The Coven is a powerful organization of witches.
The flavor of witch can vary depending on cultural and mythological variant, the higher ups seem to have an understanding that it is the intent behind the spell that works the magic, not the ritual, which they state is only necessary for the human mind to draw focus. They consist of primary women but males are welcome, especially those who are shaman or warlocks.
They highly disapprove of the Wizards and their lack of reverence for life and strict guidelines on what constitutes ethical magic.
They are divided into Casts. These Casts are often family lines and are not divided on any sort of black and white line of morality. They scoff at a black and white world and would say they prefer to see all the colors of magic.
Though many of the Casts can trace their lineage back to prehistoric times, the Coven itself was formed in Venice during the 1700's by (insert Federico's girlfriend with the snake here)
Recently, the Coven has gotten more militant due to the slow eroding of magic that most of the supernatural community has experienced.
Their primary interactions with the mortal political stage is sponsoring and moving through powerful women's organizations like Planned Parenthood,as well as the Great Burka Vote Revolt of 2016 in Saudi Arabia which spread through much of the Middle East.
The Coven does not require membership, however, strong independent practitioners (think New Agers) and wayward children of high ranking officials will have pressure and indoctrination attempts made.
They offer neutral ground for dispute between supernaturals which is unbiased by wizard laws.
They hate Atlas with a fiery passion.