Barony of Loravatha

Barony of Loravatha



Largest City



Baron Indigar Loravatha




Feudal Barony (Baron)




Duchy of Daggerford (947-present), Independent (697-947), Delimbiyran (616-697), Phalorm (523-614)
Loravatha was first a duchy of Phalorm (from 523 to 614 DR) and later of the successor kingdom Delimbiyran (from 616 to 697 DR). After the dissolution of the Kingdom of Man, the duchy survived as an independent state under the rulership of the Loravatha dynasty. The current barony encompasses much of the surface lands remaining of the ancient dwarven kingdom of Dardath within the Forlorn Hills, and many of the old dwarven holds and towers have been re-purposed by the Barons of Loravatha over the years.

Province Breakdown

ProvinceLaw Temple Guild Source
Loravatha (2/3)

PD (1), IL (1)

He (1), Mo (1)

IL (1), DI (1)

DO (1), KI (1), Yb (1)

Loravatha Holding Level Type Regent Description

Court of the Sheriff



Sheriff Balon Blackweal (Pwyll Daggerford)

The Duke of Daggorford maintains the office of the sheriff, in the person of the Balon Blackweal, a hardened veteran of the Dragonspear Wars. Sheriff Blackweal fights a constant low-level cold war with the standing forces of Baron Loravatha for control of enforcing the Duke's justice in the Fallen Hills.

Court of the Baron


Law (Hostile)

Indigar Loravatha

The authority of the Duke of Daggerford is all but actively opposed by the ancient rights of the Baron of Loravatha. Tensions within the barony have remained high since the death of old duke Pryden and continue to deteriorate.

The Order of the Watch



Indigar Loravatha

The ancient and battered walls of the keep at Bloodhome also serve as the local temple and chapterhouse of the Helmite Order of the Watch. Baron Loravatha serves double duty as the knight commander of the local order, commanding a special force of about a dozen Helmite priests and marshals who patrol the hills and valleys.

Stonehearth Hall



Burundur Earthengrip

High upon the walls of the granite cliff overlooking Bloodhome, the ancient delve of Stonehearth Hall serves as the local temple to the Mordinsamman, with particular focus upon Dumathoin in his aspect as the god of the dead.

Sword Hills Mining Consortium



Indigar Loravatha

One of the major sources of the Baron's wealth is his controlling interest in the Sword Hills Mining Consortium which actively exploits the still rich seams of mineral wealth running through the Sword Hills. He is strongly funded and supported by House Urmbrusk.

Clan Ironeater



Derval Ironeater

In strong rivalry to the Sword Hills Mining Consortium are the dwarven mining works owned by Clan Ironeater. Shifts in baronial law and taxation have heavily penalized the dwarven mining clan, which has seen a steep decline in profits and mining rights in recent years.

Ondabarl Wizardry



Kerryl Illiuth

The success of Delfin's School of Wizardry in Daggerford has prompted some of his famuli to begin branching out on their own under his tutelage and support. In Loravatha, Ondabarl has sponsored a number of magical expeditions to research the numerous ruins of fallen kingdoms and empires dotting the landscape, based in Bloodhome.

The Spectral Sorceress




Control of a number of magical currents in the Forlorn Hills seems to pass through and beneath the so-called "Crumbling Stair", the remains of an all-female magical academy dating to the age of Phalorm. Numerous attempts to secure control of these currents have been thwarted by the resident specters of the ruin.

Places of Interest


(Small Town, 950)

The town of Bloodhome, situated at the end of a sharp sided gorge around and above the Redrun Falls is the largest and most concentrated human settlement within Loravatha. Built upon an old dwarven surface fortress, Maegrun's Hold or the "Bloody Keep", has never been successfully breached in a siege or assault and has housed the armories and wealth of House Loravatha for almost 800 years. The town itself is built mostly of stone, and the iron foundries are in almost constant use, blasting smoke and ash into the air day and night.

Crumbling Stair

The Crumbling Stair is all that remains of the once grand magical academy of Taeros. Located deep in the heart of the Forlorn Hills, the aptly named ruin is a length of weathered, green-veined white marble that rises unheralded out of uneven turf to reach six or so steps into the empty air. Its other end descends into a dark hole. Beyond the magically supported length of stair, little remains on the surface other than hummocks of rough earth and unusual growths of plants and vines. Explorers and adventurers report all manner of unusual creatures near and beneath the Crumbling Stair, and the place has earned a fell reputation for dangerous magic and monsters.

Moon Tower of Elembar

This shimmering apparition appears only on nights of the full moon on the edge of the Forlorn Hills, overlooking the plains called the "Dragonfields" of old. Seeming to be a solid, crystalline spire of glistening silver, the Moon Tower appears to have no windows or doors. Rumors and legends about the true nature of the tower abound, but if any have discovered a way inside, they have not seen fit to share.


Torstultok, or the Hall of Grand Hunts, is a temple-fortress of Haela Brightaxe. The place is well known among the Stout Folk of the North for the all-dwarf and mixed-race adventuring companies its inhabitants sponsor to reclaim long-lost dwarven relics from orc held halls.

Torstultok lies within a sprawling complex of tunnels and grand halls beneath the eastern end of the Watchers of the North — the line of tors that marks the northern edge of the Forlorn Hills.

Torstultok was known as Firehammer Hold before the Fallen Kingdom fell, and much treasure is still ascribed to the latter name in the tales of the North. Those same legends claim that the dwarves of Firehammer Hold perished in a plague shortly after the founding of the Kingdom of Man, but in fact the dwarves’ numbers had dwindled over time, and the leaders of the hold planted false evidence of a deadly plague to increase the security of the dwarves who remained.

An unexpected consequence of this action was the arrival in subsequent centuries of treasure-hungry adventurers seeking long-lost hoards of dwarven gold. To assuage the anger of such would-be plunderers, the dwarves hired them to seek out other dwarven holds that they knew to be occupied by orcs. From this tradition evolved the hold’s current role as a clearinghouse for battle-loving dwarves and adventurers of other races who sought glory amidst the ruins of long-fallen dwarven kingdoms. In recent times, Haela’s clergy have even begun to lure adventurers to the temple deliberately with ancient-looking, incomplete maps and other enticing items. Such a map may be found on the walls of a not-so-secret hidden room in the Singing Sprite—a slate-shingled, many-gabled stone inn located in the bowl at the centre of the three hills upon which the village of Secomber is built.


(Hamlet, 30)

Most traders dealing with Delimbiyr Vale avoid Uluvin, instead using the Delimbiyr Route west from Secomber, meeting up with the High Road south of Zundbridge. It's a dusty, spartan place with few trees, thirsty throats, a bad tavern, and a surprisingly pleasant and clean inn. Uluvin's a sleepy place where peddlers sell trinkets and folk turn out to chat with travelers to hear the news.

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