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Capital | Deepening Moon (-22,540--17,990), Quentallis (-17,990- -17,600), Deepening Moon (-17,600-615), Laughing Hollow (615-882), Deepening Moon (882-1344), Laughing Hollow (1344-Present) |
Largest City | Laughing Hollow |
Languages | Elvish |
Government |
Monarchy (Laranlor) |
Predecessor | Shantel Orthreier |
Founded |
-22,540 DR - Present |
Successor |
n/a |
Land Area |
- |
Population |
- |
At various points in history, the Realm of the Deepening Moon was a vassal of the elven empires of Aryvandaar, Shantel Othreier, and Illefarn. Circa –1,100 DR, Illefarn fragmented into three realms: Ardeep, Iliyanbruen, and Rilithar. At its height, Ardeep encompassed the lands between the Sword Mountains and the lower Delimbiyr Vale.
The rulers of Ardeep were known as laranlors (masculine) and laranlas (feminine), elven terms meaning regal lord and regal lady, respectively, and used to denote the king or queen of an elven vassal realm or minor kingdom. Laranla Fildaerae “the Night Flame” died in the Year of Ashen Faces (–395 DR) and was succeeded by her grandniece, Imdalace. When Laranla Imdalace disappeared in the Year of the Slaked Blade (4 DR), rulership of Ardeep passed to her kinswoman Embrae Aloevan. Laranla Aloevan became a Chosen of Mystra and Sehanine in the Year of Frostfires (292 DR). Shortly thereafter, in the Year of Promise (308 DR), she descended into madness and death, consumed by the silver fire of Mystra.
Aloevan’s successor, Laranlor Ruardh Lightshiver, forged the Alliance of Illefarn with the shield dwarves of Dardath (now the Forlorn Hills) in the Year of the Cantobele Stalking (342 DR). In the Year of Trials Arcane (523 DR), this combined region became Phalorm, the Realm of Three Crowns. Ruardh ruled as the elf king of Phalorm until the Year of Melding (557 DR), when he fell against a horde of hobgoblins at the Battle of Blunted Fangs, near the site of present-day Dragonspear Castle. His successor, King Ellatharion, ruled until the Year of the Immured Imp (604 DR), when he vanished along with a contingent of elves and halflings last seen pursuing an orc horde into the High Forest. The last elf king of Phalorm (and hence Ardeep), Lathlaeril "Leafspear", died in the Year of the Jester’s Smile (612 DR) at the Battle of Firetears, which was fought south of modern-day Triboar against the orcs of the illithid-led Everhorde. Sickened by the endless warring, most of Ardeep’s moon elves abandoned Phalorm in the Year of the Lamia’s Kiss (615 DR) and took ship to Evermeet.
The elven realm of Ardeep was refounded in the Year of the Curse (882 DR), when the area was resettled by moon elves from Eaerlann who had fled the demons erupting from Ascalhorn. The Alliance of Illefarn was briefly reborn as well, but the Eaerlanni elves quickly withdrew because of rising anti-human sentiment. The moon elves dwelt in quiet fellowship beneath the boughs until the Year of the Moonfall (1344 DR), when most of the remaining moon elves heeded the call of the Retreat and departed for Evermeet.
Date (DR) | Notes |
The age of Shantel Othreier | |
-23600 DR | Kelledyr Taurntyrith, Moon Elves from Shantel Othreier found Ardeep as the population of their burgeoning realm seeks new places to settle. The Conclave of Lords in Yr’chionthaar appoints Kelledyr the first
Laranlor of the Realm of the Deepening Moon. |
-22980 DR |
Badly injured in a dragon riding accident Laranlor Kelledyr steps aside for his brother, Kellaspyr ‘Silverspear’ Taurntyrith. |
-22900 DR |
The Elven kingdom of Illefarn is founded, and wood elves join their moon elf cousins in Ardeep |
-22760 DR | Rysar ends with the sudden death of Amonsevre’ Othreier in a violent storm whilst travelling on dragon back from Fhaorenhaven to Ardeep Forest. |
-22720 DR |
Laranlor Kellaspyr ‘Silverspear’ Taurntyrith, dies battling the Great Green Wyrm, Jadaariksthioss, from the depths of the High Forest. His second son Anthollear, who slew the dragon, is elected in his place, as the third Laranlor of Ardeep. |
-22540 DR |
Moon elves from Shantel Othreier officially found the colony of Ardeep with the laying of a Mythal over the tree city of Deepening Moon. |
-22057 DR | Mercantyr Taurntyrith becomes the fourth Laranlor after the peaceful ascension of his grandfather to Arvandor. Anthollear is sung about far and wide, not just for his prowess of the battle field, but also for the peace and prosperity that characterized his reign. |
-21750 DR |
After little more than three centuries of rule Ardeep gains a new Laranlor with the sudden death of Mercantyr at the hands of Frost giant raiders from the frozen north during a series of particularly bitter winter storms. Vanesh Taurntyrith, is elected to replace him. |
-21360 DR |
Vanesh Taurntyrith, a mild mannered priest of Labelas is counted as an unlikely successor to his cousin Mercantyr, and soon enough proves it when he is squashed flat by a falling bookshelf whilst conducting research in the library of the temple to Labelas in Deepening Moon. Immediately his youngest brother Arytha Taurntyrith, is appointed by the Conclave of Lords in Shantel Othreier to replace him. |
-21004 DR |
Disaster strikes the ruling dynasty of Ardeep when the Laranalor and his entire clan are killed when their sloop smashes upon rocks north of Orlumbar. Despite an extensive search no bodies are found. Further inquiries are inconclusive but rumors persist that agents from the south were involved. Ardeep’s first Laranlas is appointed by the Conclave of Lords with the election of the elderly clan matriarch Ella Sarsantyr. |
-20836 DR |
After a short yet peaceful rule, Ardeep’s first Laranla Ella Sarsantyr abdicates in favor of her Grand-daughter, Aphrael Sarsantyr. Considered by many to be one of the finest bards of the age, Aphrael, the fiery, red headed minstrel and secret follower of the Dark Maiden sets about changing the rules and laws by which the realm is governed. |
–19999 DR | Illyrea Sarsantyr assumes her mother’s mantle as Laranla of the realm with her mother’s sudden death from an incurable case of black-lung disease. The plague sweeps through the forests striking down the very young, and the very old without discrimination. |
–19621 DR | Ahlea Imdalace takes over the role of Laranla from her elder sister who never fully recovered from the plague two centuries before. Illyrea goes into seclusion at a temple of Sehanine on the island of Orlumbar where the sea air and complete rest does much to restore her former health and vigour. |
-19237 DR |
The haughty and regal Ahlea Imdalace disappears one night whilst out watching the moon set at the Stairways to Selune. It is later learnt that she has eloped with her dark elf lover, escaping through the gate to Selune. Thinking she has been kidnapped or worse by orcs seen hunting nearby, Ahlea’s sister, the Duskblade-Bard Dathlynn Imdalace leads a punitive raid into the Sword Mountains against the gathering orcs there. When she and her troops are finished there is not an orc, goblin or giant within 100 miles of Deepening Moon and Dathlynn is crowned the new Laranla of Ardeep. |
-18540 DR |
Dathlynn continues her genocidal war against the goblin-kin even though she has since heard from her sister on Selune. It is on one of her many forays that Dathlynn is killed by an arrow to the throat whilst battling to save a farmstead from hobgoblin raiders in a valley of the Troll Hills. Hearing of his niece’s death, the High Mage Gyorgahtla Imdalace immediately takes the throne, not waiting for ratification by a Lords Conclave. |
-17990 DR |
After a long and successful career as Laranlor, having created the Staves of the Seldarine, and many other fine workings, Gyorgahtla is slain in a mysterious explosion in the topmost chamber of his tower. The title of Laranlor passes to his nephew, the pacifist priest of Deep Sashelas, Taladath Imdalace. Taladath’s first action is to move the seat of government to the port city of Quentallis, on the island of Orlumbar. |
–17600 DR |
Hundreds of High Mages assemble in the heartland of Faerûn at the Gathering Place. Ignoring the lesson learned from the destruction of Tintageer centuries earlier, they cast a spell of Elven High Magic designed to create a glorious elf homeland. On the Day of Birthing, the magic reaches its apex as the spell extends both back and forward in the mists of time. Faerûn, the one land, is sundered apart by the unbridled force of the Sundering. As a result, hundreds of cities are washed away, thousands of elves lie dead, and the face of Toril is changed forever. The name Faerûn, no longer the One Land, is given to the largest continent. Surrounded by vast expanses of water, the island of Evermeet, thought to be a piece of Arvandor and a bridge between worlds, breaks the surface of the Trackless Sea. Blessed by the goddess Angharradh, verdant forests and wildlife soon flourish across the island. Corellon Larethian wards Evermeet against Lolth, Malar, and the other powers of the anti-Seldarine and entrusts a unique seed to the Fair Folk of the isle. The seed soon sprouts, growing into a miniature tree known as the Tree of Souls. Over time, the souls of ancient elves who choose to stay on Toril, rather than pass on to Arvandor, merge into the Tree of Souls, slowly augmenting its power. Prophecies reveal that the Tree of Souls will someday be planted on Faerûn when the Fair Folk finally return to the mainland after a period of exile on the Green Isle. Half of the coastal forest communities of Ardeep, Shantel Othreier and Keltormir are destroyed and hurled into the sea. The coastal cities of Ardmantor, Ursyllashyr, Silversgate, and Quentallis are completely annihilated resulting in the death of over 100,000 Moon, Green, Gold, Star and Dark Elves. Many other cities without mythal protection are severely damaged with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Many question the wisdom of the Ar’Selu’Taar, and more than a few are assassinated in revenge for the mighty art they have wrought. With the realms thrown into chaos by the massive destruction created by the hubris of the Selu’taar and priests, an emergency Conclave is called summoning the surviving House Lords. It is decided that never again will they allow the powers of those who wield the Art to supplant the will of the people they serve. At the conclave a new more vigorous Laranlor is chosen to replace the dead Taladath Imdalace, one Oenath Mrhulaedir. |
-17261 DR |
After a series of stunning victories, the forces of Fhaormista and Miyerimista, under the leadership of Coronal Korinnialass Moonflower, begin laying siege to Yr’chionmanthaar in an attempt to bring about an end to the war. Right at the moment of victory, the besiegers become the besieged when a force of Gold, Moon and Dark Elf mercenaries from Aryvandaar, led by an up and coming general Ivo’saar Vyshaan attack the Moonflower armies from the rear. Caught between a hammer and anvil, the forces of Fhaormista and Miyerimista are routed. After a lengthy chase across the Green Fields which sees the sacking and burning of Firewine Bridge by Aryvandaaran mercenaries, the scattered forces of Fhaormista and Miyerimista, reunite under the boughs of the ancient trees of the Cloak Woods, and alongside the Citadel of Shadows, home of the greatest Sharn Elders, the Children of Tharizdun. In a fateful reversal of fortune Sunkyrrin Durothil and her troops are forced to surrender with her death on the blade of Shilvanthor Olryth of Miyeritar, after a lengthy forest battle. In the nick of time relief forces from Ardeep and Miyeritar arrive to save the beleaguered Moonflower army. The realm is once again united under one ruler, signalling a second Golden (or in this case) Silver Age of Shantel Othreier. |
-16960 DR |
After successfully defending the Motherland against the dangerous Durothil demon huggers and the interfering machinations of various Aryvandaaran Gold Elf houses, Oenath Mrhulaedir lays down his sword, nominating his youngest son Oenthal, as Laranlor. Within a matter of days the realm of the Deepening Moon goes into mourning for one of its greatest heroes as he makes his last journey to Arvandor. Thus begins the reign of Oenthal the Mighty, Oenthal the Wise, Oenthal the Undying. |
–16800 DR | Thearnytaar, Eiellûr, and Syòrpiir remain separate realms after the War of Three Leaves ends, at Oenthal’s invitation several thousand Green, Moon and Dark Elf refugees from all three realms sail northwards for Ardeep and Miyeritar to escape the on-going border conflicts in the south. |
-16723 DR | Saughuin begin raiding passing ships and coastal settlements between Orlumar and Fhaorenhaven. Incensed by these attacks Laranlor Oenthal recruits Sea and Moon Elf mercenaries to take the fight to the seas devils. |
-16536 DR |
Oenthal gathers a host of elves to battle the onrushing Green Tusk horde. A highly organised and motivated army of Forest Orcs lead by the ½ Orc Cambion Callaborros Shee-Slayer. The two forces meet at the confluence of the Dessarin and Laughing Flow rivers. The resultant bloodbath sees the deaths of thousands of elves and at least 50,000 forest orcs. |
-16004 DR |
After being recognized as one of the longest living Moon Elves (without magical aid), the aged, and ancient Oenthal the Undying finally heeds the call of Arvandor fading from existence at the Grand Ball held in his honor on Mid-Summers Eve. Crowned at the same dinner in his is his great-grand daughter, the beautifully enigmatic, raven haired beauty, Kylarandra Mrhulaedir. |
-15906 DR |
A rebellious Laranla Kylarandra defies the wishes of the Lords Conclave and marries for love. Her husband, a Green elf from Keltormir, Dasheil Strongbow becomes the war leader and Prince Consort. |
-15397 DR |
After another long and fruitful reign and succession crisis occurs when Kylarandra dies suddenly without naming a successor, leaving 29 different claimants to the throne. After rioting and battles between personal guards and retinues amongst the glades and paths of Deepening Moon, War Leader Dasheil Strongbow restores order after much head bashing and blood-letting. After holding the throne himself for 3 months, the Conclave of Lords in Yr’chionmanthaar finally elects Kylarandra’s third youngest daughter, Arafel Mrhulaedir as the next Laranla of Ardeep. |
–15300 DR |
The elf Vyshaan clan rises to power in Aryvandaar under Coronal Ivósaar Vyshaan. One of Ivósaar’s first acts is to seek Laranla Arafel’s hand in marriage as a way of expanding Aryvandaar’s territory and resource base by gaining access to the Mines of Darthyllaar and Ardeep's sea ports. His offer is politely declined, but he keeps persisting. |
-14899 DR |
Laranla Arafel Mrhulaedir is found murdered in her bedroom along with her husband and their four youngest children. A visiting ambassador from Ilythiir is blamed for the assassination and promptly executed for the crime. As’kkalyll Mrhulaedir, her conniving and scheming younger brother, ascends to the throne and promptly marries Ivósaar Vyshaan’s second daughter Farashraea, cementing Ardeep’s ties to Aryvandaar. The Coronal and Lords of Shantel Othreier immediately order their troops to cross the Chionthar River and occupy southern Ardeep below the Delimbyr, and garrison Orlumbar Island. In response Ivósaar Vyshaan orders his own troops to begin building watchtowers along the northern bank of the Delimbyr. |
-14798 DR |
The stand-off between the two Empires ends abruptly when As’kkalyll Mrhulaedir and his bride die by dragon fire when a red dragon formerly controlled by a Vyshaan Selu’taar, breaks loose and kills the Laranlor whilst on a state visit to Sharlarion in Aryvandaar. A rebellion amongst the common folk of Ardeep unseats the Vyshaan sympathizers and a commoner and leader of the rebellion, Eshcalon Moondark from northern Ilyanbruen is elected Laranlor by the populace of Deepening Moon. Whilst mourning the loss of his daughter, and the loss of his new colony, Coronal Ivósaar Vyshaan backs away from all out war when Keltormir, Shantel Othreier and Miyeritar recognise Eshcalon's selection and right to rule. |
–14700 DR | Aryvandaar’s rulers begin attempts to diplomatically and peacefully annex Miyeritar into their realm and under their control. |
-13520 DR |
After 1,278 years of peace, an apparently ageless Eshcalon reveals himself to be a Silver Dragon and a Blessed Servant of Sehanine. At first shocked and angry at the deception, the people quickly begin to realize just how fortunate they have been. Wishing to return to his lady’s side Eshcalon nominates his daughter, Ithrathyll Moondark as his chosen heir. A popular Selu’taar and wise servant of Sehanine, Ithrathyll is chosen by the people as Ardeep’s next Laranla. |
–13200 DR |
Skirmishing and trade interference starts between Aryvandaar and Miyeritar. Despite being warned off by Shantel Othreier and Ithrathyll of Ardeep, the Vyshaanti conduct a dirty little trade war on foreign soil. They often cross the border to attack Miyeritari caravans and frequently clash with Ardeep’s border patrols and Song Knight portal guardians. |
-12727 DR |
After a long, and at times tumultuous reign, Laranla Ithrathyll Moondark succumbs to the rare draconic disease, white scale rot. A minor annoyance in wyrms, always fatal in the half-breed offspring. Elected and approved by the Conclave to replace her is Ardeep’s next Laranla, Ithrathyll Moondark’s daughter, the renown warrior-poet Rebekante Moondark. |
–12000 DR |
After centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar attack Miyeritar and begin putting political pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them or suffer the same fate. In response volunteers from Illefarn, Ardeep and Shantel Othreier flood across the border to oppose the naked Vyshaanti aggression. |
The First Crown War | |
-12436 DR |
The Paladin-Laranla Rebekante’ Moondark dies whilst battling Moon and Gold Elf Vyshaanti mercenaries blocking the Trade Way caravan route to Shantel Othreier, at the Third Battle for Trollclaw Ford. The mercenaries are routed but at great cost. Rebekante’s son Orlothil Moondark assumes command of the Ardeep forces in the field as Araegisess, and is later confirmed as the next Laranlor of Ardeep. |
-12360 DR |
Laranlor Orlothil Moondark is visited in his reverie by an aspect of Angharradh, in his reverential state he is shown a vision of the future and tasked with preventing a great cataclysm from taking place. Accepting, he becomes a Holy Disciple of the Triune Goddess. Upon awakening the next day, Orlothil calls a special session of the Laranlor’s council, there he tells them of his vision, and as proof draws a sword gifted to him by the Triune Lady. With nervous applause Orlothil declares a Holy Crusade against those who would invade Ardeep and her mother country, Shantel Othreier. |
–11800 DR |
Miyeritar is militarily occupied and annexed by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans and strongholds resist and continue to fight. Many elves of Ardeep and Illefarn, despite their officially neutral stance, provide secret safe havens for
Miyeritari refugees and freedom fighters. Shantel Othreier and Ardeep continue to provide covert support for Miyeritar despite official protests from Aryvandaar. |
–11700 DR |
Dragons set aflame the southern expanse of Shantel Othreier, separating the soon-to-be-called Wyrmwood from its greater body. |
–11600 DR |
The Ilythiiri destroy Syòrpiir by fire, separating that region from its allied neighbors and burning its homes to the ground. Laranlor Orlothil sends ships south along with a fleet from Fhaorenhaven to rescue those fleeing from the fighting. |
-11445 DR |
After waging a successful defensive war against all Vyshaan attempts to invade, cross through or occupy Ardeep territory, Orlothil Moondark finally brings the rulers of Aryvandaar to the negotiating table. At the site of his mother’s death, Orlothil forces the local Aryvandaaran general, F’leraldar Goadulphyn to sign a non-aggression pact securing the trading rights and freedoms of Ardeep’s people, whilst at the same time setting a mutually agreeable border, and allowing Aryvandaar's merchants free access to Ardeep and Shantel Othreier’s port facilities. |
-11345 DR |
Having achieved his goal and thinking he has prevented the disaster in his vision, Laranlor Orlothil, Triune Lady’s Soldier passes on to Arvandor escorted by host of angelic celestials, to become one of Angharradh’s Chosen Ones. Orlothil’s cousin Elediyr Moondark, late of Iliyanbruen takes up the mantle of Laranlor when Orlothil ascends to Arvandor without direct heirs or issue. |
–11300 DR |
-11172 DR |
Laranlor Elediyr is lost when the ship he is on goes down with all hands in a violent hurricane near the Dragons Maw (Asavir’s Channel). The fleet he is leading, was bringing arms, equipment, supplies and fresh troops to Shantel Othreier and Keltormir as they battle Ilithyrii invaders along their southern and eastern borders. Elediyr’s younger brother, and current Araegisess, Ilitharath Moondark, assumes the crown in his brother’s stead. |
-11086 DR |
Campaigning in the south eastern forests of Keltormir, Laranlor Ilitharath Moondark leads a group of Crusaders from Ardeep, Illefarn, Shantel Othreier and Keltormir in a Grand Crusade against the demon worshiping infidels of Ilythiir. |
The Third Crown War | |
–10900 DR |
Conflict erupts as accords finally fail between Shantel Othreier and Aryvandaar. After a successful campaign against the Dark Elves of Ilythiir, Laranlor Ilitharath repels a raiding force of Gold Elves out of Sharrven, and then joins Shantel Othreier’s Coronal Ynloeth and his forces as they sack the Fortress of Arkerym and the nearby Aryvandaaran city of Nikerym on Aryvandaar’s southern border. |
-10700 DR |
The Gods’ Theatre (present-day the Tunlands) in eastern Shantal Othreier is the site of one of the largest and costliest of all the Crown Wars’ battles. Nearly 70,000 elves die at the hands of elf and orc enemies, as an orc horde 100,000 strong falls upon the already embattled elves. Aryvandaar wins the day, and occupies the northern half of Shantel Othreier. Ynloeth and Ilitharath take their remaining forces south then west to the capital Yr’chionmanthaar. Then whilst Ynloeth signs a treaty ceding a third of his lands to Vyshaan rule, Ilitharath escapes with most of his troops through the secret Illefarn Portal network emerging firstly in the Cloak Woods, the Gathering Place, (temple to Corellon in northern Misty Forest), and finally into the courtyard of the Song Knights chapter House in the Hall of Long Silences. A network that later becomes known as Ynloeth’s Defiance. |
–10600 DR |
-10560 DR |
Whilst at a supposedly secret meeting of fellow resistance leaders in the southern Ardeep Forest, Ilitharath and many of his fellow conspirators are slain by a trio of yugoloth assassins sent by their Vyshaan oppressors. Ilitharath’s son and a few of his followers barely escape with their lives. With little communication coming from Yr’chionmanthaar and the Conclave of Lords, Tarospur Moondark is elected unanimously as the new Laranlor/Araegisess of Ardeep. |
–10500 DR | Miyeritar is engulfed in killing storms, which reduce this entire forest and realm into a barren wasteland in three months. Although no proof could ever be found, many believe the High Mages of Aryvandaar inflicted the Dark Disaster on Miyeritar. Shock over the Dark Disaster establishes an uneasy four decades of peace, as nearly every elf of Faerûn shrinks back in awe and horror from the havoc wrought by the Crown Wars. |
–10460 DR |
Tarospur and a band of Song Knights are slain defending the Hall of Long Silences from a Vyshaan raiding party. Having doggedly resisted Aryvandaan occupation the Vyshaanti for more than 100 years, the leaders of Aryvandaar decide that drastic action must be taken. The Coronal of Aryvandaar and the Corselutaar of Sharlarion once again summon their Nycaloth assassins to remove an obstacle from the Vyshaan path. With the death of Tarospur Moondark the armies of Aryvandaar sack and burn the capital city of Deepening Moon, finally conquering the elf realm of Ardeep. The Vyshaanti slay two of its rulers—Ilitharath and his grandson Tarospur—in the hundred years it takes to bring Ardeep under their control. Aryvandaaran Telegaunt Elorfindan Floshin is appointed Aradoness-Laranlor (Military Governor) of Ardeep and immediately institutes a state of martial-law. |
The age of Aryvandaar’s Occupation | |
–10270 DR |
The withdrawal of Keltormir’s forces to close and defend its own borders pits the forces of Aryvandaar and Ilythiir against each other. They soon close ranks and fight incessantly for two centuries. Battles rage across the giant-infested mountains and wemic-claimed plains north of Keltormir. Levies drawn from the everyday populace of conquered Ardeep and Shantel Othreier are sent south to face the advancing Ilythiiri hordes. Casualties are greatest amongst these draftees and various ‘jack-ups’ and mutinees are the result. |
-10220 DR |
Aradoness-Laranlor Elarfindan Floshin is assassinated by Moon Elf freedom fighters operating in the Trollbark Forest. He is replaced by his more cautious and conciliatory brother Callondell Floshin. |
–10110 DR |
Through enslaved dragons and other powers, the dark elves of Ilythiir engulf all of Shantal Othreier in flames, destroying over 70 percent of its trees over the course of fifty years. In response to this continued destruction, over 1,000 priests and High Mages in neutral Illefarn and other free areas spend decades in fervent prayer for salvation by Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine gods. |
-10100 DR to -10050 DR | |
-10090 DR | |
-10085 DR |
The Fall of Myth Rua’vae (The City of Starlight) |
-10075 DR |
The Slaughter of Greenheart Vale |
-10063 DR |
The Erasure of Yrch’ionmanthaar (The City of Placid Reverie) |
-10050 DR | |
-10049 DR |
A combined army 65,000 strong made up of the free peoples of Illefarn, Ardeep, lesser settlements of Aryvandaar and the shattered remnants of the armies of Shantel Othreier meet on the plains of Corellon’s Weeping, to confront the Army of Twilight (a force comprised of Dark Elves, yugoloths, devils, demons and dragons.) There on the plains halfway between the Delimbyr and the Troll Hills, they halt the Ilythiiri’s advance and after days of struggle, manage to all but destroy the army of Twilights Fall with the help of a Seldarine summoned host of Celestials, metallic dragons and Eladrin (Ghaels and the like). |
–10000 DR |
Corellon’s magic, as directed through his priests and High Mages, transforms the dark elves, whether the corrupt Ilythiiri or others, into the drow. Whether by magic or by the weaknesses that banish them from the sunlit lands, all drow retreat within two months’ passing into the Underdark. Elves are summoned by the Seldarine to the site that becomes the Elven Court one month after the Descent of the Drow, to settle differences and restore peace among the elves. |
-9980 DR |
Aradoness-Laranlor Callondell Floshin dies in an apparent riding accident whilst out hunting orcs in the Sword Mountains. Despite desperate attempts to revive him, his spirit remains silently and stubbornly in Arvandor. The rabid Green and Dark Elf hating Selu’taar Galltorix Floshin is appointed to replace the late Callondell as Aradon’lor (Governor) of Ardeep. |
-9979 DR |
Galltorix Floshin is killed by a young but feisty Green Elf maid he is trying to subdue. She stabs him with his own blade then burns his body beyond repair in a conflagration that consumes the Aradon’lors’ tree palace and the green elf too. Sensing that the Floshin have outstayed their welcome, and seeking to foster better relations with the Moon and Green elves of Ardeep, Coronal Vyshaan appoints Killithra Ealoeth as the new Aradon’la. |
–9900 DR |
Aryvandaar’s covert persecution of High Mages and priests begins. Although not destroyed utterly, Illefarn and its colony in the Llewyrrwood (present-day Neverwinter Wood) are annexed by Aryvandaar. Many elves of both lands flee to the remnants of Shantel Othreier. |
–9800 DR |
The Vyshantaar Empire’s forces occupy all elf realms (except Keltormir) from the High Forest of Aryvandaar to the sweltering southern forests of Ilythiir. They begin the colonization and settlement of Evermeet. A large force of Llewyrr elves escapes the oppressive mainland and resettles in isolation and safety among the mountains of the Moonshae Islands. Their new land becomes Synnoria, after the elf queen who led the Llewyrr to this island sanctuary. |
–9750 DR | The Riildath (present-day Rawlinswood and Forest of Lethyr) is settled by moon elves and gold elves of Shantel Othreier and Ardeep fleeing the persecution of the Vyshaan of Aryvandaar, becoming the realm of Lethyr. The elves of the Riildath discover the horrors of Narathmault and resolve to clear the forest of all N’Tel’Quess (non-elves) so as to safeguard them from the foul legacies of Ilythiir. |
-9376 DR | Hellynthil Ealoeth’s violent reign of terror comes to a fiery end when she and the troops and selutaar she is leading are slain when the temple they are raiding is reduced to a smoking ruin by a series of magical traps triggered by the raiders. Aradonla Hellynthil is immediately replaced by her brother, the Ar’Selu’Taar Haldar Ealoeth an ambitious and narcissistic elf with an over inflated sense of his own importance. |
The Fifth Crown War | |
-9200 DR |
The First Proclamation of Elven Court leads to the revolt of the nobles of Aryvandaar and the last Crown War begins. The Elven Court, the Seldarine priesthoods, and the long-hidden High Mages restore pockets of resistance and freedom across the entire Vyshantaar Empire, fragmenting the armies and nobles to limit their coordination. Rebels in Ardeep begin an open rebellion, using a prophecy about the return of Ar’Laranlor Ilitharath in Ardeep’s hour of greatest need as a rallying point for the rebellion. |
-9175 DR |
A conclave of Ardeep’s hidden High Magi and Priests calls upon the Seldarine for aid. In response they send back Ar’Laranlor Ilitharath to lead the revolt. In a series of stunning victories the occupying forces of Aryvandaar are driven from the forests over the next 50 years. Former Aradonlor Haldar Ealoeth is driven south with his forces , along with the retreating Vyshaanti armies from western Shantel Othreier to the port city of Fhaorenhaven and its surrounding lands. |
The Age of Greater Illefarn | |
–9000 DR |
After a lengthy siege lasting 174 years, the last bastion of Aryvandaar’s power falls with the death of Haldar Ealoeth, and the surrender of the Vyshaan garrison of Fhaorenhaven. The Fifth Crown War ends with the utter defeat of the Vyshaan and the dissolution of Aryvandaar. Much of the High Forest is abandoned for an age, leaving the forest open so the gods might restore its peace. Illefarn emerges almost intact from the Crown Wars and after careful consideration by the surviving house lords, Ardeep signs a mutual co-operation pact and joins itself to Illefarn becoming the empire's southern most province. Tasar Braceldaur, late of the Elven Court is chosen by Ar'laranlor Ilitharath as the next ruler of Ardeep whilst attending the last Lords' Conclave.The final Conclave of Houses of Shantel Othreier is called in Fhaormista (The Cloak Woods), the surviving elders rule that Shantel Othreier is no more. The remaining holds and cities are erased by Moon and Green Elf Selu’taar over the course of the next 1000 years, as the retreat to Evermeet continues, removing almost all traces of the once great Empire of Peaceful Reverie. |
-8854 DR |
Having ruled for less than two centuries, Tasar Braceldaur succumbs to black-lung, as the plague once again sweeps through the southern Ardeep, a result of the devastation, squalor and deprivation leftover from the Crown Wars. His youngest Inarril Braceldaur inherits the crown. |
–8600 DR | Evereska is founded in secret by surviving clans of Shantel Othreier, Eiellûr, Miyeritar, and Orishaar as an elf haven in the woods east of Aryvandaar. |
–8500 DR | Aelinthaldaar, which becomes the capital city of Illefarn, is founded on the future site of Waterdeep. |
–8400 DR |
A few sun elves return to found Siluvanede in the north-western reaches of the High Forest. A delegation from Illefarn, including representatives from Ardeep is sent to oversee the refounding of this Gold Elf homeland in the western High Forest. |
–8210 DR |
The non-gold elf clans of Ilodhar abandon that realm due to constant harassment by orcs and ogres. Several clans travel north to Rystall Wood, while others travel east to western Arcorar. Two families of Moon Elves, part of the Moonflower and Taurynost clans move back to their ancestral holdings in the Ardeep |
-8012 DR | Allishra Braceldaur becomes the next Laranla of Ardeep with the death of her grandmother Inarril. Thousands of people, nobles and commoners alike attend her funeral which is held in the Great Green Glade on the outskirts of Deepening Moon. |
–7790 DR |
A flight of dragons destroys the city of Teu’tel’ondathyr in the northern Trollbark Forest. The survivors move north to Deepening Moon and south to the Green Elf city of Silversgate in the Troll Hills. |
-7450 DR |
Laranla Allishra Braceldaur dies giving birth to her fifth child, Alliyanara, Bethany Braceldaur, Allishra’s niece inherits the crown in her place. |
–7400 DR |
The elf realm of Ilodhar falls under an orc horde. Illefarn sends a relief force under the command of Bethany Braceldaur to bring the surviving Green Elves to safety through the portal network, emerging in the courtyard of the House of Long Silences. |
-6980 DR |
Laranla Bethany Braceldaur abdicates in favour of her eldest son Yr’tellior Adaranth, so she can follow her life’s dream to become Ar’Selu’Taar of Deepening Moon. |
-6549 DR |
Laranlor Yr’tellior Adaranth’s life comes to a sudden and violent end upon the claws of a marauding red dragon he is pursuing across the High Moor. His twin Yr’korik Adaranth inherits the crown with the untimely demise of his brother. |
–6500 DR |
Green and Moon Elf High Magi from Illefarn and Ardeep help settle Elf refugees from Syòrpiir to found Nikerymath in the Chondalwood, beginning with the raising of and laying a mythal for the city of Rucien Xan. |
-6126 DR |
Yr’korik Adaranth dies quietly in his sleep, some say he is poisoned, other that he is cursed. No one can say for sure, an autopsy is inconclusive. With no clear heir named in his will, a brief but bloody civil war erupts amongst the competing noble families with some claim to the throne. A five way brawl between the Taurntyrith, Sarsantyr, Imdalace, Mrhulaedir and Moondark clans ensues.
After three years of chaos, order is finally restored when the armies of Illefarn storm into Deepening Moon, arresting many of the scions of the feuding houses. Eventually after the heralds and genealogists are consulted, House Imdalace’s claim to the throne is recognized and Anthayar Imdalace is chosen in the year -6118, as the next Laranla of Ardeep. |
-5732 DR | Anthayar Imdalace is quietly removed from office after suffering from some form of incurable magical malaise that leaves her in a coma. Her second son Roru’ash Imdalace, the Aradoness of Ardeep becomes Laranlor with little fanfare or ceremony. |
-5461 DR | Roru’ash Imdalace dies violently on the spears of the Irontusk Orc Horde as it pours south out of the Spine of the World. So great is the loss of life amongst the nobles and Armathors of the Moon Elven houses, an obscure Green Elf family with distant ties to the throne comes to power as Nakator Silverspear is chosen to succeed Laranlor Roru’ash as the Aradoness and ruler of Ardeep during its time of war. |
–5300 DR |
The elves of Siluvanede erect a mythal in the city of Adofhaeranede and rename it Myth Adofhaer. This move shocks and alarms the moon elves of Ardeep and Illefarn who are deeply concerned about developments in old Aryvandaar. The Coronal convenes a High Lords' Conclave to decide the best course of action. Ambassadors are sent to remind the gold elves that they are being watched very carefully. |
-5002 DR | Nakator Silverspear is killed fighting an incursion of strange demonic elves who emerge from a previously unknown portal in one of the cellars of his palace. All the invaders are killed but not before a goodly number of Armathors and Battle mages are slain as well. Nendryll Silverspear, Nakator’s elder brother, reluctantly accepts the position of Laranlor is his place. |
–5000 DR |
Survivors of House Dlardrageth, a clan of demon-blooded sun elves, flee from Arcorar to Siluvanede. Immediately they begin insinuating themselves into every aspect of Siluvaneden society. |
–4500 DR |
High Mages from Arcorar track House Dlardrageth to a secret lair beneath Ascal’s Horn. With the aid of Eaerlanni forces, they slay several of the Dlardrageths. Other Siluvanedenn houses under Dlardrageth influence retaliate, beginning the Seven Citadels’ War. Sarya Dlardrageth and her sons are captured, but the fey’ri-led Siluvanedenn fight on. Fearful of a return to Vyshaan style rule, Laranlor Nendryll Silverspear leads a force of Green, Moon and Gold Elves into the High Forest to put down the Siluvaneden/Vyshantaar menace once and for all. With ruthless efficiency, the implacable Nendryll Silverspear leads his troops on the systematic destruction of all of Siluvanede’s southern and western holdings, settlements and cities. |
-4449 DR |
Laranlor Nendryll Silverspear leads an army of volunteers to attack the southern Siluvaneden city of Arselyndaar. After a protracted siege they manage to eliminate many of the Fey’ri root and branch, but the city is all but destroyed in the process. |
-4357DR |
Joining a combined army from Sharrven and Eaerlann, the elves of Ardeep sack and level Telardon, the City of the Emerald Spires in retaliation for Siluvanede's use of forbidden Vyshaanti weapons and magic. Much of the fleeing populace is slain by Nendryll’s Green Elf (Gruarch) mercenaries, as they scatter into the forest. |
–4300 DR |
The Seven Citadels’ War ends, and Eaerlann forcibly annexes Siluvanede. Upon discovering the deceit of the fey’ri, untainted Siluvanedenn High Mages place the city of Myth Adofhaer in magical stasis, effectively fleeing to the far future to escape association with the fey’ri houses. Most of the surviving fey’ri warriors are imprisoned in Nar Kerymhoarth, the Nameless Dungeon but some avoid capture and eventually spawn long-lived houses of demon-tainted elves that successfully conceal their nature. |
-4271 DR |
After a long and, at times violent life Laranla Nendryll is murdered by a previously hidden cable of Fey’ri sympathizers. These last Fey’ri holdouts are in turn tracked down and slain by Nendryll’s wife, the Green Elf High Mage, Hallyann Silverspear who then takes over her husband’s duties as Laranla. |
–4144 DR |
A delegation of Dwarves from Ammarindaar stops over in Deepening Moon to establish trade relations with the Elves as part of their drive to get their goods to a working seaport via barges along the Delimbyr River. It is not long before a vigorous trade between the dwarves and elves is in full swing, bringing huge profits to all concerned. |
-3960 DR |
After a long and fruitful life Laranla Hallyann Silverspear passes peacefully on to Arvandor in her sleep. Celebrated as Hallyann the Wise, before she dies she passes the realm back to its Moon Elf roots via her daughter from her second marriage, Saffiyra Nightstar. |
-3700 DR |
Moon elf traders bring word of the establishment of the new dwarven realm in the Moonlands to the north-east. Ardeep sends for its own trade negotiators accompanied by newly arrived dwarven settlers from the Dardath Hills. |
-3682 DR | Saffiyra Nightstar tires of the life of a ruler and elects to retire to Evermeet. In her place, Kellthorn Nightstar, Saffiyra’s son becomes the next Laranlor of Ardeep. |
–3655 DR |
Orcs pour forth from the Spine of the World, but the elves of Illefarn, Ardeep, and Eaerlann turn them back with help from the fledgling Netherese Empire and
the Rengarth barbarians. |
–3605 DR |
Orcs again pour from the Spine of the World but elves turn them back in a great slaughter with help from fledgling Netheril. This orc incursion lasts nineteen years. |
–3520 DR |
The elves of the North begin helping gnome slaves escape from their Netherese captors and move south and east across Faerûn. The House of Long Silences becomes host to a part of the escape trail before a more permanent home for the Rock Gnomes is found amongst the hills further south. |
-2882 DR |
After a lengthy and peaceful reign filled with a dramatic rise in the general population, and great advances in music, the arts and all forms of higher learning. Kelthorn Nightstar passes peacefully onto Arvandor after the mid-winters festivities. His nominated successor (and eldest daughter) is found to be missing and all attempts to locate her meet with no success. In accordance with traditions established since the end of the Crown Wars, the next in line to the throne assumes the title. Thus Lipwyll Nightstar becomes the latest Laranlor of Ardeep. |
-2880 DR |
It is discovered by a court-mage from Illefarn that Lipwyll is consorting with a cabal of Fey’ri operating from the ruins of Telardon. In the ensuing battle Lipwyll and most of the Fey’ri are slain by Chorara Saarinstar. With the name of Nighstar disgraced by Lipwyll’s actions, Chorara Saarinstar is chosen to replace Lipwyll as Laranlor of Ardeep. He quickly marries his long time lover, the hauntingly beautiful Tinurallea Imdalace, thus cementing his claim to the throne. |
-2770 DR |
The elf realm of Sharrven fragments and falls due to an explosion in the monstrous populations within the southern High Forest engineered by the fey’ri of Siluvanede. Survivors flee to Ardeep, Illefarn, Eaerlann and Evereska. The mysterious arrival of a flight of silver dragons wielding Elven high magic, manages to stem the worst ravages of the horde preventing it from spreading across the Lhuvael River (Hearts Blood River) and into Eaerlann. |
-2649 DR |
Traders from Lower Netheril arrive in Ardeep to negotiate passage for their goods and merchant caravans along the east-west trade routes and along the Delimbyr River. |
-2597 DR | Drow raiders find their way up into the Trollbark Forest and establish a base from which they harass the Green Elf Tree City of Silversgate. Many months of incessant raiding by the dark elves finally brings an overwhelming response from Laranlor Chorara. He and his Circle of Nine annihilate the Drow and all of their hidden outposts and weapons caches. |
–2550 DR |
The weather in the north suddenly over just a few months becomes much cooler and drier as the north of Faerun enters into a miniature ice-age. The rapid appearance of the Great Glacier leaves many Druids, scientists, mages and priests scratching their heads, and struggling for answers. |
–2482 DR | Netherese wizards of House Orogoth build a fortified villa in the southern reaches of the High Moor, near the northern edge of the Serpent Hills. Within a matter of months they kidnap several apprentice selutaar (descended from the selutaar of Sharrven), from Ardeep in an attempt to learn the secrets of dragon-form magic. |
–2387 DR |
Netheril releases all its gnome slaves, many of whom choose to settle with their relatives in the nearby Larch Hills on the northern borders of Ardeep at Laranlor Chorara’s invitation. These rock and wood gnome settlements largely go unnoticed by the greater powers of the region. |
–2375 DR |
Elves of southern Ardeep observe human explorers from Netheril scouting locations along what will later become the northern Sword Coast. |
–2368 DR |
The Elves of Ilyanbruen receive with caution traders from Netheril as they establish a trade moot they call Quesseer north of the Sword Mountains. The settlement becomes a trade meet for Netherese expatriates, the elves of Illefarn, the seafarers of Illusk, the nomadic Ice Hunters, and the dwarves of fallen Haunghdannar. |
-2291 DR |
Green and Moon Elf scouts from Ardeep encounter a horde of strange human like reptilians pouring out of the eastern High Moor. Summoning help they quickly slaughter untold hundreds of these strange abominations before they can spread further. They later learn that these beasts are the offspring of the servants of the mages of Orogth. |
–2103 DR |
A horde of orcs from the Spine of the World, led by giants and their ogre generals, crushes the human civilization of Illusk. The horde is finally stopped by a combined army of Elves from Illefarn, Ardeep and Eaerlann, and Dwarves from Dardath and Ammarindaar, at the Battle of Nevers Ford. (near the site of present day Neverwinter city) |
–2095 DR |
The Netherese enclave of Quesseer is abandoned. |
-1784 DR |
After an unusually long reign, spanning well over 1000 years Laranlor Chorara is revealed to be a Great Wyrm Silver Dragon (and Holy Servant of Angharradh) when he and his consort are killed by Dragon Slayers whilst hunting over the High Moor near lake Evendim. Chorara’s youngest daughter, the ½ Silver Dragon/Moon Elf (Holy Servant of Angharradh) Alliantha Imdalace inherits the throne becoming the latest in a long line of Imdalace rulers. |
-1597 DR |
The portal arts of Illefarn and Ardeep reach their greatest heights when the Ar’Selu’Taar Bard Mohannes Braceldaur composes and constructs her greatest works; the ballad “The Horns of the Far Elf Realm”, and the Epic Poem “Voices of the Lost”. Along with the poem, Mohannes and her fellow Spellsong Minstrels construct a series of artistic portals, stretching from the forests of Illefarn and Ardeep, all the way to Sharlarion and the long lost Moon Elf realm of Braceldaur, the former home of Mohannes’ ancestors, lost beneath the Moonsea when the Great Glacier suddenly appeared in -2250 DR. |
–1200 DR |
Numerous settlements and many more elf patrols fall before a trio of nycaloths rampaging through the forest of Cormanthor. Rumors say jealous Netherese arch wizards summoned and sent the yugoloths into the Elven Woods merely to test what magics they had to array against Netheril. After hearing of these attacks a ripple of fear runs through the Selu’taar of Ardeep and Illefarn, who then advise the High Magi of Cormanthor of the true threat these 3 Nycaloths represent. There protests are dismissed out of hand, but the Coronal of Illefarn begins planning a full scale withdrawal of the elves of Illefarn and Ardeep, to Evermeet, rather than face a seventh Crown War. |
The Age of Independence | |
–1100 DR |
Illefarn’s last Coronal, Syglaeth Audark, commands a Retreat to Evermeet. The remnants of the empire fragment into the independent realms of Ardeep, Iliyanbruen (In Neverwinter Woods), and Rilithar (In Westwood and Kryptgarden Forest), Aelinthaldaar, the capital of Illefarn is razed by High Magic. Virtually nothing is left to indicate that an elf city had stood on the site for seven millennia. By year’s end human tribes are using the site because of its excellent deepwater harbor. |
-991 DR |
Having ruled over Ardeep for many centuries and having presided over the beginning of the Retreat, Alliantha Imdalace decides to travel west across the sea with much of her clan, never to return. In her place her great granddaughter the Aradoness Finiolla Imdalace becomes the newest Laranla of the now independent Realm of the Deepening Moon. |
-622 DR |
After ruling for a little over 300 years, Finiolla Imdalace follows her clan to Evermeet, allowing her fiery younger sister Fildarae to take the throne. |
-585 DR |
The troll warlord Harska Thaug gathers a horde of trolls and orcs and leads it south from the Spine of the World to assault the Elven realm of Rilithar. The forces of Rilithar, Ilyanbruen, Ardeep and Dardath gather to drive the horde from their lands. Cowed by the might and power of this force Harska drives his forces towards the Tower of the Star where the horde is finally destroyed. |
–425 DR | Netherese settlers re-found Illusk as a magocracy. The elves of Ilyanbruen set up a permanent watch over the burgeoning Netherese enclave. Laranla Fildarae Imdalace heads up a delegation of local rulers to try to establish the Illuskan Netherese intentions in the north. |
-395 DR |
Laranla Fildarae “the Night Flame’ dies in a mighty explosion as she is fighting orc raider in the Larch Hills. She and her party are beset by a cable of Netherese assassin-mages. The Shattered Hands operate from Illusk under the secret patronage of Fynran the Flamelord, high arcanist and ruler of Illusk. She is succeeded by her grand niece Laranla Illonyra Imdalace. |
-206 DR |
The last Coronal of Illefarn is murdered by raiders from Jhachalkyn, a drow city deep beneath the south eastern Neverwinter Woods. A series of reprisal attacks led by Illonyra sees many hundreds of Drow raiders and their orcish slaves killed in revenge. |
–111 DR |
The entire North erupts as great orc hordes stream south from the Spine of the World and the Ice Mountains to lay waste to all in their path. Illusk and Gauntlgrym fall to this onslaught, and Delzoun is devastated by countless orc assaults. Most of Illusk’s population manages to escape by sea or by magic and is spared. The elves of Ardeep, Iliyanbruen, Rilithar, Siluvanede, and Eaerlann unite to shatter the strength of the orcs and halt their rampage south into the High Forest and Dessarin Valley. |
-50 DR |
With permission from the Laranla of Ardeep, Ruathen settlers and several Moon Elf families found the city of Tavaray at the mouth of the River Delimbyr. Quickly the city becomes a major trading hub for both coastal and river traffic. |
-15 DR |
Illusk expands its borders south and eastwards into Elven lands. This leads to stern words from the Laranlor of Ilyanbruen, Halueth Never, warning the Illuskans to go no further into Elven lands. |
-10 DR |
Led by Lord Halueth Never, the elves of Ilyanbruen, and Ardeep deliver a decisive blow to the invading forces from Illusk at the Battle of Winters Falling. Although a defeat for Illusk, skirmishes persist. |
–12 DR |
The elves of Iliyanbruen resist further Illuskan expansion in the south when a second army lands south of the River Mirar in attempt to outflank the elves. In a stunning counter move the Selu’taar from Ardeep and Rilithar gate in troops to Illuskan's rear and working alongside the elves from Ilyanbruen, drive the humans back into the sea. There are no recorded human survivors, from either the invading army or the fleet that carried it. |
–4 DR |
The elves of Iliyanbruen and the humans of Illusk make peace, setting the River Mirar as the boundary between their kingdoms. |
4 DR |
Laranla Illonyra Imdalace of Ardeep disappears whilst out hunting deer and forest bison in the southern reaches of the High Forest. Drow raiders are suspected, as many drow war darts and tracks are found near where she and her party were last camped. Divination spells are inconclusive, but what is certain is that Illonyra is dead. Rulership of the kingdom passes to her kinswoman Embrae Aloevan. |
64 DR |
Northmen begin settling the Twilit Land – the coastal area between present day Neverwinter and Waterdeep. |
75 DR |
The elf realm of Rilithar bordering the Sword Mountains is finally abandoned because of the encroachment of human settlers and unceasing orc and troll raids. Several clans of moon elves from Rilithar arrive in the Gray Forest far to the east through a portal and establish the realm of. They ally with the fugitive Crown Prince Baranth of Impiltur, who in turn recognizes their sovereignty over the woodlands. |
87 DR | Eigersstor (Neverwinter) is founded by Northmen. |
95 DR |
Ruathens led by Uthgar Gardolfsson sack Illusk. The Illuskans eventually burn the invaders ships and drive Uthgar and his followers into the interior where they continue raiding. In turn many of them are slain by bands of Green Elves after they raid several Elven farms and steadings in Ilyanbruen and northern Ardeep. |
133 DR |
The Barony of the Steeping Falls is founded at the site of present-day Daggerford in Old Ardeep, by Artor Morlin, the Baron of Blood, an outlaw hailing from the lands of the Shoon. |
145 DR |
After hearing of the massacres of distant kin is the Chondalwood by marauding human loggers, Laranla’s Aloevan and Halrutha from Ardeep and Rilithar, and Laranlor Jilltass Never from Ilyanbruen send groups of Spell Blades, Scouts and Arcane Archers to assist the Green Elves of Rucien-Xan fight off this current menace. Embrae Aloevan personally leads the crusaders, invoking the spirit of her ancestor, Illitharath as inspiration for her cause. |
146 DR | Elembar is founded by settlers from Tavaray, north of the River Delimbyr and east of Ardeep. Uth Myrmoran, an exiled lord of Tavaray, erects the Uthtower west of the Sword Mountains and founds the realm of the same name. |
177 DR |
The elves of Iliyanbruen, with assistance from detachments from Rilithar and Ardeep, destroy the orcs of the Severed Hand and Argrock, though the effort costs much of their strength. Within three years, Iliyanbruen is no more. Many of its moon elf inhabitants travel west to Evermeet or south to Ardeep, leaving only scattered wood elf settlements and the abandoned capital of Sharandar. |
182 DR |
Laranla Aloevan Embrae travels to Myth Drannor to negotiate the establishment of a permanent trade gate to Semberholme and the City of Song. |
200 DR |
Settlers from Elembar, Athalantar, Uthtower, and Yarlith establish a series of frontier holds known as the Mlembryn lands in the region straddling the River Dessarin. They negotiate a mutual co=operation treaty with the elves of Rilithar and Ardeep, Laranla Aloevan is happy to have the humans acts as a bulwark and early warning system against the orc and goblin hordes that constantly plague her people. |
232 DR |
Several rock and deep gnome clans build the underground city of Dolblunde under the leadership of Olbrent Handstone. They are surprised to find kin already living in the Ardeep lands, and are welcomed with open arms by the forest and rock gnomes already living quietly in the Larch Hills. |
264 DR |
Several Moon Elf families migrate to Myth Drannor to partake of the increased opportunities there. Most are traders and artisans seeking a more lucrative market for their wares. Laranla Aloevan accompanies them bringing greetings and offers of assistance with dealing with N’tel’Quessir to Eltargrim and his people. |
267 DR |
An army 10,000 strong from Chondath marches into the Chondalwood. After less than a day of fighting with the wood elves and Ardeep Spell Blades, Scouts and Arcane Archers, only 200 men escaped. |
290 DR |
This year marks the greatest number of births in Ardeep’s history. There are more elves born in this lone year than in the previous decade. |
292 DR |
Aloevan, Laranla of Ardeep, embraces the service of both Mystra and Sehanine and is made a Chosen of both goddesses. |
302 DR |
Tavaray is abandoned as the surrounding marsh expands rapidly. Many of it Moon Elf inhabitants move back to Deepening Moon, or decide to follow the retreat to Evermeet. |
306 DR |
The kingdom of Grimmantle in the Mlembryn lands falls to the Thousand Fangs orc horde, which then assails Illusk and Neverwinter. The horde is eventually blunted and scattered by a mercenary army led by Grauth Mharabbath, “the Knight of Many Battles.” Several surviving bands continue raiding inland through the Larch Lands where they are finally stopped at the Battle of Red Rivers by the combined might of Ardeep, Dardath and Dolblunde. |
308 DR |
Aloevan of Ardeep descends into madness and death as the silver fire of Mystra consumes her, although later reports suggest she survives after a fashion beyond the ken of mortals. Ruardh Lightshiver becomes Laranlor of Ardeep. |
The Age of Lesser Illefarn | |
342 DR | Athalantar falls to an orc horde from the High Moor. The orcs are in turn destroyed by an unlikely alliance of moon elves from Ardeep and dwarves from Dardath. The last Council of Illefarn is called, and the long-fragmented elf realm of Illefarn is officially dissolved with the remaining wood elves of Iliyanbruen and many wood elves from Rilithar departing for Evermeet. Ardeep and Dardath formally ally and look to create further alliances with the humans of the region. |
511 DR |
Elembar falls to an orc horde, but the capital city of Delimbyran and the lands surrounding it survive because the horde founders on the House of Stone. |
The Age of Phalorm | |
523 DR |
The rising power of orc hordes in the North leads to the calling of the Council of Axe and Arrow. There, the humans of Delimbyran, the dwarves of Dardath, the elves of Ardeep Forest, the gnomes of Dolblunde, and displaced Halflings from Meiritin collectively found the Tri-Crowned Kingdom of Phalorm. The aging Ulbaerag rejects an invitation to join the Realm of Three Crowns. |
528 DR |
Phalorm’s armies slaughter the Howltusk orc horde at the House of Stone, but their human King Javilarhh “the Dark” Snowsword is slain. |
557 DR |
Laran’lor Ruard Lighshiver of Ardeep/Phalorm, falls to a horde of hobgoblins from the High Moor as they devastate the dwarven duchy of Hunnabar above the underground city of Kanaglym, at the Battle of Blunted Fangs near present day Dragonspear Castle he is succeeded by Laranlor Ellatharion Lightshiver. |
568 DR |
The armies of Phalorm defend the neighboring realm of Yarlith from attacks by orcs led by the frost giant Horthgar. |
579 DR | Torghatar, Phalorm’s dwarf king, falls to duergar assassins near present-day Ironford. |
592 DR |
Troll forces attack south-western Phalorm. The dwarves abandon the Duchy of Hunnabar and relocate to the northern Duchy of Dardath. |
604 DR |
The armies of Phalorm drive off an orc horde that besieges Secomber. Ellatharion, Phalorm’s elf king, leads an army of elves and Halflings into the High Forest in pursuit of the orcs, and neither king nor army returns. Ellatharion and his army die under the claws and the gas clouds of a clan of Green Dragons as they battle the remains of the horde amongst the tombs of Morynarth in Sharrven. Upon his death Ellatharion is succeeded by Laranlor Lathlaeril Leafspear. |
612 DR |
The armies of Phalorm and their allies in the North crush the Everhorde south of Triboar, but their victory comes at the cost of many lives. The casualties include Laranlor Lathlaeril Leafspear. In his place the surviving Moon Elf nobles allow Lathlaeril’s wife Shellindyr to assume the title of Laranla. |
614 DR |
Two orc hordes attack Phalorm, a realm that has already been gravely weakened by the Everhorde. The dwarf king Oskilar of Phalorm dies in battle with the second horde, and Dolblunde is sacked and pillaged. Phalorm’s northern armies, still mopping up the remnants of the Everhorde, move south to defend the realm but are driven into Uthtower. |
The Dissolution | |
615 DR |
In response to Uthtower’s call for aid, the lich Iniarv floods the land, drowning the armies of Uthtower, Phalorm, and the orcs to form the Mere of Dead Men. The orcs flee into the Sword Mountains, and Phalorm collapses when sickened by endless warring Laranla Shellindyr Leafspear orders a Retreat. Heading Shellindyr’s call, most of Ardeep’s Moon Elves abandon the Ardeep and Phalorm and take ship to Evermeet. It is thought that over 7,000 elves slipped away from the faltering Kingdom before its fall in this way, leaving the bloodshed and tumult of Faerun behind. A hard core group of Moon Elf stalwarts and most of the Green Elves elect to stay, selecting the green Elf Melankor Strongbow of the Misty Forest as the new Laranlor of the now mainly Green Elf Realm of the Deepening Moon. Melankor Strongbow’s ascension to the throne finally re-unites the woods of the Ardeep, Misty Forest and Trollbark as one realm, one kept secret from the ever encroaching humans. The elves all but abandon Deepening Moon, allowing it to return to nature. Instead the Tree City of Laughing Hollow becomes the new center of power for the elves. |
702 DR |
Orc raiders from the High Forest inflict heavy losses on the splinter kingdoms of Delimbyran that were formerly part of the Kingdom of Man. Many of these lesser realms are destroyed before the armies of the Duke of Calandor finally defeat the orcs. |
715 DR |
Refugee Moon and Green Elves from the fall of Myth Drannor arrive and settle in Ardeep before taking ship to Evermeet. Some choose to stay whilst others head north to Eaerlann, and Evereska. Many formerly abandoned tree homes in Deepening Moon once more ring to the sounds of mothers singing and children playing. |
723 DR |
Laranlor Melankor Strongbow is slain whilst the Black Wyrm D’korinatoresk from the High Moor. The wyrm is slain in turn by Melankor’s son, the Green Elf Giant, Ballag’yoth the Mighty. It is rumored that Ballag’s mother was a Voadkyn, a species of giant said to inhabit the Trollbark, but this is never said to his face. Laranlor Ballag’yoth continues hunting down the rest of the black dragon clans currently inhabiting the High Moor. |
864 DR |
Orcs of the Nethertusk horde overrun Myth Glaurach. |
The Age of Renewal and Independence | |
882 DR |
Demons and devils battle in the elf citadel of Ascalhorn. Triumphant demons stream forth, bringing about the fall of Eaerlann. Dwarves allow human refugees to settle in the surface strongholds of Citadel Sundbarr. Laranlor Ballag’yoth Strongbow leads a force of Green and Moon Elf Armathors, Archers, Warriors and Spellblades through an Illefarn trade portal network to Teu’tel’Alu (Elvenport). In vicious fighting that follows, Ballag’yoth’s troops manage to save 1000’s of lives, but their casualties are horrific. Over 1,000 demons are slain but so is Laranlor Ballag’yoth and much of his host. Moon elf refugees from Eaerlann resettle Ardeep and rebuild the realm. In the absence of a current ruler, the Moon Elves call a conclave of the remaining nobles and individuals of rank and after much debate, select Mietallys Ardentyr to be the next Laranlor of Ardeep. A brief alliance with the humans dwelling along the Delimbyr and the dwarves of the Forlorn Hills founders because of lingering suspicions about the role of humans in the fall of Ascalhorn, later to be known as Hellgate Keep. This alliance is dubbed the Fallen Kingdom (the same name already given to Phalorm), much to the confusion of later historians. The moon elves of Ardeep withdraw from the alliance, some migrating the Evereska, others to Evermeet whilst the remainder settle down to the quiet neutrality of the Ardeep and surrounding woods. |
927 DR |
The wrath of the orc god Yurtrus falls upon the Sword Mountains, causing the Blood Plagues. An orc shaman named Wund unites the orc tribes under the leadership of the chieftain Uruth, establishing the realm of Uruth Ukrypt. The Moon Elves of Ardeep begin raiding the orcs in earnest in an attempt to prevent a horde from forming. They fail to catch the orc shaman Wund in time. Orc raiders sweep down out of the Sword Mountains putting many farms and steading to the torch before they are stopped by a combined assault of Dwarves, Elves and Humans. |
934 DR |
The orcs of Uruth Ukrypt eradicate the gnome settlements in the Sword Mountains and the surrounding foothills. The survivors are taken in by their rock and forest gnome cousins of the Larch Hills in eastern Ardeep. |
936 DR |
Led by Wund, the orcs of Uruth Ukrypt stream out of the Sword Mountains and attack Nimoar’s Hold, bringing an end to several small human realms clustered in the Dessarin Valley. Many refugees flee to the safety of Nimoar’s Hold, and the orcs are ultimately defeated by a combined army of Humans, Dwarves and Elves in a series of conflicts including the Battle of Whirling Blades, the Battle of Laughing Hollow, the Battle of Sarcrag, the Battle of Withered Fields, the Battle of Burning Cliffs, and the Battle of Westwood, the Battle of Deepening Moon, and the Horderout.
In the aftermath of the Orcfastings War, Nimoar dies of old age, and the mantle of “War Lord” passes to Gharl, his most accomplished general. Nimoar’s Hold grows and prospers, and the fledgling community becomes known among ship captains as the town of Waterdeep. In gratitude and in a bond of cautious friendship, the Humans of Water Deep, the Elves of Ardeep and the Dwarves of Dardath agree that whilst each would remain a separate realm, a mutual pact of trade and defense would be to the benefit of all. |
942 DR |
Drow raiders plunder cities along the sword coast, enslaving many humans of the Dessarin Valley. The small realms of Harpshield and Talmost which border the Ardeep west of Delimbyran, are ravaged and burned. The drow in turn are driven below by Moon Elves and dwarves who come to the rescue of the surviving humans, escorting them to the gates of Waterdeep. |
1018 DR |
A Rage of Dragons devastates the Heartlands with three green dragon siblings laying waste the gnomish settlements in the Larch Hills and several outlying human, Dwarven and Elven settlements. Mietallyss Ardentyr leads a group of Hippogriff and Pegasus riding Knights and Armathors against the ravaging wyrms. The knights and Armathors manage to slay all three dragons but not before Mietallyss is slain brining down the largest of the wyrms over the cliffs north of the mouth of the Delimbyr River. Aghast at the sudden loss of the Laranlor, the Moon and Green Elves turn to his cousin, Doriath Moonflower, to assume the mantle of ruler of Ardeep. |
1038 DR |
The Great Glacier retreats from the lands of much of the north, marking the end of the miniature ice-age. The climate becomes warmer and wetter once again. As if to coincide with this change in the weather, many more pregnancies in Ardeep than in any time in the last 1000 years. |
1090 DR |
A horde of 200,000 goblins and orcs arises from the High Moors due to extreme drought and attempts an invasion of the North. Forces from across the north, including Ardeep, fight and eventually destroy the horde, but at great cost. The Battle of the Bones marks the spot of the great battle that destroys the horde. |
1201 DR |
Laranlor Doriath Moonflower is killed by Northland raiders from the Moonshaes when the ship he is sailing on is attacked 200 miles west of Waterdeep as he travels with the last Elven fleet from Orlumbor to Gwynneth. When word finally reaches Lord Doriath’s daughter in Deepening Moon that her father has been lost Philiandomyrr Moonflower takes up the coronet of rulership become Laranla of Ardeep. |
1212 DR |
Laranla Philiandomyrr orders that the old Portal Networks of Illefarn be mapped and explored to see which ones are still active and useful. Those that are deemed a threat are shut down, or re-directed. Laranla consults long and often with Sir Elorfindar Floshin, the head of the Song Knight chapter of Ardeep and old Illefarn |
1235 DR |
The largest orc horde in history masses in the North and besieges countless settlements. The Elves of Ardeep, the Dwarves of Dardath and the Humans of Waterdeep unite to drive off the besieging horde. As it fragments into smaller hordes the one closest to Waterdeep is lured into the House of Stone, where its 25,000 members are wiped out to the last orc, warg and giant. |
1325 DR |
Laranlor Philian is invited to join The Lords’ Alliance, established in Waterdeep, with membership coming from most of the cities and settlements of the Sword Coast North. Reluctantly she accepts knowing that it is better for her people to work with the humans rather than apart from or against them. |
The Age of the Wood Folk | |
1344 DR |
After years of thought and meditation, the leaders of the elf nations agree to withdrawal from the increasingly human controlled lands of mainland Faerûn. Most, though not all, elf communities begin a Retreat to the Green Isle of Evermeet. At the command of Laranlor Philiandomyrr Moonflower many moon elves abandon the Ardeep and begin the Retreat to Evermeet with the help of the human pirate and Elf Friend, “Mirt the Merciless”, some families settle in Waterdeep and the surrounding communities. Others move into Silverymoon to join their cousins there, whilst a few hold outs stay put or head to Evereska. With the final official abandonment of the Realm of the Deepening Moon, the remaining Green Elves once again come to the fore, refusing to give up their homes held for so long despite the many adversities that they have faced. Melendrach Strongbow, the youngest son of Melankor Strongbow becomes the latest Laranlor of Ardeep, moving his seat of governance back to the Laughing Hollow with its old Tree City and its waning Sy’tel’selutaar mythal. |