Story of a Lifetime
A D&D campaign set in the world of Eberron.
- The Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron (5e) and Rising From the Last War are the primary world sourcebooks. Everything in there is canon unless otherwise specified.
- All 3rd edition Eberron supplements can be considered canon if they don't conflict with the above.
- All official WotC 6e rules are valid, as are homebrew rules noted here (TBD). Other resources need to be cleared with the DM.
In brief, light-hearted, occasionally silly and occasionally dead serious. The PCs should be good-natured or at least not evil, a bit out of place in regular society but welcome within the guild. The world is vast and full of possibilities, and danger is just part of the fun!
Eberron is neither modern Earth nor a renaissance fair, but something entirely different. Magic is commonplace and partly industrialized, and so larger-scale construction such as lightning rail lines are possible, but they don't have a 21st century understanding of chemistry and physics, so you won't see a lot of glass-and-steel skyscrapers, automatic rifles, or smartphones. Artifice has produced some fabulous and convenient inventions, but they always have a flair of medieval, renaissance, or perhaps even early modern design (Aundair's airships might be conflated for 19th-century naval vessels, for example). It's a melange of styles, but at the end of the day, there are swords, elves, wizards, castles, and all the trappings of classic medieval lightning trains!
The campaign is centered around a news agency. The PCs are journalists, whose goal is to deliver a story that will captivate public attention and sell papers. Now, if they take an active role in ensuring the stories are indeed interesting, well, that's just good business, now, isn't it?
Almost all time will be spent on the adventures themselves; this isn't a job simulator. The news agency is an artifice to enable the PCs to investigate mysteries, chase down criminals, explore ruins--all the things adventurers do anyway. It's just that the incentive structure is a little different.
The Agency
Name | Bio | Abilities | Personality |
Rival Agencies
1 - intro, end at hospital 2 - delve into cogs, end after thug fight 3 - got onto ship, ended with confrontation with goblins 4 - escaped ship, ended when Daask showed up 5 - fight w/Daask, ship sank, escaped to the news office, dragon! 6 - calmed the dragon, examined the box, golems attacked!, went to hide at Casa Madrigal 7 - research at the library, Ty babysits the dragon 8 - battle with the Nightshades 9 - meeting with Kason, the Calibration Test 10 - fixing up the plane, camping on the lake, flight to Aundair
Session # | Session ID | Episode Name | Date | Starting Level |
1 | SoL1-1a | Hot Commodity | 9-08-24 | 3 |
2 | SoL1-1b | Hot Commodity | 9-12-24 | 3 |
3 | SoL1-1c | Hot Commodity | 9-20-24 | 3 |
4 | SoL1-1d | Hot Commodity | 10-03-24 | 3 |
5 | SoL1-1e | Hot Commodity | 10-11-24 | 3 |
6 | SoL1-1f | Hot Commodity | 10-17-24 | 4 |
7 | SoL1-1g | Hot Commodity | 10-28-24 | 4 |
8 | SoL1-1h | Hot Commodity | 11-02-24 | 4 |
9 | SoL1-1j | Hot Commodity | 11-15-24 | 4 |
10 | SoL1-1k | Flight of Fancy | 11-23-24 | 5 |