| |
| |
Capital | Delimbiyran |
Largest City | Delimbiyran |
Languages | Illuskan, Dwarvish (Shanatan), Gnomish, Halfling |
Government |
Monarchy |
Predecessor | Elembar, Phalorm (Second Kingdom) |
Founded |
Year of the Fortress Scoured (511 DR) - Year of Trials Arcane (523 DR), Year of the Ensorceled Kings (616 DR) - Year of the Clutching Death (702 DR) |
Successor | Calandor, Loravatha |
Land Area |
- |
Population |
- |
The realm of Delimbiyran, was both short lived and turbulent, and much of it's short lifespan was spent defending the borders of Phalorm of old. Though on paper the "Kings of Man" claimed all the lands of the now faded elf and dwarven realms of Phalorm, their authority extended only as far as the reach of their armies.
Duchy | Ruling Race | Region |
Human Lands | ||
Calandor |
Human |
The Dragonfields between the Ardeep Forest and the Forlorn Hills, south to the River Delimbiyr and the vale of the River Delimbiyr as far as the Lizard Marsh and the Sword Hills. |
Loravatha |
Human |
The Forlorn Hills, laying claim to all the surface lands once held by the dwarven realm of Dardath. |
Gnomish Lands | ||
Dolblunde |
Gnomish |
The Rat Hills and the Dessarin Valley and between the Stump Bog and the modern Zundbridge. |
Halfling Lands | ||
Delantarl |
Halfling |
The valley of the River Delimbyr between the Laughing Hollows and the eaves of the High Forest, centered on the capital of Secomber. |
In the Year of the Fortress Scoured (511 DR), the human kingdom of Elembar is all but swept away by the Whiteclaw Horde of orcs from the Sword Mountains. Only the capital city, Delimbiyran, remains intact, and that only because the horde itself was checked and shattered by the combined forces of the elves of Ardeep and the dwarves of Dardath at the House of Stone. Over the next decade, the lands of the North are plunged into chaos as the destruction of Elembar leaves a power vacuum in the Sword Coast that is filled by lawlessness and banditry. With the signs that the remnants of the orc and goblin hordes were once again rebuilding their forces in the absence of powerful defense by the Lawkeeper races, it was determined by the leaders of three realms that something drastic must be done.
In the Year of Trials Arcane (523 DR), the rulers of the realms of Delimbiyran, Ardeep, and Dardath assembled together at the foot of Mount Illefarn upon the Laughing Stone and there, over the course of month debated the issue in what would come to be called the Council of Axe and Arrow. Over the time of the debate, they were joined unexpectedly by representatives from the gnomes of Dolblunde and the halfling refugees from Mieritin, both of the small races claiming rightly that they had equal risk and equal accountability in the rising danger of the lawless time. The Council was eventually closed with the swearing of the Compact of Axe and Arrow and the birth of Phalorm, the Realm of Three Crowns.
Though the realm rises with much promise, misfortune and ruin swiftly begin to stalk the now bound rulers. By the Year of the Ensorceled Kings (616 DR), the realm of Phalorm is no more. The lands which once rang to the clarion call of the silver trumpets of the elves and the beating march of dwarven boots are silent save for the moans of the dying. The elves of Ardeep, having lost an unbelievable three laranlors in less than 100 years abandoned the mortal lands in disgust, leaving all but a handful of determined guardians in their old forest places. The holds of the dwarves were depopulated by repeated assault by every manner of humanoid invader, from goblins to orcs to trolls. No longer having the dwarf-power to maintain the defenses of their realm, the dwarves of Dardath retreat into their holds and, in some cases, bring down stone and rock upon the doors behind them. In the face of the end of the Compact of Axe and Arrow, Javilarhh II Snowsword of Delimbiyran, the human kingdom of Phalorm, claims all the lands of that realm and establishes a new alliance with gnome and halflings of the area. The new realm is called the Kingdom of Man.
The realm is immediately beset by the remnants of the orcish hordes that had swept away Phalorm. The determined warriors and generals of Delimibiyran begin a relentless campaign to exterminate the orcish threat from both within their borders and beyond. During the next fifty years, called later by historians the "Endless Battle", an ocean of orc and goblin blood would be spilled as the human, gnomish, and halfling warriors of Delimbiyran root out the warrens of their ancient foe and destroy them, with no quarter asked or given.
In the Year of the Stricken Sun, (691 DR) Lord Erthaer Javilarhhsson, the youngest son of King Javilarhh "the Dark" Snowsword returns to the court of Delimbiyran convinced he had found a valley he wished to call home. With the consent of his nephew, King Davyd Snowsword, Lord Erthaer raises a host of men and leads the settlement of Starshadow Vale (so known for its position on the southwestern fringe of the High Forest, poetically placed "in the shadow of the Star Mounts"), seizing the lands from orcs and other fell creatures. King Davyd elevates Lord Erthaer to the rank of Baron of Dauntylgar, and gives him title to Starshadow Vale upon condition that the newly installed baron (or his heirs) could hold the land for at least a dozen winters.
In the Year of the Triton's Horn (697 DR), Sharran clergy up and down the entire Sword Coast rioted after their high priestess foolishly killed the entire senior clergy of the church in the region in an effort to turn herself into a lich. The current king, King Davyd Snowsword, ordered his troops to clamp down on the violence which in turn, inspired a fanatic to martyr himself by assassinating him. Davyd died without an heir and the nobles began to squabble, which eventually turned into a civil war, with the major human duchies of Calandor and Loravatha each putting forth their own suitable candidates for the crown and sidelining their non-human gnomish and halfling allies.
With the death of King Davyd and the fall of the Kingdom of Man, the duke of Calandor formed his own realm as did many other leading ex-nobles of Delimbiyran (as well as more than a handful of adventurers, mercenaries and rich merchants such as Azarash "the Silklord" (a wizened calishite merchant and exiled minor satrap of Manshaka), Feorboth "Fivepoints" Ulthin (ex-leader of the Steelshields mercenary company out of Athkatla) and Naelthas Yvirthal (a half-elf ex-adventurer and druid famed for leading the Company of the Brightmantle adventuring band in their successful three-season hunt of the green dragon Maerlithardrano in the depths of the High Forest)).
The civil war would ultimately prove fruitless, for unbeknownst to the humans of Delimbiyran the settlement of Starshadow Vale just a decade earlier had served as grave provocation to the orcs of the western High Forest, for the land was sacred to them as the site of the long mythical battle between Gruumsh and Corellon Larethian. In fury, the orcs gather together into a vast horde bent on vengeance.
In the Year of the Clutching Death (702 DR), this orc horde from the High Forest inflicts heavy losses on the splinter kingdoms of Delimbiyran that were formerly part of the Kingdom of Man. Many of these lesser realms are destroyed before the armies of the Duke of Calandor Baroth, secretly backed by the Covenant finally rallies the remaining armies and manages to defeat the orcs at the Battle of Burning Winds.
Among the realms left shattered in the horde's wake was the Barony of Starshadow Vale, just eleven winters after its founding (and 1 winter short of fulfilling King Davyd Snowsword's requirements for Baron Erthaer Javilarhhsson taking rightful lordship of the lands). In defiant anger, the Baron Erthaer defies the gods and becomes a ghost, haunting the Starshadow Vale, and longing to restore Dautylgar to its earlier status and maintained for at least one full winter.
Following this success, the ambitious Duke Baroth sought to raise himself to a pre-eminent position among the polyglot realism of the Dessarin Valley but his plans were met by disaster in the Year of Doom (714 DR). In the Battle of Two Gates' Fall, the Warrior's Gate portal in Myth Drannor is destroyed. The blast emerges from the other end of the portal, devastating the city of Delimbiyran and large swathes of southern Delimbiyr.
Centuries later, in the Year of the Hurled Axe (928 DR), his descendant Salinarhh, known as "the Sly" to his rivals, brought the diminished and stagnant holding of Calandor back to a position of power in the region by a combination of deft diplomacy, alliances through marriage (he had 4 sons and 3 daughters) and the threat posed by his unshakably loyal and battle-hardened younger brother Garlantarhh (a storied warrior in his time, famous for single-handedly slaying the ogre chieftain Vorug "the Blackclaw" in hand to hand combat). However, Salinarhh's ambition met with active opposition from the allies and followers of Nimoar of Waterdeep. Nimoar's leadership in the First Trollwar a few years later, saw the focus of power in the Dessarin valley shift toward present-day Waterdeep, where it has remained to this day.
Line of Rulers
The rulers of Delimbiyr are presented below:
Monarch | Realm | Birth | Death | Ruled | Reigned Notes |
Snowsword Dynasty | |||||
Javilarhh II |
Delimbiyran |
563 |
646 |
(Phalorm 594/616), 616/646 |
Last ruler of Phalorm, founder of the realm of Delimbiyran. |
Haryd I |
Delimbiyran |
599 |
665 |
646/665 |
? |
Haryd II, "the Brave" |
Delimbiyran |
627 |
688 |
665/688 |
? |
Haryd III |
Delimbiyran |
655 |
695 |
688/695 |
? |
Davyd |
Delimbiyran |
677 |
697 |
695/697 |
Last ruler of Delimbiyran, assassinated by Sharran fanatics. Died without issue. |