The Golden Sands Brewery
  • The Good Alignment
  • The Graven Word
  • The Gray Serpent
  • The Great Northern War
  • The Green Warder
  • The Grey League
  • The Grinning Lion
  • The Guild Arcane
  • The Guild Paddock
  • The Hall of Heroes
  • The Hall of the Sages
  • The Halls of Fortune
  • The Halls of Justice
  • The Halruaan Scrivenora
  • The Hanged Man
  • The Hanging Lantern
  • The Harpers
  • The Harpoon Minaret
  • The Heritage of Eredane
  • The Heroes of Midnight
  • The History of Eredane
  • The History of the Harpers
  • The House Khateera
  • The House of Becket
  • The House of Cleanliness
  • The House of Crystal
  • The House of Five Rings
  • The House of Four Moons
  • The House of Gems
  • The House of Good Spirits
  • The House of Healing
  • The House of Heltharn
  • The House of Heroes
  • The House of Inspired Hands
  • The House of Light
  • The House of Mirandor
  • The House of Nine Blessings
  • The House of Purple Silks
  • The House of Sabira el Wijadal
  • The House of Song
  • The House of Textiles
  • The House of Wonder
  • The House of the Homeless
  • The House of the Moon
  • The Hufir el Boqariq House
  • The Hunters (1COT22)
  • The Imperious Flame
  • The Imperium Archives
  • The Iron Maidens
  • The Iumaldah
  • The Jade Dancer
  • The Jade Jug
  • The Jet Jambiya
  • The Jilted Crown (1COT23)
  • The Keeper of Thaal
  • The Khamarnari
  • The Knights of Imphras II
  • The Lantanese Falcon (1COT11)
  • The Leader of the Collegia (Quest)
  • The League Office
  • The Legacy of Midnight
  • The Loom Halls
  • The Magic of Midnight
  • The Map House
  • The Market Hall
  • The Market
  • The Marking of the Years
  • The Masked One
  • The Master Bakers’ Hall
  • The Measure House
  • The Measure of a Man (2COT34)
  • The Mermaid's Arms
  • The Minarets Muzhadahr
  • The Misty Beard
  • The Most Holy Order of the Sacred Shrike
  • The Nallojal Billets
  • The Nazullah
  • The Nentyarch
  • The Nightmare Crisis (event)
  • The Nightmare Crisis
  • The Nightmare Crisis: Continuity
  • The Ninth Bell
  • The Oasis of the White Jonquil
  • The Obarskyr Dynasty
  • The Ocean's Heart
  • The Old Guildhall
  • The Old Monster Shop
  • The Order of the Sacred Shrike
  • The Pampered Traveler
  • The Pearls
  • The Persistence of Memory (2COT42)
  • The Persistence of Memory (2COT45)
  • The Pilgrim’s Rest
  • The Place of Fire
  • The Player Characters
  • The Plinth
  • The Priador
  • The Princes of Shade
  • The Protector's Tower
  • The Prowl
  • The Purple Palace
  • The Quaffing Quaggoth
  • The Queenspire
  • The Quiver
  • The Radiant Blade
  • The Raging Lion
  • The Reach
  • The Rearing Hippocampus
  • The Red Gauntlet
  • The Red-eyed Owl
  • The Redbridle Stables
  • The Riddle of the Covenant (2COT1)
  • The Riddle of the Covenant (Coming of Twilight, S2E1)
  • The Ring of Gray Flames
  • The Riven Shield Shop
  • The River Thay
  • The River Umber
  • The Road House
  • The Roll of Years
  • The Rolling Waves
  • The Sabbalad Bartoq
  • The Sabbalad Butrys el Alix
  • The Safehaven Inn
  • The Safehaven
  • The Sahalarka
  • The Sailor’s Own
  • The Samehlariq
  • The Savage North
  • The Scholar's Priory
  • The Seldarinaradah
  • The Septim Trading Company
  • The Seven Dancing Jhasinas
  • The Seven Sisters
  • The Shadow Collegia
  • The Shadow in the North
  • The Shadows Fall (1COT)
  • The Shadows Fall (Coming of Twilight, S1)
  • The Shanates' Bounty
  • The Shining Path
  • The Shining Tankard
  • The Ship's Prow
  • The Ship’s Wheel
  • The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean (2COT42)
  • The Shou Embassy
  • The Shrine of St. Asref
  • The Shrines of Nature
  • The Silkhanduq
  • The Silver Circles
  • The Silver Hoof Stables
  • The Simbul
  • The Singing Sword
  • The Skulkway
  • The Sleeping Snake
  • The Sleeping Wench
  • The Sleepy Slyph
  • The Smiling Siren
  • The Snookery
  • The Sons of Yeenoghu
  • The Sorcerer's Hand
  • The South Gate
  • The Spell-Lord's House
  • The Sphere of Kaatos
  • The Spirits of Midnight
  • The Spitting Camel
  • The Splintered Stair
  • The Sponge Bob Campaign
  • The Spouting Fish
  • The Srinshee
  • The Steadfast Order of Shortfellow Swashbucklers
  • The Stone House
  • The Strong Arms
  • The Sufontis Market
  • The Sultan's Library
  • The Sultanadah Vyrsatyr
  • The Sultry Siren
  • The Sundering
  • The Sunrise Mountains
  • The Sword and the Rose
  • The Swords'’ Rest
  • The Swords’ Rest
  • The Temple of Beauty
  • The Temple of Old Night
  • The Ten Tribes of Yuir
  • The Tharchioness
  • The Thayvian Embassy
  • The Thirsty Sailor
  • The Thirsty Throat
  • The Tower Sufontis
  • The Tower of Luck
  • The Towers of Fury
  • The Treant's Khanduq
  • The Treasures of Isis
  • The Twelve Ovens
  • The Tycharradah
  • The Undercity
  • The Underdark (Tavern)
  • The Unicorn's Horn
  • The Unicorn’s Horn
  • The Veiled Dance
  • The Veiled Lamia
  • The Vihaddah Semohl
  • The Villains of Midnight
  • The Violivery
  • The Wagon House
  • The Wandering Wemic
  • The Warrens
  • The Wharf Amlakkhan
  • The Wind-Rider's Way
  • The World as it Was
  • The Wraithshaven
  • The Yawning Portal
  • The Zoarstar
  • The benefits of Hermosa Beach summer camp
  • Theln Lane
  • Thelonius P. Stonetower
  • Thelonius Stonetower
  • Thelten's Alley
  • Thentavva’s Boots
  • Thentia
  • Thesk Mountains
  • Thesk
  • Thesp Eltorchul
  • Thessaloni Canos
  • Thick Skull (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Thomdor Obarskyr
  • Thond Glass and Glazing Shop
  • Thongolir Villa
  • Thoqqua (Creature)
  • Thorciasid (Epic Creature)
  • Thorp Villa
  • Thought Eater (Creature)
  • Thought Slayer (Creature)
  • Threatening Shot (Feat)
  • Three Pearls Nightclub
  • Three Thrown Daggers Alley
  • Three-Headed Sirrush (Epic Creature)
  • Threskel
  • Through the Looking Glass (1COT12)
  • Thunderstaff Villa
  • Thurndan Tallwand
  • Thytos Sabban
  • Tiamat Temple Guards
  • Tiamat Temple Treasure
  • Tiberius Kaine
  • Tiefling (Creature)
  • Tiefling, Greater (Race)
  • Tiger (Creature)
  • Tiger, Dire (Creature)
  • Tiger, Legendary (Creature)
  • Time Stop (Spell)
  • Timeline of Faerûn
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Archmages
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Netheril
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Pre-History
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Present
  • Timeline of Faerûn: States-Northkeep
  • Timeline of Faerûn: Waterdeep-Zhentarim
  • Timeline of Faerun
  • Timeline of Faerûn
  • Tinnir
  • Tiny Hut (Spell)
  • Tirin Morningburst
  • Titan (Creature)
  • Titan, Elder (Epic Creature)
  • Titles of Thay
  • To Do List
  • To Slip the Surly Bonds of Earth (2COT33)
  • To Tame the Perilous Skies (2COT3)
  • Toad (Creature)
  • Tojanida (Creature)
  • Tojanida, Adult (Creature)
  • Tojanida, Elder (Creature)
  • Tojanida, Juvenile (Creature)
  • Tolgar Anuvien
  • Tomb Jade
  • Tomed's Locks and Chains
  • Tongues (Spell)
  • Topography of Cormyr
  • Topography
  • Torc of Splendor
  • Toril's Most Powerful Spellcasters
  • Touch of Fatigue (Spell)
  • Touch of Idiocy (Spell)
  • Tower of Inspiration
  • Tower of the Order
  • Tower of the Rising Moon
  • Track (Feat)
  • Trades Ward (Calimport)
  • Trades Ward
  • Transformation (Spell)
  • Transformed (M&M3)
  • Transmute Metal to Wood (Spell)
  • Transmute Mud to Rock (Spell)
  • Transmute Rock to Mud (Spell)
  • Transport via Plants (Spell)
  • Trap the Soul (Spell)
  • Treant (Creature)
  • Treant, Elder (Epic Creature)
  • Treasure of Korak'Chellan
  • Treasure
  • Treasures of the Covenant
  • Tree Shape (Spell)
  • Tree Stride (Spell)
  • Triceratops (Creature)
  • Trident's Rest
  • Triton (Creature)
  • Troglodyte (Creature)
  • Troll (Creature)
  • Troll Hunter (Creature)
  • Trollcrook Alley
  • Trollskull Alley
  • True Resurrection (Spell)
  • True Seeing (Spell)
  • True Strike (Spell)
  • Trumpet Archon (Creature)
  • Trumpet Archon (SRD Creature)
  • Tsarnen Alley
  • Tuckpurse Alley
  • Tumble (Skill)
  • Tumble
  • Turn or Rebuke Undead (Rules)
  • Turnback Court
  • Tuuramil House
  • Twelve Reeds House
  • Twoflask Alley
  • Tyan Voth
  • Tymora’s Blessing
  • Tynar's Drudach
  • Tynar's Square
  • Tyrannosaurus (Creature)
  • Tyranny (Spell)
  • Tyraturos (Tharch)
  • Tyraturos
  • Tyrbos Sabban
  • Ubiquitous
  • Udoroot (Creature)
  • Ulbrinter Villa
  • Ultimate Justice (2COT11)
  • Ultimate Justice (2COT12)
  • Umber Marshes
  • Umbergoth
  • Umbral Blot (blackball) (Epic Creature)
  • Unaware (M&M3)
  • Unbodied (Creature)
  • Undeath to Death (Spell)
  • Underdark
  • Underhome
  • Undermarket
  • Undermountain
  • Undetectable Alignment (Spell)
  • Unhallow (Spell)
  • Unholy Aura (Spell)
  • Unholy Blight (Spell)
  • Unholy Scion (Prestige Class)
  • Unicorn (Creature)
  • Unicorn Athame
  • Unseen Servant (Spell)
  • Unther
  • Untitled Elf Campaign
  • Upperdark
  • Urcandle Alley
  • Urling
  • Urlingwood
  • Urmbrusk Villa
  • Ursa of the Earthkin "Bounty Hunter Faith"
  • Ursa of the Earthkin
  • Use Magic Device (Skill)
  • Use Magic Device
  • Use Psionic Device (Skill)
  • Use Psionic Device
  • Use Rope (Skill)
  • Use Rope
  • Use of this wiki
  • User talk:Kenjura
  • User:DorianAdricus
  • User:Kenjura
  • User:Pilitus
  • User:Tallas
  • Using Skills (SRD Rules)
  • Uvuudaum (Epic Creature)
  • Vaelendaer
  • Vahlen Sabban
  • Vale of Sur
  • Vale of Umber
  • Valin Arkanian
  • Vallaki
  • Vampire (Creature)
  • Vampire Spawn (Creature)
  • Vampiric Touch (Spell)
  • Vamps
  • Vangerdahast
  • Vanth Bruil
  • Vaoladah Khanduq
  • Vargouille (Creature)
  • Vattick Tanthul
  • Veil (Spell)
  • Veiled Glances
  • Veldarin of Sshamath
  • Velprintalar
  • Ventriloquism (Spell)
  • Veridti Hassan
  • Vermin (Creature)
  • Vermiurge (Epic Creature)
  • Vexas
  • Victor Ransom
  • Victus Tarkasian
  • Vil'velas Myarvan Starym
  • Villa of Tatir the Slavemaster
  • Vimahlydah
  • Violet Dubord
  • Violet Fungus (Creature)
  • Virgin's Square
  • Virgin’s Square
  • Virtue (Spell)
  • Visage of Doom
  • Vision (Spell)
  • Vivienne Rouchard
  • Vizar Khomaya
  • Vizar
  • Volothamp Geddarm
  • Vondre Icewhisper
  • Vrock (Creature)
  • Vulnerable (M&M3)
  • WDK
  • WDK2-2
  • Wagonslide Alley
  • Wail of the Banshee (Spell)
  • Waldo von Tyrell
  • Wall of Fire (Spell)
  • Wall of Fire Trap (Spell)
  • Wall of Force (Spell)
  • Wall of Ice (Spell)
  • Wall of Iron (Spell)
  • Wall of Stone (Spell)
  • Wall of Thorns (Spell)
  • Wandering Sorcerer (Class)
  • Wands Villa
  • War Never Changes (2COT31)
  • War Wizard Oath of Loyalty
  • War Wizards of Cormyr
  • War Wizards
  • War of the Fireflies (1COT24)
  • Ward
  • Warlock Spell List
  • Warlock
  • Warm Beds
  • Warp Wood (Spell)
  • Warrior of Shadow (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Warriors' Monument
  • Wasp, Giant (Creature)
  • Watch Alley
  • Watch Guardpost
  • Watchers of the North
  • Watchrun Alley
  • Watchwall
  • Water Breathing (Spell)
  • Water Elemental (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Elder (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Greater (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Huge (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Large (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Medium (Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Primal (Epic Creature)
  • Water Elemental, Small (Creature)
  • Water Mephit (Creature)
  • Water Naga (Creature)
  • Water Opal
  • Water Walk (Spell)
  • Waterdeep
  • Waterdhavian Golden Dragon
  • Waterdhavian Knights
  • Waukeen’s Wares
  • Waves of Exhaustion (Spell)
  • Waves of Fatigue (Spell)
  • Wavesilver Villa
  • Way Inn
  • Waymoot
  • We're Off to See the Wizard (1COT13)
  • Weakened (M&M3)
  • Weapon of the Deity (Spell)
  • Weapons and Armor
  • Weasel (Creature)
  • Weasel, Dire (Creature)
  • Web (Spell)
  • Weird (Spell)
  • Weirwood
  • Werebear (Creature)
  • Wereboar (Creature)
  • Wererat (Creature)
  • Weretiger (Creature)
  • Werewolf (Creature)
  • Werewolf Lord (Creature)
  • West Gate (Waterdeep)
  • West Gate
  • Westgate (Waterdeep)
  • Westgate
  • Whale (Creature)
  • Whale, Baleen (Creature)
  • Whale, Cachalot (Creature)
  • Whale, Orca (Creature)
  • What's Happening in NARR Today
  • Wheel Hall
  • Whirlwind (Spell)
  • Whispering Awareness (Feat) (Midnight)
  • Whispering Wind (Spell)
  • White Ford
  • White Lady
  • Who's Who in the Realms
  • Wichtingourds
  • Wight (Creature)
  • Wildlander (Midnight) (Class)
  • Wilhelm "Billy" Conrad
  • Wilhelm Conrad
  • Wilhelmina Petrovna
  • Will-O'-Wisp (Creature)
  • Wind Walk (Spell)
  • Wind Wall (Spell)
  • Wines, Ales, and Spirits of the Realms
  • Winged Helm
  • Winter Wolf (Creature)
  • Winter
  • Winterkeep
  • Winterwight (Epic Creature)
  • Witchblade
  • Witchlords
  • Witmaanal's Livery
  • Wizard (Class)
  • Wizard (Prestige Class) (Midnight)
  • Wizard Ward
  • Wizard's Reach
  • Wizard
  • Wizards of War
  • Wizards' Reach
  • Wizards’ Reach
  • Woarsten Nanther
  • Woden Durgis
  • Wolf (Creature)
  • Wolf, Dire (Creature)
  • Wolverine (Creature)
  • Wolverine, Dire (Creature)
  • Wood Shape (Spell)
  • Word of Chaos (Spell)
  • Word of Recall (Spell)
  • Worg (Creature)
  • Worm That Walks (Epic Creature)
  • Worthy Blades
  • Wraith (Creature)
  • Wraithguard
  • Wrath of the Moon and Fury of the Sun (DM)
  • Wrath of the Titans
  • Wye
  • Wyrmbones Inn
  • Wystwint Frostcap
  • Wyvern (Creature)
  • Wyvern’s Rest
  • XBDH1-1.5
  • XBDH1-1
  • XBDH1-2
  • XBDH1-3
  • XBDH1-4
  • XP to Level
  • Xainya Icewhisper
  • Xeph (Creature)
  • Xill (Creature)
  • Xixecal (Epic Creature)
  • Xorn (Creature)
  • Xorn, Average (Creature)
  • Xorn, Elder (Creature)
  • Xorn, Minor (Creature)
  • Yaphyll
  • Yder Tanthul
  • Yeth Hound (Creature)
  • Ylar Sabban
  • Ylar's House
  • Ynamalik
  • Your Guide to picking Venice summer camp for Kids and Teens
  • Yrthak (Creature)
  • Ysana Leuthrysse
  • Ysana Moonshadow
  • Yshah
  • Ytal's Confectioners
  • Ythazz Buvaar
  • Yuirwood
  • Yuzas Selim el Donar
  • Yuzas
  • Zahl Fe'rya
  • Zahl Feriya
  • Zahl I of Thay
  • Zahl I
  • Zahl
  • Zak
  • Zakarya Killendare
  • Zaki
  • Zalantar (Darkwood)
  • Zalathorm Kirkson
  • Zeldan's Alley
  • Zelekhut (Creature)
  • Zeltabbar Iliphar
  • Zen Archer
  • Zendalure
  • Zenovia
  • Zephraim Gaznaresh
  • Zhengyi
  • Zhentil Keep
  • Zombie (Creature)
  • Zombie, Bugbear (Creature)
  • Zombie, Gray Render (Creature)
  • Zombie, Human (Creature)
  • Zombie, Kobold (Creature)
  • Zombie, Minotaur (Creature)
  • Zombie, Ogre (Creature)
  • Zombie, Troglodyte (Creature)
  • Zombie, Wyvern (Creature)
  • Zone of Silence (Spell)
  • Zone of Truth (Spell)
  • Zuhair
  • Zulkir
  • Zulkirs
  • Zulpair Villa
  • Zun Villa
  • Zzar
  • _menu
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  • index
  • —Guild Arcane