- 1st level: small RP focused traits to differentiate 1st level characters, like the ethics/etc in stellaris
- no auto stat scaling for level
- level = skills, feats, power knowledge. not stats
- stat increase = new power source (vampire, mantle of power, magic item, etc)
- flatten spell max level
- SECONDARY STATS > primary stats. ideas:
- fort / will / reflex
- reactions / action points / luck rolls
- crit range
- hit rating? (mainly the ability to bypass avoidance)
- armor penetration (bypass mitigation)
- concentration
- attunement (magic items?)
- dominance (controlling minions)
- haste?
- not sure what to call them...tertiary stats?
- strength: bonus damage, but not used for hitting
Attributes test
Each level, gain 1 attribute perk.
Basic use: absorb damage without becoming disabled, stabilize when dying, avoid death, etc.
- Ignore Critical: use a Fort roll to turn a crit into a non-crit
Basic use: as in 5e.
- Pause Spell: pause a concentration spell for another, resume the first later
- Double Conc: some limitations, but yeah, that
- Sustain: don't lose concentration when not present, unconscious, etc
- Combat Casting: no risk of losing spell when hit for damage
Basic use: none
- Improved Critical: add +1 crit range
- Deadly Critical: add more crit multiplier (some amount)
- Hard to Dodge: dodge vs you? disadvantage.
- etc