| |
| |
Capital | Delimbiyran |
Largest City | Delimbiyran |
Languages | Illuskan, Elven, Dwarvish (Shanatan), Gnomish, Halfling |
Government |
Monarchical Council (Three Kings) |
Predecessor | Delimbiyran, Tavaray, Elembar, Athalantar, Ardeep, Dolblunde, Delantarl, Bloodhand Hold, Dardath, Hunnabar |
Founded |
Year of Trials Arcane (523 DR)-Year of the Ensorceled Kings (614 DR) |
Successor | Delimbiyran, Ardeep, Bloodhand Hold, Dardath |
Land Area |
- |
Population |
- |
The realm of Phalorm, though relatively short lived, was vast and encompassed many regions that either before the founding or after it's fall would go on to become kingdoms and holdings in their own right. Some of these holdings included:
Duchy | Ruling Race | Region |
Human Lands | ||
Calandor |
Human |
The Dragonfields between the Ardeep Forest and the Forlorn Hills, south to the River Delimbiyr. |
Scathril |
Human |
The rough, coastal lands from south of the Lizard Marsh, across the Sword Hills and up to the merging of the Unicorn Run and the River Delimbiyr. |
Elven Lands | ||
Ardeep |
Elven |
The expanded Ardeep Forest lands from the Sword Mountains to Harpshield Hill, and the Misty Forest. |
Dwarven Lands | ||
Dardath |
Dwarven |
The vast network of interconnected clan holds encompassing the Forlorn Hills, with its capital beneath Mount Illefarn. |
Hunnabar |
Dwarven |
The High Moor, both on the surface and deep beneath, centered on the Underdark fortress city of Kanaglym. |
Gnomish Lands | ||
Dolblunde |
Gnomish |
The Rat Hills and the Dessarin Valley and between the Stump Bog and the modern Zundbridge. |
Halfling Lands | ||
Delantarl |
Halfling |
The valley of the River Delimbyr between the Laughing Hollows and the eaves of the High Forest, centered on the capital of Secomber. |
In the Year of the Fortress Scoured (511 DR), the human kingdom of Elembar is all but swept away by the Whiteclaw Horde of orcs from the Sword Mountains. Only the capital city, Delimbiyran, remains intact, and that only because the horde itself was checked and shattered by the combined forces of the elves of Ardeep and the dwarves of Dardath at the House of Stone. Over the next decade, the lands of the North are plunged into chaos as the destruction of Elembar leaves a power vacuum in the Sword Coast that is filled by lawlessness and banditry. With the signs that the remnants of the orc and goblin hordes were once again rebuilding their forces in the absence of powerful defense by the Lawkeeper races, it was determined by the leaders of three realms that something drastic must be done.
In the Year of Trials Arcane (523 DR), the rulers of the realms of Delimbiyran, Ardeep, and Dardath assembled together at the foot of Mount Illefarn upon the Laughing Stone and there, over the course of month debated the issue in what would come to be called the Council of Axe and Arrow. Over the time of the debate, they were joined unexpectedly by representatives from the gnomes of Dolblunde and the halfling refugees from Mieritin, both of the small races claiming rightly that they had equal risk and equal accountability in the rising danger of the lawless time. The Council was eventually closed with the swearing of the Compact of Axe and Arrow and the birth of Phalorm, the Realm of Three Crowns.
The new energy of the realm is nearly boundless. The kingdom moves swiftly to purge the remaining orcs and goblins from their newly defined borders and begins re-manning and re-building the ancient chains of dwarven forts on the southern border of the High Moor against the Serpentfolk of the Serpent Hills and the Watchers of the North along the northern slopes of the Forlorn Hills.
The peace was not to last. In the Year of the Burning Sky (528 DR), the Howltusk orc horde marches on Phalorm from the Trollmoors and is met by scouts of the armies of Phalorm in the hills south of the ruined Halls of the Hunting Axe. The orc horde pursues the mounted warriors of Phalorm and is cunningly led to the House of Stone where it is utterly destroyed by the defenders of that fortress. The human King Javilarhh "the Dark" Snowsword is slain whilst leading the force that draws the orc horde to its doom.
In the Year of the Melding (557 DR) An army of hobgoblins, incited by the forces of the serpentfolk realm of Nejizar, devastates the dwarf Duchy of Hunnabar, which is centered above the underground city of Kanaglym near present-day Dragonspear Castle. Gathering its strength, Phalorm marches two armies south and destoys the hobgoblins at the twin battles of Notched Axes and Blunted Fangs. The elven King Ruardh Lightshiver is slain whilst leading Phalorm's armies.
In the Year of the Pernicious Hauberk (568 DR), The armies of Phalorm march north and west out of the kingdom to aid the realm of Yarlith, which is under attack from an orc horde led by frost giant named Horthgar. The warriors of Phalorm arrive unexpectedly on the battlefield and lead Yarlith's sorely pressed foresters to a great victory at the battle of Silent Arrows. The elven King Ellatharion of Phalorm pledges his kingdom's aid if Yarlith should ever be attacked again.
In the Year of the Cultured Rake (579 DR), the dwarven King of Phalorm, Torghatar blood of Bharaun, falls to duergar assassins whilst on his way to answer a false call for aid in the vicinity of present-day Ironford.
In the Year of the Supreme Duelist (592 DR), troll forces from the Troll Hills attack the south-western borders of Phalorm in force this year and do great damage before they are scattered and slain at the Battle of Burning Leaves. The dwarves of the Duchy of Hunnabar are too few to retain their holdings in the area around present-day Dragonspear Castle and over the next decade relocate to the Duchy of Dardath to the north.
In the Year of the Immured Imp (604 DR), an orc horde marches down the Unicorn Run from the depths of the High Forest and lays siege to Secomber. Gathering its forces swiftly, the armies of Phalorm converge on that settlement and beat back the orcs with great loss. The elven King Ellatharion of Phalorm and a contingent of elves and halflings pursue the retreating orcs into the High Forest and are never seen again.
In the Year of the Normiir (611 DR), the rampaging Everhorde erupts from the Spine of the World and engulfs the North. Illusk is one of the first settlements to fall to this huge orc army and is left in total ruin save for the Host Tower of the Arcane whose magical defenses render it impervious to physical harm.The horde then assaults the realm of Yarlith. The armies of Phalorm march north but are too late to prevent Yarlith's fall. They do succeed however in raising the siege of the independent trading city of Neverwinter, thanks to the aid of Palarandusk the Sun Dragon, and for the next year, in pitched battle after pitched battle, the warriors of Phalorm with the aid of other communities of the North strive desperately to defeat this huge army of orcs.
In the Year of the Jester's Smile (612 DR) the armies of Phalorm and their allies in the North led by the Helmite priest Helbrace, crush the Everhorde south of Triboar, but their victory comes at the cost of many lives. The casualties include Lathlaeril "Leafspear", the elf king.
The Year of the Shattered Scepter (614 DR) sees incredible turmoil descend upon Phalorm. In Eleasias, a great orc chieftain, Grunnig "the Red", unites the nomadic orc bands of the vast grasslands known as the Fields of the Dead, south of Phalorm and marches them north. With most of its warriors away to the north, Phalorm empties its garrisons and fortresses and sends an army south to give battle under the dwarven King Oskilar, son of Fauril. The savage fighting around present-day Dragonspear Castle, known as the Battle of Sodden Fields, sees Phalorm emerge victorious, though her battle strength is sorely damaged.
Later, in Uktar, in the waning days of the year, northern-eastern Phalorm is invaded by the Horde of the Wastes, a great orc army originating in the High Moor and southern Greypeak Mountains. King Oskilar is slain whilst leading a desperate rearguard action to gain time for the armies of the realm. Dolblunde is sacked and pillaged and the House of Stone is besieged.
By Nightal, the dark twilight of the kingdom grows darker. The armies of Phalorm move south to succor the kingdom. The orc horde moves north, leaving some of its strength behind to maintain the siege of the House of Stone. The horde splits into two, with one army moving up the west bank of the Dessarin and the other marching up the east bank toward the Stone Bridge. South of present-day Westbridge, the armies of Phalorm meet the westerly force of orcs and give battle. Just as Phalorm's warriors seem to be gaining the upper hand, the eastern orc army charges into their flank and rear after crossing the Dessarin at the Stone Bridge. Phalorm's army is routed and flees west seeking to rally at Iniarv's Tower, a fortress of the allied, seacoast realm of Uthtower.
The Year of the Lamia's Kiss (615 DR) sees the final destruction of the realm of Three Crowns. In Hammer, the armies of Phalorm are defeated once more at Iniarv's Tower by the Horde of the Wastes, as the battle rouses the ancient lich from crypts deep beneath the fortress. The lich attacks both the orcs and the armies of Phalorm in his fury, and the fortress is reduced to ruins. The warriors of Phalorm seek refuge within the seacoast realm of Uthtower, hotly pursued by the orcish horde. Alarmed at the horde within their lands, the ruler of Uthtower beseeches Iniarv to save the realm. With cruel humor, he unleashes great magics that cause the seas to rise up and flood the surrounding lands, bringing the realm to an end and devastating the armies of both Phalorm and the Horde of the Wastes. The remaining orcs flee into the Sword Mountains and the area becomes a large swamp known as the Mere of Dead Men.
In Alturiak, the remnants of the horde laying siege to the House of Stone perish in a last, futile assault on that fortress.
Finally, in Mirtul, the realm of Phalorm falls apart as the elves, sickened by the endless warring, abandon the alliance and take ship to Evermeet. Ardeep remains an elven realm in name only. The dwarves of Phalorm, their numbers greatly reduced, retreat to isolated holds deep beneath the Horn Hills or travel east to Ammarindar. The humans take council with the remaining gnomes and halflings in the region, and clear Phalorm's borders of orc raiding parties.
In the Year of the Ensorceled Kings (616 DR) Delimbiyran, the human kingdom of Phalorm, claims all the lands of that realm and establishes a new alliance with gnome and halflings of the area. The new realm is called the Kingdom of Man.
In the Year of the Curse (882 DR) Moon elf refugees from Eaerlann resettle Ardeep and rebuilt the realm. A brief alliance with the humans dwelling along the Delimbiyr and the dwarves of the Forlorn Hills founders because of lingering suspicious about the role of humans in the fall of Ascalhorn, later to be known as Hellgate Keep. This alliance is dubbed the Fallen Kingdom (the same name already given to Phalorm), much to the confusion of later historians.
In the Year of the Raging Flame (1255 DR) The famed adventurer Daeros Dragonspear seizes a fortune in gems from a beholder lairing in the lost, subterranean city of Kanaglym, in the depths of what was once Phalorm's Duchy of Hunnabar, and decides to retire. The bearded half-dwarf chooses the lair of the copper dragon Halatathlaer as the site of his castle. Dwarves are welcomed at Dragonspear Castle, and soon the outer ward fills with small stone cottages and delvings beneath them.
Line of Rulers
The rulers of Phalorm are presented below:
Monarch | Realm | Birth | Death | Ruled | Reigned Notes |
Crown of the Laranlors of Ardeep | |||||
Ruardh Lightshiver |
Ardeep |
? |
557 |
(Ardeep 308/523), 523/557 |
Signatory of the Alliance of Illefarn and later the Compact of Axe and Arrow. Slain by hobgoblins upon the High Moor in the Year of the Melding (557 DR). |
Ellatharion |
Ardeep |
? |
604 |
557/604 |
Lost, presumed slain, pursuing an orcish horde up the valley of the Unicorn Run in the Year of the Immured Imp (604 DR). |
Lathlaeril “Leafspear” |
Ardeep |
? |
612 |
604/612 |
Slain in the Year of the Jester’s Smile (612 DR) at the Battle of Firetears, which was fought south of modern-day Triboar against the orcs of the illithid-led Everhorde. His death led to the elven dissolution of the Compact of Axe and Arrow and the Retreat of the elves of Ardeep from the lands of men. |
Crown of the Arcrowns of Dardath | |||||
Torghatar |
Dardath |
? |
579 |
(Dardath ?/523), 523/579 |
Signatory of the Compact of Axe and Arrow. Slain by duergar assassins in the Year of the Cultured Rake (579 DR). |
Fauril |
Dardath |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Oskilar |
Dardath |
? |
614 |
?/614 |
Slain in battle against the Horde of the Wastes whilst leading a desperate rearguard action to gain time for the armies of the realm. |
Crown of the Kings of Delimbiyran | |||||
Javilarhh “the Dark” Snowsword |
Delimbiyran |
? |
528 |
(Delimbiyran ?/528), 523/528 |
Eldest son of Harnorth II Snowsword of Elembar. Signatory of the Compact of Axe and Arrow. Slain in the Year of the Burning Sky (528 DR) by the horde of the Howltusk orcs while leading them to their destruction before the walls of the House of Stone. |
Darnorth I |
Delimbiyran |
502 |
559 |
528/559 |
? |
Darnorth II |
Delimbiyran |
530 |
594 |
559/594 |
? |
Javilarhh II |
Delimbiyran |
563 |
646 |
594/616, (Delimbiyran 616/646) |
Presides over the dissolution of the Compact of Axe and Arrow and encompasses the reorganization of Phalorm into the realm of Delimbiyran, the Kingdom of Man. |