
Originally populated by sun elves, Evermeet is now the refuge for the Elven Court that has withdrawn from Faerun. Moon elves, sun elves, and some wood elves followed Queen Amlaruil when she moved the center of elven life out of its ages-old home in the forest of Cormanthor. Evermeet is a defensible location far removed from human power centers such as Cormyr and Zhentil Keep.
The magical kingdom of the elves lies eighteen hundred miles to the west of Faerun in the Trackless Sea. Elven high magic, sea elves, vigilant wizards, and a powerful navy guard the island. Few approach Evermeet who are not already the elves' guests.
Evermeet presents a vision unequaled in any mortal realm. Rising from the deep blue of the sea, the Green Isle resembles a tiny fragment of Arvandor fallen from the heavens. Elven legend, in fact, claims this very thing. The sea surrounding Evermeet is eternally calm and of deepest blue. The hand of Deep Sashelas can be seen in the unnaturally placid nature of Evermeets seas, for the region is normally rough, continually beset by storms and treacherous currents. From Evermeet's shores, however, the sea seems to stretch out forever, flat and undisturbed. These seas are home to countless bands of Alu-TelQuessir, the mysterious Aquatic elves.
Evermeet's shores are forested with evergreen and ancient oaks nearly to the water's edge. Other unusual species such as blueleaf, duskwood, and the massive shadowtop trees can also be found her in smaller numbers. Trees are virtually everywhere on the island, even lining the streets of its great cities. Only along Siiluth, the beaching bay where most elven vessels are built, is any stretch of true beach to be found. There the sands are white and pure, finely grained and almost like silk.
The forests teem with animals of every kind. Bright-colored birds flit through the air. Rabbits, squirrels, mice, and other small mammals are found in abundance, as are stag, boar, bear, and other larger species. None of these creatures is hostile to the elves of Evermeet, even though the Gold elves hunt them with some regularity.
In some places, the dense forests give way to green sylvan glades, places of unparalleled beauty and comfort, where soft grasses and colorful wildflowers sawy in gentle breezes, and the sylvan races such as centaur and faun gather to socialize and frolic. These are safe places for all who enter to enjoy their solitude. Those who disturb the peaceful surroundings are usually chased from the glades, as the inhabitants do not tolerate much trouble.
The best known of these glades, the Farmeadows and the Horsefields, are home to herds of moon-horses, the intelligent horses who inhabit Evermeet and voluntarily serve the elves.
Small streams crisscross the island, most filled with trout, crayfish, and fresh-water mussels. These streams are a major source of fresh water for those on the Green Isle. Most rivers and streams flow to or from crystalline lakes, whose shores are often occupied by elven dwellings, graceful buildings nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding forests. The River Ardulith bisects the isle, running down the fertile valley formed between the Eagle Hills and Silver Hills, through the dense forests and past the wonders of Leuthilspar, out to the sea. It is a major travel route for the elves and is always full of slim elven boats.
The twin ranges of the Eagle and Silver Hills tower nearly 3,000 feet above the river valley below. Tough conifers line the hills' slopes, and their heights are home to giant eagles and pegasi who assist in the defense of the island. From the highest peak of the Eagle Hills, Thaliakaera Rock, one can view all of Evermeet and even the seas beyond, as far as the island fortress of Sumbrar.
In the broad, green valley formed by the Ardulith's passage and beneath the rugged slopes of the twin ranges, vineyards, fragrant groves of blueleaf, lush meadows, and small farmsteads serve to enhance and complement the beauty of the villas and palaces of the Gold elves, the Ar-Tel'Quessir. This valley is called Ty'athalael ("the peace attained through the absolute beauty of nature and harmony with one's surroundings.")
Evermeet's climate is not, as some legends claim, eternal springtime. each season is perfect, embodying the times essence, while at the same time never growing extreme enough to become dangerous. Spring is green and pleasant, with occasional rains. Summer is warm and balmy, with a few hot days. Fall comes quickly, sweeping the island, turning the stands of deciduous trees into myriad red, yellow, and gold shades. Winter brings with it snows and chill winds. These seasons vary only rarely. Most of the time they present all that is best, while minimizing their less desirable qualities.
People of Evermeet
Four of the five elven subraces inhabit the island of Evermeet and its vicinity. The only exception, the Drow, is excluded for the obvious reasons of their decadence, violence, and hatred of all things elven.
Of the remaining subraces, each has its own outlook and culture, although all are united by the overall elven psyche.
The elves are not alone on Evermeet. Members of several friendly sylvan races inhabit the island as well. They are allowed to live there by the grace of the Seldarine, based upon their friendship with Titania and Oberon, deities of the woodland peoples. These sylvan races also revere and serve Queen Amlaruil and form an important part of Evermeet's defenses.
Races and Culture
Life and Society
The dignified and gracefully evolving life of the Elven Court pivots around the carefully smoothed passage of the seasons, giving life on Evermeet a stately cadence in which the decades blur into centuries of contemplative serenity. Nothing in human Faerun compares to it.
For the most part, the moon elves and sun elves form a single culture, though the noble houses, family lines, and clan relationships color associations between individuals. The wood elves hold themselves somewhat apart, preferring a quieter relationship with the forest and its spirits, but individual wood elves frequently blend into the life of the Court. The sea elves are welcome to participate in the life of the Court, but few do so for long. The handful of wild elves who opted to join the Court on Evermeet either carry themselves as the other elves of the court or live among the wood elves and forest spirits.
Law and Order
Defense and Warcraft
Main Article: Defense and Warcraft of EvermeetEvermeet is one of the last lands the elves can truly call their own. Having been given Toril by Corellon Larethian himself, the Tel'Quessir have chosen to make their stand here and, if necessary, die rather than being forced from the world. Some claim that the power of the Seldarine defends the islands, but the elves prefer to rely on their own strength in arms. The defenses of Evermeet are the best in the Realms and its warriors the finest.
However, any battle that must be fought on the island is lost before it begins, according to elven thought. It means that an enemy has actually landed upon Evermeet's shores. The outer defenses, both magical and animal, are intended to keep enemies at bay and should any invader manage to get past them, it will be a terrible tragedy for Evermeet and its citizens.
The gods of the Seldarine play a vital role in the daily life of Evermeet. Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine deities are a constant presence on the isle and in the hearts and souls of its inhabitants. Every elf on Evermeet knows beyond doubt that should the lands of the elves be threatened, the gods will return to Toril to save their people.
The Seldarine are not alone in their defense of the people of Evermeet. They are served by a secondary pantheon of demigods who carry out their will and engage in tasks too small or distracting for the gods themselves. Elven history is also full of tales of heroes and heroines who battled impossible odds, risked horrible death or worse, and fought for their people.
Politics and Power
History of Evermeet
Evermeet was settled by sun elves thousands of years ago. Over the last century the elves of Cormanthor and other realms chose to remove themselves to this idyllic land, far from the evergrowing human empires and remorseless humanoid hordes that had destroyed so many elven realms on Faerun's mainland.
Yet now the Elven Retreat is at an end. All who were willing to abandon their lands in Faerun have done so, and no more elves come to Evermeet to forget the human world. Although Queen Amlaruil's reign is just and fair, many elves—some of whom have been on Evermeet for centuries—find themselves dissatisfied with their withdrawal from the rest of the world.
Unlike the elves loyal to the Elven Court, both the wild elves and humans, both subraces have flourished in recent years, thanks in part to opportunities afforded them by the emigration of the other elves to Evermeet.
No one, least of all the Elven Court, has proclaimed an end to the Retreat or stated a determination to return. But more and more elves are choosing to return to Faerun each year. Some intend to settle in Faerun permanently or fight for ancestral lands taken by drow and other outsiders. Others intend to simply walk for a time in the lands they love, using secret portals to come or go as they please. Finally, Queen Amlaruil has quietly dispatched a number of agents and scouts to reestablish diplomatic ties with other friendly kingdoms. Evermeet no longer stands apart from events in Faerun.
Evermeet is not as safe as its "impregnable" magical defenses might indicate. In recent, years, the drow have dared to strike at Leuthilspar through magical portals, as if to remind Amlaruil that no haven is perfect. Forty-three years ago—a mere blink of the eye to an elf—Amlaruil's husband King Zaor Moonflower was murdered in the heart of his palace, surrounded by all the strength and splendor of his realm.
Cities and Sites
Evermeet brims with wonders. No human land comes close to its integration of natural beauty and supernatural splendor. The elves compose wondrous songs describing and praising the ever-changing marvels of the island, The few humans welcomed to Evermeet's shores likely only see Queen Amlaruil's crown city.