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![]() | |
Location | |
Region | Sword Coast North |
Realm | Protectorate of Neverwinter |
Societal | |
Civic Population |
23,192 |
Max Seasonal Traffic |
10,000 |
Demographics |
Mostly humans, some elves, half-elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings |
Liege | Nasher Alagondar, Lord Protector of Neverwinter |
Physical | |
Climate |
Cool, moderate summers; cold, wet winters |
Biome |
Alpine forest |
Terrain |
Coastal Cliff |
-Popular Neverwintan saying
Neverwinter, officially the '''Free Lords' City of Neverwinter, also known as the City of Skilled Hands''', is an influential and wealthy mercantile city situated. The official name is a reference to its long-standing membership in the Lords' Alliance, a federation of nominally independent merchant cities across the Sword Coast North allied in trade and common defense.
A picturesque city of artisans, craftsmen, and powerful guilds, Neverwinter is renowned for its art and architecture and is widely regarded as one of the most notable cities in the North. The city is rightly famous across Faerûn for its remarkable artistry with intricate water clocks, glass work, and clever devices
Though the continuous habitation of the Sword Coast must date back to the Founding Time of the elven realms, the elves of Iliyanbruen never had a settlement of significance at the site of Neverwinter, but they did have a sea tower that facilitated the use of the natural harbor for ships to and from Evermeet. Following their clash with the fierce Northmen of Illusk, the elves of the present-day Neverwinter Wood commenced a slow but steady mini-Retreat, with most travelling to Evermeet but some moon elves travelling to Eaerlann and some golds to Siluvanede. After 50 years they had mostly relinquished the coast to human Northman settlement. Attempts by the humans to log the Neverwinter Wood were dealt with swiftly and harshly and were therefore significantly curtailed, but the elven capital of Sharandar remained populated and the elves maintained control of the woodlands.
Eigersstor was founded in 87 DR by the aged Northman raider Eiger "One-Arm" Sparsarl, originally hailing from Tuern, who gave up life on a longship after losing his sword arm to orcs and settled his large family (he had 9 wives, over 25 sons and a host of grandchildren) at the site of present-day Neverwinter. There was an influx of people following Uthgar's assault on Illusk after 95 DR, which helped the settlement survive attacks from raiders and humanoids.In 152 DR it underwent a further population boost after Illusk fell to orcs and enjoyed the benefit of having Grath's Hold (Modern: Port Llast) as a buffer between it and the orcs when they fell upon that settlement in 175 DR. The orcs had created a realm, which they named Agrock, and they began to tentatively probe the elven holdings in the Neverwinter Wood. That met with swift action from the elves who launched an all out attack, destroying the orcs and their short-lived "kingdom" but at the cost of most of their young warriors. After 180 DR, Iliyanbruen existed in name only with only scattered elven enclaves located within the forest.
Neverwinter meanwhile, protected by the forest on its eastern flank, the sea to the west and buffer cities and realms to the north and south, went from strength to strength. It also entered into a period of intermittent and most victorious battle against their northern neighbor, Illusk. The rivalry established in the earliest days of Neverwinter will persist through the modern day incarnation of Illusk, Luskan.
Some time before the year 300 DR, Eigersstor is transformed into Neverwinter and the original settlement built around the ancient elven sea tower is soon a bustling port city and trading hub for goods and material flowing down from the northern uplands. The essential, lingering magical residue of Iliyanbruen would also attract the attention of mages from other early nations.
In 457 DR, the Year of the Unfurled Flag, four of those mages (Aganazzar, Ilyykur, Presper, and Grimwald) founded the Neverwinter Academy of Arts Arcane upon ruins of the former estate of the elven lord Halueth Never. While initially founded only as a school for the furtherance of magic in the Savage North, the Neverwinter School of Wizardry as it was also called would eventually grow into the seeds of The Covenant, a secret, political mage pact that would shape the North for centuries.
Meanwhile, to the south, a separate center of political power was rising as the Tri-Crowned Kingdom of Phalorm was sealed with The Council of Axe and Arrow in 523 DR, the Year of Trials Arcane. Though initially only encompassing the lands around the River Delimbiyr, within a century the reach of the so-called Kingdom of Man will enfold a nominally independent Neverwinter and the surrounding lands. While the growth and expansion of civilization in the North seemed meteoric, the opposition to that growth was growing in the mountains of the Spine of the World.
In 611 DR, the Year of the Normiir, the rampaging Everhorde erupts from the Spine of the World and engulfs the North. Illusk is one of the first settlements to fall to this huge orc army and is left in total ruin save for the Host Tower of the Arcane whose magical defenses render it impervious to physical harm. The horde then assaults the realm of Yarlith. The armies of Phalorm march north but are too late to prevent Yarlith's fall. They do succeed however in raising the siege of the independent trading city of Neverwinter, thanks to the aid of Palarandusk the Sun Dragon, and for the next year, in pitched battle after pitched battle, the warriors of Phalorm with the aid of other communities of the North strive desperately to defeat this huge army of orcs.
Finally, in 612 DR, the Year of the Jester’s Smile, the armies of Phalorm and other allied settlements of the North led by the Helmite priest Helbrace, shatter the Everhorde at the Battle of Firetears, south of Triboar, at the cost of much of their strength and the life of the elven King Lathlaeril "Leafspear". The warriors of Phalorm spend the next two years hunting down the surviving orc bands that roam the area. The victory would prove to by Pyrrhic for the beleaguered kingdom as the devastation to Phalorm was fatal. By 614 DR, after suffering wave after wave of savage attacks by orcs, goblinoids, and civil war, the kingdom of Phalorm would be dissolved marking the last time Neverwinter would even nominally be part of a larger human kingdom.
In the wake of this fast flowering and destruction, the mages of the Neverwinter School of Wizardry would forge a secret pact to rebuild, guide, and strengthen the civilized kingdoms of the North. This secret pact, forged by the Four Founders (Aganazzar, Ilyykur, Presper, and Grimwald), would become the Covenant, and would guide the destiny of Neverwinter and the North from 673 DR, Year of the Covenant until its eventually destruction in spell battle with the Red Wizards of Thay in 1101 DR, the Year of the Maelstrom.
Manipulating both the civilized human kingdoms and the barbaric Uthgardt tribes of the North, the mages of the Covenant sought to build lasting bonds of alliance and trade that would put an end to the constant cycle of destruction suffered at the hands of the savage races of the North. Using divination, the mages would guide the warriors of the North to seek out and destroy the enemies of man before they ever again form into something as terrible as the Everhorde, and for centuries they were successful. The Age of the Covenant is, for many, a high water mark for civilization in the North that has yet to ever be recreated.
By the mid-tenth century, however, the terrible and unending tide of monstrous humanoids had begun to take their toll on the Covenant-whelmed allies of the North. Weakened by constant warfare, the Uthgardt tribes began breaking up or refusing to march to war. The Covenant was showing its cracks.
In 951 DR, under the urging of the death shamans of the orc god Yurtrus, the great Urkypt horde boiled out of the Sword Mountains. Laying siege to town, village, and hold, with numbers continually resupplied by the reanimated dead fallen in battle, the orcish horde laid waste to the Twilight Lands of the Sword Coast North. The great dwarven hold of the Phandelve, the human fast of Phandalin, the last fortress of Ilyanbruen at Aeloroth'lir all fell before the cunning monstrous army. Only the magical defenses of the Covenant's home city itself spared Neverwinter from a brutal sack at the hands of the death army.
Then, after whelming the battered armies of the North in 955 DR to fight yet another onrushing tide, everything fell apart. The promised horde of orcs failed to appear, and in their absence the allies of the Covenant lost all faith in the promises and predictions of the failed mages. That the horde had been whisked away by magic far to the East at the direction of the distant Red Wizards of Thay was a truth that mattered little to non-mages. The mages of the Covenant, perhaps seeking a satisfying vent to their frustrations, would embark on an ultimately suicidal war of retribution against the Red Wizards which would culminate in the death of two of the Founders and the exile of the remaining two. The Covenant would be publicly shattered in 1101 DR.
With the absence of the mages that had so guided the city for centuries, Neverwinter now entered the age of the Lords Protector, as the martial generals that had executed the will of the Four Founders assumed direct control over the city in a series of popular military dictatorships. For two centuries, the great enemy of the city would be orc-held Illusk to the north, and the armies of Neverwinter and the other states of the Lords Alliance would find endless battle upon its soldiers tusks. Eventually, in 1302 DR, the combined armies of the Alliance would finally overwhelm the ruins of Illusk itself, driving the orcs and their allies from the city. The Battle of the Broken Helm would also see the distinctive service of a young infantry lieutenant in the form of the eventual Lord Protector Nasher Alagondar.
Though the ruins of Illusk were liberated, the peace was not so deftly managed. Over the next 20 years, Neverwinter's northern neighbor, now renamed Luskan, quickly became a haven for smuggling, piracy, and crime under the auspices of the Arcane Brotherhood, a pseudo-Covenant of mages that took up residence in the city's Hosttower. When the criminal links between Neverwinter's ruling Lord Protector and the Arcane Brotherhood were uncovered, a popular revolt occurred within the walls of Neverwinter itself. After a few days of fierce fighting, the beleaguered Lord Protector fled the city and Nasher Alagondar was proclaimed the new Lord Protector. For the past forty years, Alagondar has ruled the city fairly and well, with no major military engagements aside from constant, low-level skirmishes with Luskan to distract the city from its growth as a commercial power of the North.
The Age of Founding
Year | Name | Event |
–10 DR |
Year of Burning Glades |
Led by Lord Halueth Never, the elves defeat Illusk, although skirmishing persists. |
64 DR |
Year of Gleaming Frost |
Northmen begin settling the Twilit Land—the coastal area between present-day Neverwinter and Waterdeep. |
87 DR |
Year of the Hoar Frost | Eigersstor (Neverwinter) is founded. |
175 DR |
Year of the Black Boats |
The orcs of the Severed Hand sack Port Llast (formerly Grath’s Hold). Much of the city’s population travels south to Eigersstor and safety. |
177 DR |
Year of the Troublesome Vixen |
The elves of Iliyanbruen destroy the orcs of the Severed Hand and Argrock, though the effort costs much of their strength. Within three years, Iliyanbruen is no more. Many of its moon elf inhabitants travel west to Evermeet or south to Ardeep, leaving only scattered wood elf settlements and the abandoned capital of Sharandar. |
191 DR |
Year of the Broken Lands |
The realm of Yarlith is formed north of Uthtower and south of Eigersstor to prevent dynastic squabbling between the twin heirs to the throne of Uthtower. |
306 DR |
Year of the Fanged Horde |
The kingdom of Grimmantle in the Mlembryn lands falls to the Thousand Fangs orc horde, which then assails Illusk and Neverwinter. The horde is eventually blunted and scattered by a mercenary army led by Grauth Mharabbath, “the Knight of Many Battles.” |
457 DR |
Year of the Unfurled Flag |
The mages Aganazzar, Ilyykur, Presper, and Grimwald found the School of Wizardry in Neverwinter and begin taking on apprentices from around Faerûn. |
523 DR |
Year of Trials Arcane |
The Council of Axe and Arrow ends with the formation of the Tri-Crowned Kingdom of Phalorm. |
611 DR |
Year of the Normiir |
The rampaging orcs of the Everhorde erupt from the Spine of the World, engulfing the North in war. Illusk and Yarlith are left in ruins, but the Host Tower survives. Neverwinter survives, thanks to the aid of Palarandusk the Sun Dragon. |
The Age of the Covenant
Year | Name | Event |
673 DR |
Year of the Covenant |
An alliance of mages called the Covenant is founded to promote peace among the human kingdoms of the North and prepare them for future conflicts with the orcs. The architects of the organization are Ilyykur, Aganazzar, Presper, and Grimwald, hereafter known as the Four Founders. |
697 DR |
Year of the Triton’s Horn |
Fall of the Kingdom of Man |
705 DR |
Year of Watchful Eyes |
The mages of the Covenant begin to secretly manipulate and influence the Uthgardt tribes of the North through their Art. By season’s end, the tribes stand united against the goblinkind of the Savage Frontier. |
715 DR |
Year of Hungry Jaws |
At the whispered request of the Covenant, the Uthgardt begin hunting down and slaying orc chieftains, killing a score of them over the next five years. Their action prevents the formation of another orc horde. |
753 DR |
Year of Strife | The Goblin Wars: Mirabar is overrun and plundered by goblin hordes that stream south out of the Valley of Khedrun. Their numbers are thinned by the savage ferocity of the Uthgardt tribes who battle them day and night for the better part of a season before the goblins are eventually annihilated by the Covenant-whelmed humans of the Dessarin Valley. |
762 DR |
Year of the Snow Sword |
In Silverhand Tower, near Neverwinter, Endué Alustriel is born to the human noble Dornal Silverhand and his sorceress wife, the half-elf Elué Shundar. Elué was possessed by the goddess Mystra, so as to birth mortal servants for herself. Alustriel is the second of seven silver-haired daughters destined to become the famous Seven Sisters, all Chosen of Mystra. Her elder sister Anastra Syluné was born a year earlier, and Ambara Dove the year after, followed in succeeding years by Ethena Astorma, Anamanué Laeral, Alassra Shentrantra (known today as The Simbul), and Erésseae Qilué. Alustriel became famous across Faerûn as the High Mage of Silverymoon, and is now the High Lady of the Silver Marches. |
1064 DR |
Year of the Stranger |
The wizard Melaeth Ashstaff of Neverwinter slays a doppelganger posing as Grand Prince Galnorn, the age-old ruler of Illusk. Corigan Aveldon of the fallen realm of Stornanter becomes Lord of Illusk. |
927 DR |
Year of the Red Rain |
The wrath of the orc god Yurtrus falls upon the Sword Mountains, causing the Blood Plagues. An orc shaman named Wund unites the orc tribes under the leadership of the chieftan Uruth, establishing the realm of Uruth Ukrypt. |
932 DR |
Year of Fireslaughter | First Troll War |
936 DR |
Year of the Sky Riders | The Orcfastings War |
940 DR |
Year of the Cold Claws | Second Troll War |
951 DR |
Year of the Empty Hourglass | Phandalin, an important farming center located southwest of Old Owl Well, falls to the orcs of Uruth Ukrypt. |
955 DR |
Year of the Telltale Candle | Orcgates Affair: The mages of the Covenant gather a great, armed host from the human settlements of the North to confront an orc horde massing in the Spine of the World. In a move known as the Orcgates Affair, the Red Wizards of Thay magically transport the horde far to the south by means of great portals. The North is spared much devastation, and the failure of the orcs to appear deals a significant blow to the influence and prestige of the Covenant. |
976 DR |
Year of the Slaying Spells |
Upon discovering that the Red Wizards of Thay were responsible for the Orcgates Affair, the Covenant begins to work subtly against the mages from the east. |
1063 DR |
Year of the Deluded Tyrant | Ilyykur, one of the Four Founders of the Covenant, is slain in a great spell-battle with the archlich Ruelve, a senior Covenant member who has gone insane. The battle takes place on a cluster of islands known as Thulnath’s Eyes southwest of Ruathym. |
1081 DR |
Year of the Disastrous Bauble |
Another one of the Four Founders of the Covenant dies when the Red Wizards of Thay kill Aganazzar in their assault on the School of Wizardry in Neverwinter. By year’s end, the two groups are engaged in a titanic wizard-war. |
1101 DR |
Year of the Maelstrom | Presper and Grimwald, the surviving members of the Four Founders of the Covenant, leave Faerûn through a series of portals, drawing as many Red Wizards as possible after them into a series of magic traps and ambushes. The remaining Covenant members go underground, and the arrogant Red Wizards believe they have shattered the cabal of mages. |
The Age of the Lords Protector
Year | Name | Event |
1301 DR |
Year of the Trumpet |
A mercenary army sponsored by merchant interests in Waterdeep and Neverwinter rides against orc-ridden Illusk. |
1302 DR |
Year of the Broken Helm | Illusk is retaken and rebuilt with aid from Neverwinter, then renamed Luskan. Duergar beneath Illusk retreat to the Underdark. |
1329 DR |
Year of the Lost Helm | Nashar Alagondar becomes Lord Protector of Neverwinter |
1372 DR |
Year of Wild Magic |
Present Day |
The city is divided roughly into four regions:
Region Name | Colloquial Name | Location | Focus | Population Share | Land Area Share |
City Core |
"The Lord's Peace" |
The westernmost, seaside district that straddles the mouth of the Neverwinter River. |
Castle Never, civic and religious buildings, the docks |
28% |
18% |
Old Quarter |
"The Tangles" |
The warren of tangled streets, alleys, and stairs the criss-cross the terraced uplands on the south bank of the river. |
Merchant shops, taverns, industry, housing |
26% |
44% |
Bluelake District |
"Laketown" |
The walled manors and estates of the wealthy that surround the artificially constructed Bluelake on the north bank of the river. |
Walled estates, old money merchant aristocracy |
28% |
28% |
Tower District |
"The Towers" |
On the northern bank of the river the city is studded with the outlandish towers and fortresses of the city's magical elite radiating outward from the Cloaktower. |
Mage towers, libraries, scriveners, and book sellers |
18% |
10% |
Buildings and Sites by District
City Core
Type | Name | Description |
Civic | Castle Never |
The old, proud keep of the Lord Never, the home and court of the ruling lord of the city. Somewhere in its depths is said to be the tomb of Lord Halueth Never, an elven warrior who battled Illusk in olden days. |
Landmark |
The Bridges |
The three main bridges in Neverwinter are the Dolphin Bridge, the Winged Wyvern Bridge, and the Sleeping Dragon Bridge. Each is intricately and passionately carved in the likeness of its namesake. |
Inn |
The Moonstone Mask |
Renowned along the Sword Coast, this expensive festhall and inn is named for the moonstone-trimmed masks worn by its staff. |
Religious |
The Hall of Justice |
A powerful temple of Tyr. Reverend Judge Oleff Uskar presides over Lord Nasher's civil court here. This is low justice; nobles, those accused of murder or other serious crimes, and non-citizens can all apply to the high justice of the lord himself. Uskar is assisted by Prior Hlam, who takes charge of training the devout in what justice is and how to mete it out or defend it. This includes drills in disciplined weapons training. |
Religious |
A tall, many-windowed temple to Oghma. Here, Chief Priest Watger Brighthair and Elder Reader Salyndra Shaern lead worship to Oghma in the form of free teaching sessions to all who would learn. | |
Shop |
Maskado's Maps & Legends |
Bookshop; An entire street of bookshops, scribes, and bookbinders winds away southeast from the House of Knowledge. Of these dusty, fascinating places, adventurers and travelers are most likely to be interested in Maskado's, a shop specializing in maps, records, hints, and tales of the North concerned with exploration, treasure, trails, and hidden ways. |
Shop |
Shining Knight Arms & Armor |
Armorer; Down the street from the House of Knowledge and to the southwest stands an interesting shop. Here the best armor can be custom-ordered. It will be produced speedily, thanks to good dwarven contacts and a mage owner who has mastered some spells to reshape metal. |
Old Quarter
Type | Name | Description |
Inn |
This inn is the largest and most popular guesthouse in Neverwinter. It's about three times as large as most inns. This, along with its sculpted silver serpent signpost, makes it stand out, so that visitors to the city can easily find it. | |
Landmark |
Near to the Neverdeath, the great tower of the Waterclock Guild can be seen from nearly every point within the city. The great plaster hall of the guild serves as a meeting place, offices, storage, vault, and crypt for what is arguably the most powerful guild within the city. | |
Landmark |
The Upland Rise |
A large park land upon the top of the Upland, the unwalled Upland Rise serves as the last undeveloped patch of land within the city's walls. |
Religious |
The Neverdeath |
Named for the common local legend that "as long as winter never comes for Neverwinter, then the dead will never truly leave us", the Neverdeath is a large, double walled cemetery set hard against the city's south wall. Ornate mausoleums, gardens, and decorative statuary fill the memorial walks, and the small city of the dead is heavily patrolled by the Lord Protector's guards as well as the resident priests of Kelemvor. |
Shop |
Dannar's Mechanical Marvels |
Specialty Shop; This is a shop selling gnomish, Lantanna, and dwarven clockwork wonders. These include self-striking, wind-up, push-button flint boxes and electrum jewelry boxes inlaid with pearl, sporting animated adornments such as tiny clockwork dragons that chase their tails around a central, pop-up vanity mirror. The things on sale here awe most visitors, and so do the prices. |
Shop |
Jaesor's Fineware |
Porcelain Works; Next to Dannar's is the shop where Jaesor Ryndyl and his family craft and sell finely painted plates. Many local families and personalities like to have their family arms or personal likenesses painted on their dinnerware. Jaesor will custom-paint one plate for 10 gp. A matched set of 20 is 45 gp. |
Shop |
Manycoins Moneylending |
Money-changer; This trade store boasts as large a variety of currency as any shop in Waterdeep, and changes money from coinage to coinage for small fees. It is watched over by helmed horrors, as well as the professional thieves who own and run the shop. |
Shop |
The Mute Lute |
Luthier; Across the road from Jaesor's shop stands the octagonal, cedar-shingled home of the half-elven lutemaker Rebeth Laereeryn. The house is built around an old oak tree. Rebeth lives with the tree's dryad, crafting lutes prized around the Realms. They're custom-made for 3,000 gp each or sold off the rack for 900 gp and up. His shop takes its name from a spell that Rebeth can invoke to silence all sound within its walls. |
Bluelake District
Type | Name | Description |
Landmark |
The Bluelake |
A large, artificially constructed lake, the Bluelake serves as the central focus for the elegant district to which it lends its name. In fine weather, the surface cross-crossed with the wealthy residents of the district in finely made boats. |
Shop |
Clothier; Named for the dozens of mirrors and mannequins positioned about the common room, the House of a Thousand Faces is a fashionable boutique. The shop is supplied and run by the owner, an elf named Theryis. | |
Tower District
Type | Name | Description |
Magic |
The Cloaktower |
This is the meeting place and citadel of the Many-Starred Cloak. |
Restaurant |
The Board Laid Bare |
This restaurant just inside the city's northeast gate offers dining with no frills but very low prices. It serves no beer, wine, or spirits, but fills guests full of fresh fish cooked in cream sauces; roast boar, hare, or venison; greens or fried potatoes in a mustard sauce; or onions fried in a tomato sauce. Surprising side dishes, but very good fare. |
Tavern |
The Fallen Tower |
Once the home of the noted wizard Llomnauvel "Firehands" Oloadhin, now the most popular tavern in the city. |
Outside the City
Type | Name | Description |
Religious | Helm's Hold |
A fortified monastery dedicated to the God of Guardians. It was founded less than two decades ago by Dumal Erard, a retired member of the Company of Crazed Venturers of Waterdeep. It has grown to a watchful community of over 700 faithful. The people here grow their own crops, herd their own cattle, dig deep wells for their own water, and patrol the area with vigilance. They will give shelter to any travelers beset or weakened by brigands or monsters. |
Civic Defense
Unit | Composition | Command | Commander | Mission |
Neverwinter Nine |
9 elite soldiers |
Civic | Aribeth de Tylmarande |
Protect the person of the Lord Protector |
Neverwinter Militia |
400 light footmen ( 800 auxiliary) |
Civic |
Unknown |
Patrol the city, patrol the High Road from Port Llast to Leilon, serve as the core troop formation in case of war |
Many-Starred Cloak |
40 mages (approximate) |
Private | Eltoora Sarptyl |
Private magical guild with close city alliance, arcane supply to Civic Command. |
Tyr's Fist |
80 heavy footmen ( 160 auxiliary) |
Religious | Hlam of Tyr |
Ensure the sanctity of the temple district (City Core) |
Neverwintan Navy |
400 sailors ( 960 marines) |
Civic |
Unknown |
Patrol the sea lanes, suppress piracy, serve in time of war (6 War Galley, 8 Caravel, 5 Cog) |