In real life, making swords out of anything but carbon steel (maybe with a few minor elements alloyed in) is a bad idea. In fantasy, just about every material has awesome magical properties. But even in fantasy one does not simply forge a sword out of pure diamond. You can't thwack diamonds with a hammer and expect them to forge into shape. Thus, the techniques, catalysts, and metallurgical secrets of blacksmiths are highly guarded and valued, because they can produce truly wonderful results.

Exceptional Materials

Weapons and armor, otherwise bearing the same form as their steel counterparts, can be imbued with extraordinary or supernatural traits by using unusual materials.

Every material on this list is more rare than iron, and harder to work with, but generally speaking, the more rare and difficult to forge, the greater the reward.

Cold Iron

With patience, the right chemicals, and a back you don't mind breaking, it is possible to form iron into weapons and armor without it ever touching the heat of the forge. Physically speaking, this is pointless, but it is not the physics that is the magic.

Cold iron has power over magic--specifically, it absorbs and deflects it. Cold iron weapons can ignore and dispel magical protections, while cold iron armor protects its wearer against magic more aptly than ordinary steel.

Cold Iron Weapon

Weapon Class Level Cost
Light 5 1 gp
Medium 5 1.5 gp
Heavy 5 2 gp

Cold Iron Armor

Armor Type Level Cost
Light 3 5sp
Medium 5 2 gp
Heavy 8 6 gp


  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • Alchemy
  • Armor
  • Blacksmithing
  • Magic Items
  • Money
  • Starting Equipment
  • Weapons
  • index