A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Episode II
It is a dark time for the galaxy. As the yoke of Imperial rule has firmly settled upon the shoulders of the defeated Republic, the naked face of tyranny is being exposed for the first time.
Radiating outward from the dark heart of the GALACTIC EMPIRE, corruption and oppression have taken hold of nearly every sector of the galaxy. Prejudice, bias, and militarism have replaced freedom and peace.
Wherever the Empire goes, the feeders on corruption follow, plunging the galaxy into crime and anarchy. Though in a desert of chaos, the flower of hope may bloom. In a distant sector of space, on the edge of the Empire, a flame of defiance even now grows from scattered embers...
Aeon Korr |
human (cyborg) |
male |
Son of Titus Korr (CEO of Titanworks), playboy, layabout, and occasional daredevil. | |
Phoebe |
female |
Daughter of colonists, survivor of a biological apocalypse that destroyed her homeworld. | ||
Roxxy |
female |
??? |
Protege of Danton Shrine--his most trusted assassin and spy, who is secretly working to her own ends. | |
Jor Driver |
male |
Gambler, con artist, and go-between with a strong affinity for "Luck". | ||
Bo-Tyshaan |
female |
Best friend and bodyguard of Jor Driver. Gifted starship technician and very bad gambler. | ||
The Master |
male |
Unknown, Force powerful, injured Kel Dor rumored to dwell within the Deep Levels of Sector Gamma 17. | ||
Background Characters
The Government
Robeir Arcturian |
male |
His Majesty, King Robeir XXIII, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Cron, architect of the Argai Rebellion. | ||
Valerian Arcturian |
male |
Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cron and only child of Robeir Arcturian. | ||
Therman Imoth |
male |
The elderly and paranoid Moff Therman Imoth governs the Cronese Mandate sector from an ancient space station in orbit above Chandaar. | ||
The Law
Everel Ganth |
male |
Chief Justice Ganth is the respected head of The Directorate, the law enforcement authority within the Kingdom of Cron. | ||
Dirik Reese |
male |
Lieutenant Dirik Reese is an inspector in the Crime Directorate, stationed in Sector Gamma 17. Often partnered with a forensic droid B0-BY. | ||
Gavil Molk |
male |
Major Gavil Molk is the Imperial Security Bureau "advisor" assigned to station Gamma 17. | ||
The Money
Titus Korr |
male |
Founder and CEO of Titanworks, ltd, a rising star in the field of arms and armor, Titus is as ruthless and ambitious as any of the rest of Robeir's inner circle. |
The Underworld
Danton Shrine |
male |
Unknown |
Exadelfos (Under-Vigo) within Black Sun. Powerful and influential crime boss and businessman. | |
Gotha Besadii Lok |
male |
Ruthless and violent Hutt crimeboss of Sector Gamma 71, Ferece's Folly. | ||
Devo Ulp |
male |
"Chopper" Mechanic and owner of "The Bays". Mid-tier racketeer specializing in vehicles and parts. | ||