

Attribute Value
Hit Die d6
HP/level 4
Weapon Prof. None
Armor Prof. None
Saving Throws Int, Cha
Level TBD Special Ability
1 3 Invocations, Minions
2 4
3 4
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 6
8 6
9 6
10 6
Level Max Vitae Special Ability
11 7
12 7
13 7
14 7
15 7
16 8
17 8
18 8
19 8
20 8

Commonly--and quite inaccurately--named "warlocks", Invokers are magical practitioners who specialize in invoking the powers of Outer Planes, and of the denizens therein.

A common misconception is that Invokers have a solitary, unbreakable bond with a single planar overlord. While this arrangement is not unheard of, it rarely results in a long and lucrative career for the Invoker. Anybody can sell their soul--that doesn't make them a Invoker. Instead, the wise Invoker follows the Principle of Equal Exchange, the fundamental law of the Pact. In essence, all Outsiders, regardless of outward appearance or presumed morality, are supernaturally bound to honor contracts and deals, and when a debt is repaid, it is repaid. The devil is, of course, in the details, and thus the true measure of a successful Invoker is whether they can harness the power of Outsiders without becoming hopelessly entrapped by them.

Of course, it is hardly uncommon for a Invoker not to have some sort of debt or kinship he can't easily rid himself of, and this is handled separately. As a rule, Invoker spells and rituals are self-balancing and do not imply permanent debt, while [[#Corruption]] results when a Invoker, wittingly or otherwise, permanently exchanges some sort of debt or bondage in exchange for power.


Foo Bar
Spell List See Spell List
Spell Knowledge 2/level (bonus at 1st level: 4 cantrips and 2 spells)
Casting Skill 1d20 + prof + Int
Preparation Not needed


The more power you accept from the planes, the more it corrupts you to its own ends. There is a certain amount of power you can use without furthering your corruption, but when you need extra, it's always there--at a price. Where some classes may have a depletable resource to empower their magic when needed, invokers have unlimited power. The price they pay is the true limit.

You can empower any spell as follows, if it can be reasonably applied to the spell:

Additional uses of Corruption may be enumerated in a spell's description.

Effects of Corruption

Corruption is a number, with a minimum of zero, and no maximum. It is increased by accepting extraplanar power.

The effect of corruption is to decrease your ability to resist the will of the planar energies you channel. Mechanically speaking:

The higher your Corruption, the more your body transforms to reflect the planar energies you have most strongly attuned yourself with.



Notes on summoning:








Role models:


Level Spell Brief
0 Immolate Set enemies on fire
1 Curse of Agony Disable enemies with pain
2 Bolt of Spite Poison an enemy
3 Conflagrate Set more enemies on fire
4 Wave of Pain Disable enemies around you with pain
5 Chaos Bolt Enemy suffers a variety of unhappy effects
6 Inferno Meteor crushes enemies, explodes, then unleashes an uncontrolled monster
7 ?
8 Hellball Massive, uncontrolled eruption of infernal power
9 Hellmouth Portal to Hell unleashes demons, sucks in hapless enemies




Rank Mana Name Effect
1 1 Fey Step Recharge 33%, move; you teleport up to 6 squares to a location you can see.
2 2 Mystic Eyes You can detect magic at will, and can see ethereal and invisible creatures.




Level Spell Brief
0 Summon Sprite Ranged; you summon a sprite, which is nigh-invulnerable, can fly 6 squares/rd, can automatically hit 1 target/rd in melee for light arcane damage. For more mana, you can summon more advanced sprites. Max sprites under your control at one time = your Invoker rank.
1 Summon Pixie Ranged; you summon a pixie, who can attack, use legerdemain, and turn invisible.
2 Summon Felhunter Ranged; you summon a felhunter, who can hunt down magic users and devour magic.
3 Summon Treant Ranged; you summon a treant, who can kick very much ass.
4 Summon Faerie Dragon
4 Summon Host of Oberon
5 Summon Leprechaun


Mana Sprite Type Abilities
1 Fire Sprite Light fire plus same ongoing for 3 rds.
1 Frost Sprite Light frost plus chilled (Con ends).
2 Poison Sprite Light poison, plus light ongoing poison and weakened (Con ends).
2 Brain Sprite Light psychic plus confused (Wis ends).
3 Magic Sprite Dispel magic on touch instead of damage.
3 Death Sprite Light necrotic damage, plus same amount reduced from max HP on failed Con save.


Level Spell Brief
0 Legerdemain Std, short range; as Sleight of Hand, but ranged.
1 Snatch Std, ranged; teleport subject's held object to your hand (Cha negates). +2 Mana, steal a worn object.
1 Switcheroo Move, ranged; you swap positions with target (Cha negates).
2 Magic Fingers Std, touch; subject is overwhelmed with sensations (Wis negates each round) while you touch them.
2 Curse of Tongues Bonus, ranged; subject's speech is scrambled, preventing effective communication, and imposing 50% chance to miscast spells.
4 Strip Std, ranged; all of subject's possessions are teleported to random locations within 6 squares (Cha negates for each item).


Level Spell Brief
0 Color Spray Std, ranged; subject is hit with a random color, which determines effect. Can add +1 Mana to convert to cone 1, max +1 per rank.
1 Color Pool Bonus, ranged, 1 square; allies who start or pass through pool gain a buff for 3 rounds. Enemies suffer damage.
1 Chromatic Shield Bonus, ranged; subject gain resistance to the next elemental damage type they suffer, lasting 5 rounds.
2 Rainbow Beam Std, ranged; subject is hit with two Color Spray effects of your choice. +2 mana turns it into a line 10x2 or 20x1. +1 mana adds an extra color.
2 Color Veil Swift, ranged, concentration, wall 1/level; wall of single chosen color blocks certain effects.
3 Chromatic Orb
4 Prismatic Spray As Color Spray, in a cone 4, but all effects simultaneously.
5 Prismatic Wall As Color Veil, but all colors simultaneously, with special rules for dispelling the wall.


Color Spray

Color Spray
Red Light fire dmg ots Dex ends
Blue Light cold dmg, chilled Con ends
Yellow Light lightning dmg, same if move within 1 rd
Green Light poison dmg, nauseated Con ends
Orange Light acid dmg, ???
Purple Light psychic dmg, confused Wis ends
White Light force dmg, dispel
Black Light necrotic dmg, weakened Str ends

Color Pool

Color Effect on allies Effect on enemies Minimum Level
Red +1d6 to all damage rolls (d8 at 5, d10 at 10, etc) Light fire 3 rds 1
Orange tbd Light acid 3 rds 2
Yellow +3 to movement and Dex saves Stun 1 rd, Con commutes to heavy lightning 3
Green Heal for 1d6 per round (d8 at 5, d10 at 10, etc) Cannot heal 4
Blue Gain Ablation 10%, 1 charge Rooted (Con ends), then chilled (Con ends) 5
Indigo Invisible Confused (Wis ends) 6
Violet Once per turn, free action, teleport 6 squares Banished (Cha ends) 7

Color Veil

Color Blocks Damage Minimum Level
Red Nonmagical ranged attacks and missiles fire 5
Orange Magical ranged attacks, rays acid 6
Yellow Gases, breath, transmutations, poison elec 7
Green Death spells, negative energy pois 8
Blue ?? 9
Indigo Mental effects 10
Violet ?? 11


Of or pertaining to the senses.

Rank Spell Brief
0 Countenance Swift; you change your outward appearance as you prefer. Can be used to grant advantage to certain social skill checks, or even to grant camouflage.
1 Emotion Std, ranged; subject feels a powerful emotion of your choice (details TBD). Acts as a compulsion. Examples: attraction, fear, despair, rage, calm. For +2 Mana, becomes a burst 2.
1 Inspiration Bonus, emanation 5; you fill allies with positive emotion, granting various effects (see below).
2 Veil Std, concentration; You become invisible. For +1 mana, add +1 radius.
2 Fascination Targets are spellbound while watching you, ignoring their surroundings. Canceled by damage.






Pure creativity manifest. Create semi-real constructs of your own imagination, or pull others into your own personal wonderland.

Rank Spell Brief
0 Jubilation Create lights, sounds, smells, and other dazzling effects. Can be used to dazzle, blind, distract, or even harm (medium arcane damage to 1 or light to burst 1)
1 Ideation Concentration, ranged; you imagine an object or creature, and it appears. As long as you concentrate, it is real, and does as you direct. Effectively, it is a construct whose abilities are comparable to an animated object, beast, or other creature of CR 1/4 or less (natural physical abilities only). Can be dispelled. Heighten: +1 Mana for CR 1/2, +2 for CR 1, +3 for CR 2, etc.
2 Wonder Does exactly what a Wand of Wonder does.
3 Spellmorph Std, ranged; targeted dispellable spell is ended if you succeed on opposed skill check. Complete success: effect changes to equivalent effect you desire. Mixed success: spell transforms into a wild surge.
4 Wonderland Impose your planar reality onto actual reality. Basically, what Cole wishes Hallucinatory Terrain was.
5 Many Things Draw a card from the Deck of Many Things.





Level Spell Brief
0 Summon Shadow Ranged; you summon a literal shadow--a two-dimensional projection of darkness that exists on walls, floors, etc. It is silent, and can't interact with the three-dimensional world, but makes a good spy.
1 Summon Voidwalker Ranged; you summon a hulking brute made of darkness that protects you.
2 Summon Shade Ranged; you summon an incorporeal shadow that can possess mortals.
3 Summon ???
4 Summon ???
5 Summon Nightmare Beast


Rank Spell Brief
0 Absorb Light sounds cool
0 Shadowstuff You make a useful, mundane item. Lasts while concentrating, or you can invest Mana to make it last all day.
1 Darkbolt Std, ranged; medium shadow damage plus wracked 1rd (Con negates).
1 Shadow Jump Move action, ranged; you teleport to a location within range. If both your current position and the target position are in dimness or darkness, there is no mana cost.
2 Shadow's Grasp Std, incorporeal touch; medium shadow damage plus target is weakened (disadvantage to Str checks, half dmg with str attacks), Con ends. Inflicts heavy damage against weakened targets.
2 Wall of Shadows Std, ranged, wall 1/level, concentration; 20-ft high wall of total darkness blocks line of sight and line of effect for spells. Anything crossing it suffers medium shadow damage.
3 Shadow Double Std, ranged, concentration; you create a shadowy double of yourself or a chosen subject. The double is under your control, and has the same physical abilities as the subject. You can cast spells through the double, using your own actions, mana, etc.
3 Star of the Void Std; you summon a mote of pure void that annihilates anything it touches. Each round that you spend an action to control it, it moves as you desire, flying up to 10 squares and attacking one target (optionally). Target suffers heavy disintegration damage on contact (Dex half). If you do not spend an action to control it, it acts however it wants (use the Confusion rules). To end the spell, you must spend an action to send it away. Anyone else with knowledge of this spell can contest your will for control of the Star.

Higher levels:



Rank Spell Brief
0 Drain Life std action, touch; you sap the target's life force, inflicting medium necrotic damage. You gain the same amount as temporary Hit Points (expiring after 5 rounds if not used).
1 Drain Mana std action, touch; you drain 1d4+1 Mana from the subject, gaining the same as temporary Mana to be used within 5 rounds. At level 5, drains 1d6+2; at level 10, 1d8+3, etc. Alt use: can dispel spells by eating their mana cost.
1 Spectral Hand swift, concentration; a ghostly duplicate of your own hand emerges from it. Thereafter, once/rd, as a free action, you can direct it to move anywhere within 60 feet. If it touches a living creature, it inflicts medium necrotic damage. Alternatively, you may use the hand to deliver touch-range spells. The hand has 1 Hit Point, but is incorporeal and invulnerable to all damage types except Radiant.
2 Drain Soul std, range 10; you extract a portion of the subject's soul, forming it into a glowing, black crystal called a Soul Shard. Choose one of the following:



Rank Level Feature
1 2 Expanded spell list, Warrior's Way, Bound Arms
2 6 Fusion
3 10 Armiger
4 14 tbd
5 18 tbd

Warrior's Way

You gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor, and gain multiattack on the same schedule as a Fighter (where applicable).

Bound Arms

At will, as a bonus action, you may summon a single bound weapon, dismissing any active ones. It appears in your hand, it goes away 1 round after being dropped, etc etc.

You begin with a single bound weapon at level 1. Each time you defeat one of the creatures below for the first time, you can perform a ritual to gain access to its weapon. Additionally, you can perform rituals to bind a number of weapons in your possession, to a maximum of one per Bladebound rank.

Weapon Requirements Description
Imp's Flame One-handed Dex weapon, either melee (medium fire damage) or ranged (light fire damage)
Pixie's Needle One-handed Dex melee weapon, 1d4+Str piercing damage. Ignores armor, and capable of Sneak Attacks (grants +1d6 damage if you have advantage, increasing to 2d6 at level 8 and 3d6 at level 15)
Voidwalker's Fist Unarmed strike, heavy bludgeoning damage.
Succubus' Whip Level 6 tbd
Felhunter's Fang Level 6 One-handed melee weapon, 1d6 piercing damage. Upon damaging an enemy, roll a Charisma check. If it exceeds DC 10 + the spell's level, you dispel a chosen spell effect as [[Dispel Magic]].
Shade's Grasp Level 6 tbd
Kyton's Chain Level 9 Two-handed melee weapon, reach 10-ft, 1d8 slashing damage, can use to grapple. Can animate itself, even if you summon another weapon, up to 3 rds.
Felguard's Cleaver Level 9 Two-handed melee weapon, 1d12 slashing damage, affecting 3 squares adjacent to each other and to you.
Infernal's Fist Level 12 One-handed melee weapon, 1d12 bludgeoning plus 1d8 fire plus knockback 10-ft or fall prone.
Marilith's Armiger Level 16 One-handed melee weapon, 1d8 slashing damage. You are surrounded by a circle of 5 copies of the blade. Each can be assigned to parry (granting +1 AC to you and adjacent allies), or can attack your melee targets, adding 1d8 damage (no Str modifier).


You can infuse an amount of planar energy into any weapon you wield or armor you wear as a bonus action. When the weapon leaves your hand, it loses the infusion.




Once per day, you can conjure your entire suite of Bound Arms all at once. The weapons surround and orbit you, defending against attacks, and augmenting your own. For one round per Bladebound rank, you gain the following benefits:


Rank Level Feature
1 2 Rapid Summoning, Spell List Expansion
2 6 Soul Link
3 10 Sacrifice
4 14 Summon Host
5 18 tbd

Rapid Summoning

Your Invoker summoning spells can be used as a bonus action.

Soul Link

When you suffer damage, and you have an active summon within 60-ft, you can choose to send half the damage suffered to the minion. If the minion doesn't have enough hit point, you send enough damage to kill them, then retain the rest yourself.

Any effect that would instantly kill you, remove you from the fight, or cause a total loss of control has a 50% chance of being transferred to the minion instead.


As a bonus action or reaction, you can sacrifice an active minion, causing an effect based on the minion's type:

Minion Type Effect
Imp Imp becomes a close burst 5 inflicting heavy fire damage plus half ongoing for 3 rounds.
Succubus TBD
Infernal TBD
Pixie Pixie becomes a close burst 5, rendering allies invisible until they attack or take damage, and granting them each one charge of Fey Step (move; teleport up to 30 ft to a location they can see). Invisibility wears off after 5 rounds.
Felhunter Felhunter howls. In a burst 5, Felhunter attempts to dispel each hostile spell, and each ally in radius gains advantage to next save against magic.
Voidwalker Allies within 5 squares of Voidwalker gain Absorb 100% (all), limit = Voidwalker's current HP.

Summon Host

With a single summon spell, you can summon 2 minions. Both of these minions count as a single minion for the purposes of control.

At level 18, you can summon three minions in this way.

Expanded Spell List

Your spell list increases. Many of the spells below are actually abilities added to your summons, but you learn them like normal spells.

Summon Enhancements



Rank Caster Spell Brief
1 Pixie Arcane Arrow Std, ranged; light arcane damage plus Vulnerable to damage caused by next spell within 3 rds.
1 Pixie Sleep Arrow Std, ranged; if medium arcane damage is equal to or greater than target's current HP, they fall asleep (per the SRD sleep spell), otherwise no effect.
1 Pixie Sneak Attack When attacking a foe with advantage, pixie does an extra 1d6 damage per Invoker rank.
1 Pixie Fey Fleetness Constant emanation; pixie and allies gain +3 squares to all forms of movement.
2 Felhunter Eldritch Hunger Bonus, emanation 3; half of all damage inflicted by magic to allies in area is absorbed by the Felhunter, who is resistant to the damage absorbed. Lasts up to 3 rounds.
2 Felhunter Phase Shift Reaction, recharge 33%; felhunter becomes 90% insubstantial, reducing damage by 90%, but it cannot attack. Next turn, effect ends.
2 Felhunter Shadow Tunnel Move; felhunter digs into ground, creating a shadowy portal in starting square, which leads to another, similar portal within 60 ft, then moves through it. Portal may be used by anyone for 1 rd.
2 Felhunter Scent for Magic Constant emanation; felhunter and allies always know when a spellcaster or spell effect is present within 60-ft that they are not otherwise aware of. They also know when any spell is cast in the area, what level and school it is, where it is targeted, and what square it originated from.
3 Treant Briar Patch Std, ranged, circle 2, concentration; enemies are grappled (Str ends, repeats next turn), and each time they fail a save to end they suffer medium bludgeoning damage.
Rank Caster Spell Brief
1 Voidwalker Pound Recharge 50%, std, close burst 1; heavy physical damage plus stun 1 rd (Con negates)
1 Voidwalker Gravity Recharge 50%, bonus, close burst 5; enemies are pulled 5 squares, and suffer 75% movement penalty (Str ends)
1 Voidwalker Shadowy Shield Constant emanation; voidwalker and allies gain a cloak of darkness, absorbing the first (1/level) damage they suffer each round.


A special sort of summon, these spells do not count toward your limit of summoned minions, because they appear, perform one action, then immediately unsummon.

Rank Spell Brief
2 Hunter's Mark








Astral Steed (variant)

  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • Arcanist
  • Artificer
  • Artificer
  • Core
  • Elementalist
  • Invoker
  • Invoker
  • Mystic
  • Practitioner
  • Priest
  • Psion
  • Psion
  • Vampire
  • Vampire
  • WIP
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Witch
  • Witch 6e
  • Witch
  • alt
  • crazy ideas
  • index