Native Name |
Unknown |
Conventional Long Name |
Unknown |
Common Name |
Arabel |
Government |
Appointed High Lord |
Population |
30,606 (~75,000 in caravan season) |
Demographics |
Human 90%, half-elf 5%, dwarf 4%, other 1% |
Coat of Arms | |
Total Assets |
180,300,000 gp (~375,000,000 gp in caravan season) |
Purchase Limit |
100,000 gp |
General Alignment |
Chaotic Neutral |
Official Languages | Chondathan |
Authority Figures |
High Lord Jaster Imbruin, Duke of the Eastern Marches Thomdor Obarskyr |
Arguably the second most important city in Cormyr, Arabel has a long and proud history of stubborn independence. Sitting astride the "Crossroads of the Heartlands", Arabel is a city of commerce and trade where people (and creatures) from all corners of the Realms can be found. Originally founded as an independent city state, Arabel was first brought to heel by King Draxius "the Neverdying" Obarskyr, putting an end to centuries of border skirmishes. The burden of distant rulership from Suzail would not sit well upon the shoulders of the independent Arabellans, and the city would rebel no less than seven more times in the passage of years only to be reconquered with sometimes more, sometimes less difficulty. As a result of this "independent spirit", Arabel sees nearly triple the garrison of Purple Dragons of any other Cormyrean city, and with the completion of Castle Crag nearly ten years ago, it has also fallen under the watchful eye of the King's third cousin, Thomdor Obarskyr, Warden and Duke of the Eastern Marches. The day to day rulership of the city and it's environs are carried out by the relatively young High Lord Jaster Imbruin, a position the young lordling virtually inherited from his respected father.
Geography of Arabel

Set in the foothills of the Northern Marches of Cormyr, Arabel sits upon the crossroads of two major routes. Built hard upon the Sword River (also sometimes called the Arabel River), the city of Arabel occupies three major hills. The tallest, the Promontory, is the location of the Citadel, a massive, stark, gray walled fortress whose tallest spire can be seen from every point in the city. The Godshill is the location of the most distinctive (and oldest) structure in the city, the Temple of St. Marena of Sune, an elegant walled temple of rose colored domes and spires that would be more at home in the distant southlands of Calimshan than in northern Cormyr. Finally, the Highwalk is a long, ridge like hill that falls away to the Sword River below and is the home of the most exclusive members of the newer Arabellan aristocracy.
The city is surrounded completely be 50 foot high featureless stone walls constructed nearly fifty years ago to replace the aging wood and stone ringworks of earlier years. The wall is pierced by three major and one minor gate. The major gates are, clockwise from north to south, the Moonsea Gate, the East Gate, and Calanter's Gate. The minor gate is located in the southwest of the city. Called the River Gate, it provides stepped foot access from the walled inner city to the "Rivertown" that sprawls along the Sword River. Each of the gates (except the River Gate) is protected by a gate house featuring two sets of reinforced 20 foot high oaken doors, a wrought iron spiked portcullis, and a second story barracks complete with "murder holes".
The streets of the main part of the city are ostensibly cobbled with river stones, though in the spring and summer so much caravan and foot traffic passes through that the cobbles are usually buried beneath inches of thick mud. The houses range from one floor longhouses near the walls to five story shop/apartment buildings along the city's main thoroughfares. Most of the buildings are composed of fieldstone first floors, with plaster and timber successive floors. Due to problems with rot and fire, all of the buildings in Arabel are roofed with wooden slats or lightweight slate stone.
At almost every street intersection can be found a large stone or clay cistern, low to the ground, for the collection of rain water and the use of passing travelers, nearby residents, and horses. Many homes and shops also have rooftop cisterns for water collection. Many of the shop signs are expressed in Chondathan, Illuskan, and Damaran, and little sign of demi-human influence can be found.
The city is roughly divided into four major "districts", according to class and type. Along the western wall is located the Citadel, the Palace of the High Lord, the Temples of Sune and Tymora, and the Highwalk neighborhood of wealthy nobles and extremely wealthy merchant princes. The northwestern environs of the city are an older upscale neighborhood, beginning to decline in wealth and prestige, but mostly composed of firmly middle class shops and family residences. The eastern slice of the city is the newest and poorest section of the city. The lowest class of inn and tavern can be found along the Eastway, as well as the livestock pens, tanneries, and butchers shops. The south side of the city is heavily given over to commerce. Dozens of major warehouses and perhaps two hundred smaller warehouses make their home here, as well as the industries used to support them, including tack shops, inns, stables, pawn shops, and hireling offices.
- Rivertown
- If the east district of Arabel proper is the poorest district of the city, Rivertown is it's slums. Hardly considered part of their city by Arabellans, the ramshackle houses, inns, and businesses of this unprotected area are virtually a law unto themselves. The lowest brothels, flophouses, and dockside taverns find a home out here, where crime is rampant and fire and disease are constant companions. The warehouses here are cheap, and the wise merchant who makes use of them guards them heavily.
Locations in Arabel
- 1. Citadel of the Dragons (barracks, keep, and jail)
- 2. Palace of the High Lord (court, assembly hall)
- 3. Marliir House (noble family)
- People: Raynaar Marliir (LN hm)
- Description: Though commanding little attention in Suzail, House Marliir is well respected in Arabel for honesty and integrity in their dealings. They have little regard for the dishonest.
- 4. The Weary Knight (inn)
- Description: Simple roadhouse inn. Salvaged sarcophagus from a knight's tomb decorates the foyer. Filled with minstrels.
- People: Alanaerle (fat, ugly, jolly woman who loves romantic tales and songs)
- Prices: Private rooms 4 sp per night (2 sp for a minstrel who plays).
- Services: Clean, well maintained straw mattresses, simple fare for the patrons.
- 5. The Lady's House (temple of Tymora)
- People: High Hand of the Lady Daramos Lauthyr, 24 priests, 336 temple staff members.
- Description: The Lady's House is a splendid, 6 turreted stone and wood temple that looks more like an oversized manor house than a proper temple. Extensive gardens are enclosed by the ringing temple, and the front courtyard is dominated by a magically enchanted spinning coin of Tymora fully the size of a wagon.
- 6. The Dragon's Rest (guesthouse and barracks)
- Description: A long defunct noble estate converted into a barracks and guest house for guests of the Crown or the High Lord.
- 7. The Whistling Wheel (inn)
- 8. The Traveler's Banner (inn)
- 9. The Lamps (hardware store)
- People: Khelve (CN hm).
- Description: A hardware store noted for it's excellent selection and service at competitive prices.
- 10. The Bazaar (market area)
- 11. Eastgate
- 12. The Eastwatch Inn (inn)
- 13. The Iron Throne (merchant company yards)
- 14. Milzar's Yards (rental stockyards)
- 15. Thousandheads Trading Coster (merchant company yards)
- Description:The most powerful of the commercial interests in Arabel, they run thousands of caravans from Waterdeep to Hillsfar via Scornubel, Berdusk, Iriabor, Priapurl, Arabel, and Essembra.
- 16. Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant company yards)
- 17 Elfskull Inn (inn)
- Description: A serene and subdued inn for the discerning traveler. The inn is named for a floating, glowing elven skull seen in its foyer at night from time to time.
- People: Proprietors are sisters, Orlyra and Mristeezra. Owner is Asheyron the Learned.
- Prices: Private rooms are 2 gp per night.
- Services: Rooms are exceptionally clean and well maintained. They are magically cooled in summer and warmed in winter. All rooms come with breakfast and a bath.
- 18 Calanter's Gate
- 19. Red Ravens Mercenary Company Headquarters
- People: Caskin Meredos (LG hm), Rayanna Rose (LN hf).
- Description: A well respected mercenary company with a long history of good relations within Cormyr. Their headquarters is a lightly fortified two story structure of stone and wood enclosing a training yard with attached stables and storehouses.
- 20. The King's Trading Yards (merchant company yards)
- 21. Trueshield Trading Priakos (merchant company yards)
- 22. Moonsea Gate
- 23. The Night Wolf Inn (inn)
- 24. Mother Lahamma's House (boarding house)
- 25. Raspral's Kiss (festhall)
- 26. Six Coffers Market Priakos (merchant company yards)
- 27. Gelzunduth Warehouse
- 28. Gelzunduth Warehouse
- 29. House of Gelzunduth (local merchant)
- 30. Rhalseer's (boarding house)
- 31. House of Kraliqh (local merchant)
- 32. House of Bhela (local merchant)
- 33. Well
- 34. House of Misrim (local merchant)
- Description:The wealthiest of the local merchants in Arabel, outgoing House Misrim trades in coal, charcoal, and oil. A large walled estate enclosing a forest of lush blackwood trees. Glittering white walls rise above the park, pierced by stained glass windows. The many roofs are tiled with multi-colored clay tiles imported from Amn and Calimport.
- 35. House of Hiloar (local merchant)
- 36. Shassra's (boarding house)
- Description:A clean, well furnished, welcoming house for long term visitors to the city.
- Prices: Private Room is 4 cp per night, Shared Room is 2 cp per night. Bath is 1 sp each.
- Services: Shassra offers a clean room with a ewer of drinking water, a basin of wash water, and a chamberpot.
- 37. Falcon's Rest (inn)
- Description: One of the finest inns in Arabel, the inn is magically enchanted for comfort and filled with exotic taxidermy.
- People: Elmdaerle (Guildmaster of the Guild of Naturalists).
- Prices: Rooms are 5 gp per night.
- Services: All rooms are magically sound dampened and temperature regulated. All rooms are equipped with service gongs which bring attentive servants in a trice. All rooms come with breakfast and hot drinks.
- 38. House of Nyaril (local merchant)
- 39. The Watchful Shield (rental bodyguards)
- 40. Dulbiir's
- Description:Festhall where the participants dress in all manner of costumes and then have their fun.
- People: Urtos Dulbiir
- Prices: Varies, 5 gp to watch
- Services: Patrons can rent costumes (and escorts) and try their hand at acting or just have "fun".
- 41. Mulkaer Lorndath (fine tailor)
- 42. The Silver Tankard (tavern)
- 43. Mhaer Tzintin (loans and money changer)
- 44. Eighlar's Fine Wines
- 45. Jhamma's Silks and Furs
- 46. Dhelthaen (butcher)
- 47. "The Strongwatch" (rental warehouse)
- 48. The Pride of Arabel (inn)
- Description: Arabel's haughtiest inn. Grand house of fluted columns and cavernous ceilings. Walls of sculpted plaster and large mirrors.
- Prices: Private suites only for 12 gp per night. Meals can be as much as 5 gp. Drinks are 1 sp - 1 gp.
- Services: Service is poor, rooms are cold but grand.
- 49. Orbul's Fine Carving and Furniture
- 50. Khammath's Crystal (shop)
- 51. The Black Mask (tavern)
- 52. House of Thond (local merchant)
- People: Peraphon Thond (CN hm).
- Description: Primary dealer in fine gemstones and exotic jewels. Extremely wealthy but shy and subdued.
- 53. Hawk's Perch Trading House (pawnshop)
- 54. Szantel's Ropes, Cords, Chains, and Mesh
- 55. The Wary Warrior (weapons of all types)
- 56. The Two-Headed Lion (tavern)
- 57. The Striking Snake (tavern)
- 58. The Coiled Whip (tavern)
- 59. The Gentle Smile (festhall)
- 60. The House of Baerlear (local merchant)
- 61. The Black Barrel (tavern)
- 62. Hundar's Fine Carpets, Perfumes, and Lanterns
- 63. Iardon's Hirelings (rental servants)
- 64. Monument to Dhalmass, Warrior King
- Description: Carved of black granite, the Monument of the Warrior King shows the crowned and fully armored Dhalmass waving a drawn sword from the saddle of his favorite war horse, which itself is rearing its forelegs in the air.
- 65. The Silver Stallion (tack shop)
- 66. Green Phial (apothecary and clinic)
- 67. Mhaes's (festhall)
- 68. Thond's (jewelry)
- 69. Six Coffers Market Priakos (merchant company warehouse)
- 70. The Bent Bow (tavern)
- 71. Laeduth's (boarding house)
- 72. The Red Sword (tavern)
- 73. Vaelthym Olorar (rental falconer)
- 74. Saerdar's Silks and Flowers
- 75. The Hungry Man (restaurant)
- Description: Long, echoing cafeteria of bare trestle tables, rough benches, and self-service lines.
- Price: Payment at the door is 2 sp for all you can eat, 1 cp per tankard for watery ale or bitter wine.
- Services: Sliced roast beef, roast mutton, spitted fowl, milk porridge, Arabellan cheddar cheese, goat's milk cheese, hot bread, snow bread, oatcakes, pan-fried turnips, boiled carrots, sliced potatoes in cheese, spiced flour dumplings, broth, mustard, grated horseradish, garlic-and-parsley butter, brackleberry jam.
- 76. The Chalice (fine brassworks)
- 77. The Net of Pearls (gowns, jewelry, finery)
- 78. Nelzara's (boarding house)
- 79. Buldo Cravan (butcher)
- 80. The Eyes and Ears of Arabel (messenger service)
- 81. Kelsar's Fowl (live poultry)
- 82. Ssarra's (restaurant)
- 83. The High Moon Inn (inn)
- 84. The Orange Banner (inn)
- 85. The Lady's Tastes (fine clothing)
- 86. Soldier's Boots (tavern)
- 87. The Red Stirge (inn)
- Description: Poor but honest inn. Named for a defunct mercenary company whose banner hangs in the foyer.
- People: Belargrund family.
- Prices: Private rooms 1 sp per night. Shared rooms 6 cp per night.
- Services: Clean, simple, honest rooms. No meals, water only.
- 88. House Misrim Warehouse
- 89. The Velvet Couch (festhall)
- 90. The Burning Blade (tavern)
- 91. Nathscal's Warehouse (rental warehouse)
- 92. The Lavender Lion (festhall)
- Description: More traditionally discreet festhall. Common floor is for dancing and the openly adventurous. Second floor (Velvet Room) is for the more discreet. Spiderweb Room is... unusual.
- Prices: Negotiable. Velvet Floor is 6 gp extra. Spiderweb Room is 16 gp extra per hour.
- 93. The Smoky Skull (tavern)
- 94. The Old Warrior (inn)
- 95. Zelond's Warehouse (rental warehouse)
- 96. Zelzar's (pawnshop)
- 97. Naneatha's (festhall)
- 98. The Dancing Dracolisk (tavern)
- 99. Thael Diirim's Parchment and Proclamations
- 100. The Roll Roast (inn)
- 101. Daglar Maermeet (armorer)
- 102. Orphast Ulbanath (scribe, cartographer)
- 103. The Moonlit Touch (nightclub/festhall)
- Description: An extremely classy nightclub and festhall that caters to the wealthy. Dancing girls and dedicated minstrels, with the widest selection of drinks in Arabel.
- Prices:Entrance is free, there is a two drink minimum (drinks start at 2 gp). Escorts are negotiable.
- Services: Drinks, music, and dancing make this a popular stop for the well-heeled.
- 104. Quezzo's Warehouse (rental warehouse)
- 105. Dhaliima's (boarding house)
- 106. The Three Sisters (pawnshop)
- 107. Nuirouve Dornar (potter)
- 108. Fillaro's Overland Food (preserved rations)
- 109. The Blue Mace (inn)
- 110. House Baerlear Warehouse
- 111. House of Lheskar Bhaliir
- People:Lheskar Bhaliir (CN hm)
- Description: Owner and operator of several general stores and pawnshops around the city as well as the Dancing Dracolisk.
- 112. The Dancing Dragon (tavern)
- People: Peraphon Thond
- Description: See The Dancing Dragon
- 113. The Open Casket (pawnshop)
- 114. Ghastar Ulvarinn (stonecutter)
- 115. Baalimr Selmarr (carpenter)
- 116. Dazniir Relharphin (wheelwright)
- 117. Cheth Zalbar (finery)
- 118. Bracerim Thabbold (bedmaker)
- 119. The Lamp, Lantern, and Candle Shop of Nphreg Jhanos
- 120. Tamthiir's Leather Shop (fine clothier)
- 121. Psammas Durviir (tailor)
- 122. Elhazir's Exotica (eclectic goods)
- People: Elhazir (CN hm Wiz15), Myrele, Illume, and Chantra (NG hf Wiz 17).
- Description: Elegant and pricey, specializing in unusual treasures such as dragonscale shields and wyvernskull bathtubs
- 123. "The Baths"
- Description:Incredibly opulent bath house decorated in the Chessentan style.
- People:Maundygre (round, jolly gossip); Shalara (exotic, beautiful half elven escort)
- Prices: Entrance fee 7gp, private tub 4 gp, attendant services 2gp, clothes washing 3 gp
- 124. Waycross Inn (inn)
- 125. The Ivory Jack (tavern)
- 126. Phaesha's (boarding house)
- 127. Vondor's Shoes and Boots
- 128. The Feasting Board (restaurant)
- 129. House Hiloar Warehouse
- 130. The Lame Camel (tavern)
- 131. Blackhand Lhaol's (smithy)
- 132. House Misrim Warehouse
- 133. House Kraliqh Warehouse
- 134. The Scarlet Spear (inn)
- 135. The Lazy Lizard (tavern)
- 136. The Watchful Lynx (inn)
- 137. Nyaril Warehouse
- 138. House Misrim Warehouse
- 139. The Swinging Gate (inn)
- 140. The Nine Fires (inn)
- Description: A tranquil backwater of real value. The common room is warmed by nine hearths, protected by spells from fire.
- People: Thurbrand of the Stonelands.
- Prices: Private rooms are 2 sp, shared rooms are 1 sp. Meals are 5 cp for daily offering.
- Services: All rooms are clean and well maintained. Equipped with a free library of penny dreadfuls for patrons.
- 141. The Three Bars (inn)
- 142. The Tired Traveler (inn)
- 143. The Wink and Kiss (tavern)
- 144. Thousandheads Trading Coster (merchant company warehouse)
- 145. The "Pork Market" (stockyards)
- 146. Dragoneye Dealing Coster (merchant company warehouse)
- 147. Ssantusas's Warehouse (rental warehouse)
- 148. Dhalgim's Yard (fuel)
- 149. The Copper Cockatrice (hardware)
- 150. Irriphar's Inn (inn)
- 151. The Murdered Manticore (inn)
- Description: A dark and secretive inn of heavy curtains and silent staff riddled with secret passages.
- Prices: Private rooms are 5 sp per night.
- Services: Poor service but quiet rooms. Drink can be purchased over the counter for 5 cp per hand keg.
- 152. The Wild Goose (inn)
- Description: A run down, derelict inn that may be more than it appears.
- People: Proprietor Shult and his three daughters.
- Price: 7 gp per head per night, plus 1 gp per beast stabled, plus 1 gp per meal.
- Services: Simple clean rooms, plus extra services.
- 153. Blaskin's (carpenter)
- Description:Blaskin "the Bold" is a woodworker specializing in frontier structures like stockades and fences.
- 154. Shrine to Chauntea
- 155. Shrine to Deneir
- 156. Shrine to Helm
- 157. Shrine to Lliira
- 158. Shrine to Milil
- 159. Shrine to Tempus
- 160. The Cathedral of St. Marena (Temple of Sune)
- 161. Hawkshill Manor (abandoned noble estate)
- 162. Huntcrown House (noble family)
- 163. House of Lhal (noble family)
- 164. House Morler (noble family)
- 165. Fairwinds (House Fairfax-Dauntinghorn) (noble family)
- 166. Jestra's Tower (mage's tower)
- People: Jestra of Arabel
- 167. Mellomir's Tower (mage's tower)
- People: Mellomir of Arabel
- 168. Myschanta's House (mage's tower)
- People: Myschanta Halarra
- 169. Thontar Estate (mage's tower)
- People: Theavos Thontar