Aurora Phaundal

Aurora Phaundal
Biographical Information


The Unapproachable East in general (originally from Undrek'thoz)


20 Alturiak 1253 (age in 1385: 132)





House Phaundal
Physical Description


Dark Elf (true)





Hair Color


Eye Color


Skin Color


Family Information


Ithrylda Phaundal (matron mother), true parents unknown


Brother (name?), many others





Chronological and Political Information


Trained to be a matron mother, Aurora never quite fit into Underdark society. She liberated herself in the mid-1300s, seeking magical training amongst the Red Wizards of Thay. After stints as a slave, courtesan, thief, wizard's apprentic, and who knows how many other things, she finally came into her own as a master of Eltabbar's underworld, as the leader of the Diamond Dancers. In recent years, she has not been seen, even by her underworld contacts.

Having reached modest proficiency as a wizard, Aurora's access to the Weave was stripped from her by Valin Arkanian. Despite this setback, she relearned her magic by way of Invocation and Thaumaturgy, and amidst the Spellplague, she has risen to become one of Toril's Most Powerful Spellcasters.


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