| |
| |
Location | |
Region | Sword Coast North |
Realm | Duchy of Daggerford |
Barony | Barony of Daggerford |
Societal | |
Civic Population |
3,240 |
Max Seasonal Traffic |
10,00 |
Demographics |
57% Humans, 24% Halflings, 10% Dwarves, 4% Half-Elves, 2% Gnomes, 1% Elves, 1% Others. |
Liege | Pwyll Daggerford, Duke of Daggerford and the Council of Guilds |
Physical | |
Acreage |
53.1 acres |
Elevation |
167 ft |
Climate |
Warm, moderate summers; cold, wet winters |
Biome |
Alpine forest |
Terrain |
Plains (River) |
The castle town of Daggerford is the capital of the Duchy of Daggerford and the largest settlement on the Trade Way between Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep. Situated as it is upon the crossing of the Trade Way and the River Delimbiyr (also called the River Shining), the walled town serves as an important way station for both major trade costers and river barges carrying goods from the northern uplands to the major cities of the Sword Coast.
The modern town of Daggerford owes its name to a mythologized incident dating back 400 years where the first Duke of Daggerford fended off an entire raiding party of lizardfolk with only a found dagger. The history of the town's foundations extend much further, however, as the numerous ruins and the now rebuilt Kingsbridge can attest.
Geography of Daggerford

Situated upon the flood plains of the River Delimbiyr and built against the side of a low hill, Daggerford is a small, walled community dominated by the small castle of the local duke. The city is strategically located where the Trade Way crosses the Delimbiyr River on the north side of the Kingsbridge.
Daggerford has three major geographical divisions. The first area is the town itself, which fills the western half of the walls. The second region is somewhat higher than the town and is known as the Commons, a large pasture used for the common grazing of local sheep, cattle, and horses. The third area, located at the center of the Commons is the castle of Duke of Daggerford.
Most of the buildings are made of wood and thatch, but since the arrival of the Ironeater Clan of dwarves over a century ago, a number of buildings have either been built or rebuilt in stone quarried from the Forlorn Hills or the Sword Hills or, in some instances, recovered from the ancient and forgotten ruined structures of Daggerford's past. Many of the cobblestones of the town's streets bear the rune marks of the dwarves or the legacies of forgotten kings. Over all looms Castle Daggerford, a forbidding arched stone fortress built upon the ruins of long-forgotten Morlin Castle.
Notable Civic Locations
Towers (military)
- Description: The 30-foot-tall towers of Daggerford are constructed of stone and firmly set on bedrock. They're split up into three stories plus the roof on which watchers keep their lookout. Most of the area in the towers is used for storage of war gear. Off-duty militiamen often rest here.
Cisterns (military)
- Description: These tall, stone structures are kept filled by the Watermen's Guild. The water is used for the horses pastured on the Commons, as storage in case of siege or fire, and for other reasons of importance to the city council and duke.
Farmers' Gate (military)
- Description: This is the most commonly used of the city's three gates as it's the closest to the fields outside of town. It's left open, even at night, unless times are troublesome. The gate is built into a broad tower and has just enough room for one farm cart to enter at a time. The gate is about 10 feet tall.
River Gate (military)
- Description: This is the third of the city's three gates and provides access to the Delimbiyr River and waterfront district. It's normally open during the day and closed at night - especially during the flooding season. Like the Farmers' Gate, there's a tower built around it. It's mainly used by water carriers who fetch river water for the town. What few wells there are in the town are normally kept untapped in case of siege.
Delfen's Tower (mage's tower)
- People: Delfen "Yellowknife" Ondabarl, 2 apprentice mages.
- Description: Delfen's Tower is a modified version of the standard 3-story drum towers of Daggerford. Its distinct magenta slate roof and over-sized interior facing windows are all framed by crawling ivy. A pair of (reputedly living) gargoyles stand upon the third story balcony that overlooks the street below.
Daggerford Castle (Ducal residence)
- People: Pwyll "Greatshout" Daggerford , Bronwyn Daggerford, Llewellyn Longhand, Gwydion pen Dafwyd, 50 servants, guardsmen, and craftsmen.
- Description: An impressive 3 story stone keep surrounded by a 2 story stone wall perched upon the hill at the center of the Commons. The blue and silver pennant of the Duke of Daggerford flies from the battlements and drapes the dwarf-made walls.
Moonglow Tower (Temple of Lathander)
- People: Liam Sunmist, 12 acolyte priests
- Description: Moonglow Tower is the largest religious center in Daggerford and shares the patronage of the Ducal family. It is a 4 story, white stone tower chapel capped by golden flashing. The peals of the silver bells within the chantry can be heard for miles around.
Stables (military)
- Description: This is the general livery area for the entire town. The civilian populace, militia, and 3rd Company from Waterdeep all stable horses here.
While not a large city by any means, the local citizenry roughly divide their city into quarters by function.
Rivermen's Quarter
This area of town is primarily occupied by those people who make a living from the Delimbiyr River - fishermen, dock workers, small merchants, and rivermen. This includes those who make regular runs up the river to Secomber and back. While most traffic abandons the river to take the Trade Way at Daggerford, some traders continue downriver to sell their goods at other hamlets and holdings.
Notable Rivermen's Quarter Locations
Forgefire House (club)
- People: Nantuiel Forgefire, former dwarven priest of Muamman Duathal and Temperance Crusader
- Description: A large, rambling stone and wood manor that serves as the unofficial headquarters of the Holy League of Temperance.
Table of the Sword (Shrine of Tempus)
- Description: A recently renovated tavern hall converted to the worship of Tempus. The pine and pitch long house boasts a feasting table and a great fire pit, as well as relics and banners of the Dragonspear War.
- People: Baergon Bluesword, male half elven champion of Tempus
Ducal Barracks (military)
- Description: Fortified stone and timber construction with a small turret tower adjoining a muddy drill field.
- People:
Daggerford Constabulary and Jail (law)
- Description: Single story stone and iron bunker set against the inner wall of the town.
- People: Constable (rotating) and 7 deputies, any number of convicts.
Black Stone Inn (inn)
- Description: Grand, run down former manor house.
- People: Gildamesh (Sly, swarthy, paranoid exotic human male)
- Prices: Public rooms 2 sp per night.
- Services: Squalid, low rent public flophouse filled with disreputable characters.
Derval's Bright Blade (armory)
- Description: Low, well constructed stone compound stained with soot and emblazoned with the crossed axes of Clan Ironeater. The attached foundry and forge belches black smoke at all hours.
- People: Derval Ironeater (Gruff, dour, honorable middle aged dwarf), at least 18 apprentice dwarven smiths
Money Quarter
This is the wealthy section of Daggerford. Its a district of well-maintained, excellent quality homes with little parks surrounding them. The successful merchants who don't live over their businesses live here, as do a few rich former adventurers. Some minor nobility with local holdings in the area have small townhouses here.
Notable Money Quarter Locations
River Shining Tavern (eatery)
Floshin House (residence)
- Description: Elaborate and ancient wooden mansion and grove hidden behind a high stone wall and mithril worked gates embossed with the White Arch on Blue of the elven House Floshin.
- People: Lord Darfin "Longwalker" Floshin, dark haired and golden eyed eldest son of Baron Elorfindar Floshin and his father's eyes and ears in Daggerford.
Korbus's Jewelry and Fine Ornaments (shop)
- Description: Wood and daub subterranean storefront made distinctive by the brass door embossed with a cog wheel design and an ornate, magical clock in the small courtyard out front.
- People: Korbus Brightjewel, an elderly fussy, and brilliant rock gnome jeweler who appears to hold many secrets.
Lady Luck Tavern (eatery)
Kryptgarden Scrolls (library, shrine)
- Description: .
- People:
Caravan Quarter
This section of wooden buildingsmostly hotels and shops serves as a station for traveling merchants and traders who want to set up shop for a time in Daggerford. During the winter, when the caravans arent moving, the quarter is virtually empty. The permanent population in the quarter has traditionally consisted of the few demihuman (halfling) residents not associated with major merchant families like those of Derval and Korbus. However, several farmers who formerly lived in the Farmers Quarter have been moving into the Caravan Quarter, increasing both the human and domestic animal population.