Native Name |
??? |
Conventional Long Name |
??? |
Common Name |
Deepingdale |
National Motto |
none |
National Anthem |
none |
Flag | |
Coat of Arms | |
Location on Globe | |
Capital | Highmoon |
Largest City | Highmoon |
Official Languages | Chondathan, Elven |
Government Type | Meritocracy |
Leader Title | Deeping Lord or Deeping Lady |
Current Leader(s) | Theremen Ulath |
Sovereignty Type | Founded on Highmoon Hill, 1020 DR |
Land Area | |
Percent Water |
??? |
Population (last census) |
50,239 (1372) ([Nations_ranked_by_population#Deepingdale|0th]) |
Population (current estimate) |
50,239 (1372) |
Population Density |
??? ([Nations_ranked_by_population_density#Deepingdale|0th]) |
Gross Domestic Product |
??? CGP |
Human Development Index | |
Currency |
??? |
"Deepingdale is a living glimpse of the past. Hundreds of
winters ago, all of the Dales shared the Deepingdalesmen's
respect for the forest and its creatures. Now many of them
have forgotten the promises their ancestors made
promises that are remembered in Highmoon."
-Elminster of Shadowdale
Situated along the contested route between Cormyr and Sembia,
Deepingdale could have gone down the road of the sword, the militaristic
path chosen by Archendale and Scardale. But although its
folk are battle-ready and its rulers are no strangers to combat, Deepingdale
avoided Scardale's obsession with conquest and Archendale's
preoccupation with power. Instead, Deepingdale remains true to its
founding vision, the original Dalelands Compact with the elves of
Cormanthor, in which Dalesfolk were guests of the elves and jointcustodians of the mighty trees of the forest.
Other Dalesfolk and even some elves refer to Deepingdale as the
"Dale of the Trees". Unlike the farmers of other dales who thrive by
clearing land, the folk of Deepingdale practice forestry in order to
maintain the land's original thick green blanket of vegetation. The
woods of the human-occupied portions of Deepingdale are as well
managed as the farms of Featherdale. Careful harvesting and cultivation
of hedges, timberland, native game, and the land's rich
streams and rivers have turned the dale into a forest garden.
Geographic Overview

Deepingdale as an independent state is nestled mostly within the Deeping Vale. It is bordered by the abandoned dale of Sessrendale to the west, and by Tasseldale to the east. It's northern border disappears into the verge of the wood of southern Cormanthor, while it is flanked on the south by the Marching Mountains and Archendale. It's claimed territory runs nearly 120 miles from east to west and roughly 140 miles from north to south.
Deepingdale is a richly verdant land fed by the waters of several rivers. On many maps, the accepted northern border of Deepingdale is the River Glaemril, which flows from Lake Ereduie deep in the forests of Semberholme eastward until merging with the River Wineflow near the village of Silverhall, before eventually emptying into the Pool of Yeven in Battledale. The Wineflow is the life blood of the majority of settlements in Deepingdale, as well as the source of the gentle erosion that created the Deeping Vale itself, welling up from the Waypool near the center of the Dale and feeding the farms and towns along its length until merging with the River Glaemril.

Nearly the whole of the dale is built upon or nestled between the gently rising and falling forested hillsides that dominate this great valley. Winding animal trails, hunter paths, and artificial firebreaks wend their way between these slopes, forming the majority of the road network within the dale. Numerous fortified hamlets and hunting lodges that appear on few maps form islands of civilization in a vast, pristine wilderness valley. A wide, raised, white river stone road, simply called the East Way, runs the length of the Vale from west to east, forming something akin to an artery for the many hundreds of branching footpaths that connect to it along it's length.
Deepingdale is a land of cool, wet summers and mild, wet winters. The prevailing moisture of the Sea of Fallen Stars finds itself trapped against the great mountain ranges that shield the Dalelands on three sides (the Marching Mountains, the Thunder Peaks, and the Desertsmouth Mountains), creating a the rich, temperate rain forest of Cormanthor. The prevailing mists of Deepingdale, though not as legendary as the Nightmare Mists of Semberholme, are still notable, especially during the summer months.
Though perhaps not as impressive as the great shadowtops and weirwood of deep Elven Court, the land of Deepingdale is a place of trees. High alpine forests merge seamlessly into ancient, moss shrouded old growth woods, with the wet, mild weather encouraging the rapid growth of lichen, moss, and a carpet of fern of every size. Thousands of animal species make their homes in the dim and primeval woodlands, including boar, bears, wolves, and an astounding variety of deer.
Major Geographic Features

The Arch Wood
The Darkwatch
Glaemril Ford Glaun Bog Hunter's Down Lake Ereduie River Glaemril River WineflowThe Waypool
The Wyverncrag
Cities, Towns, and Villages
The majority of the inhabitants of Deepingdale reside in isolated freeholds, forest bound farmsteads, and hunter's lodges scattered about the forests of the Dale. A number of Dalesfolk here live in embanked homes, that is homes built mostly out of stone which are partially "buried" in the side of a hill, or slope. It is quite common to see these mounded homes, surrounded by a low fence of river rock, the roof given over to an herb garden or festooned with trellised vegetables.
Most of the folk who live in these isolated homes and hamlets are quiet, insular folk who keep to themselves and can show marked suspicion of unproven "uplanders". There are, however, several notable communities, not the least of which is the bustling capitol of Highmoon.
Bristar Hallow Creek Highmoon Hollaerth Landaw Moonrise Hill Silverhall WheldonOther Sites of Interest
People of Deepingdale
The people of Deepingdale are generally quiet and peaceful. They strive to live in harmony with the land and know what must be done to do so. Many of them spend their lives tending small forest gardens of nuts, berries, or the rich crop of fiddleheads for which the Dale is justly famous.
Most Deepingfolk are very good at navigating in thick woods without getting lost; foraging for woodland berries, bark, edible fungi, and the like; and reading spoor and the lie of the land to readily find water, game, and trees of a particular sort.
Deepingfolk tend to be the most tolerant and quietly welcoming of all the Dragon Reach peoples. They save their wary suspicion and hatred for the monstrous humanoids of the the Thunder Peaks and, more recently, creatures and items bearing the taint of the drow.
Races and Cultures
Deepingdale is one of the most intergrated communities in Faerun, likened by many to the enlightenment of Silverymoon in its own quiet way. Founded as one of the first true meldings of the human and elven way, nearly all of its long time inhabitants can trace both elven and human bloodlines in their lineage.
Chondathan Elven Half-ElvenPolitics and Powers
History of Deepingdale
The lordship of Deepingdale is not hereditary, but is instead awarded by the Council of the Vale to a deserving candidate, usually a loyal citizen who has served the entirety of the Dale with wisdom and strength. Deepingdale's council is composed of leading citizens from both Highmoon and the surrounding communities.
As the current Deeping Lord, Theremen Ulath is responsible for the Dale's defense, enforcing laws, and handling diplomatic matters. He enjoys a broad range of powers, but generally only exercises the minimum authority necessary.
Law and Order
Most Deepingfolk police their own disputes through discussion and agreed-upon public sentences, which range from humiliating public spankings of grown men and women to the guilty being ordered to aid or provide food and goods to their victims by way of restitution. Only serious matters are taken to the lord of Highmoon. Brigandage and armed violence are automatically serious matters, as are arson and crimes involving magic.
In many cases, disputes in these isolated villages are referred to the judgment of the closest member of the Woodcutters, whose usually objective opinions are given great weight by the common Dalesfolk.
The town of Highmoon is guarded by a small force of Watchmen, constables who answer to the lord. The laws of the land are a set of decrees and precedents handed down by the Deeping Lords, most of whom give great credence to the wishes of their advisory council as well as the citizens at large.
As a general rule, the laws of Deepingdale are sensible, fair, and forgiving. A criminal would have to go out of their way to earn a truly severe punishment from the Deepingdalesfolk.
Deepingfolk are athletic, well-trained to arms, and know their land well. Militias muster at least thrice annually and answer a relay of horn calls very quickly from end to end of the Dale. Most Deepingfolk are good archers by necessity, even in heavy woods, and have experience fighting foes with sword and spear. Militia folk, both male and female, elven, half-elven, and human, are generally armored in forest leathers and have trained in night fighting and elven warfare.
The standing army of Deepingdale, called the Swords of Deepingdale, is composed of two 70 man companies of elven archers, (Oak Company and Spear Company), 300 mounted light cavalry soldiers (the Riders of Deepingdale), and a Tower Guard of 30 human and elven men-at-arms who serve the Deeping Lord directly.
In addition, all able bodied folk between the ages of 18 and 45 summers are enlisted in the milita.
Deepingdale imports a small amount of finished textiles and goods from Cormyr and Sembia. Silks, wool, cotton, and items such as small stoves, cookware, lanterns, and other metal goods are all traded in Highmoon.
The dale exports fine lumber and exquisite finished wood products, such as toys, bows, arrows, and furniture. It is also a source of excellent pelts both monstrous and mundane, as a sizable number of its citizens make a living as hunters.