
Attribute |
Value |
Hit Die |
d6 |
HP/level |
4 |
Weapon Prof. |
None |
Armor Prof. |
None |
Saving Throws |
Con, Wis |
Level |
Max Vitae |
Special Ability |
11 |
7 |
12 |
7 |
13 |
7 |
14 |
7 |
15 |
7 |
16 |
8 |
17 |
8 |
18 |
8 |
19 |
8 |
20 |
8 |
You are able to cast spells.
- Spellcasting Skill
- You gain the Concentration skill (Wisdom based). This skill is used to target spells, set DCs, etc.
- Spell List
- The list of spells you can potentially learn is given below in the #Spell List.
- Spell Knowledge
- You learn spells through meditation and connection with the Divine.
- Each level of Mystic grants 2 new spells of appropriate level (max level = your Mystic level / 2, rounded up).
- If you take your first level of Mystic at character level 1, you gain the Bonus Feat Orisons, which grants an additional 4 spells known, as well as 2 cantrips known (see below).
- You always know all rituals of spell levels that you can cast.
- Spell Slots
- You do not have spell slots, but rather use Mana to power your spells.
- You gain +2 max Mana per Mystic level.
- Each hour of Rest restores 1/8th of your max Mana
- All spells of rank 1 or higher cost Vitae to cast. If not otherwise specified, they cost 1 Vitae per rank.
- Rank 0 spells cost no Vitae to cast unless otherwise specified.
- Cantrips
- You begin knowing 1 cantrips of your choice. Each time you gain new spell knowledge, you can select a cantrip instead.
- If you take your first level of Mystic at character level 1, you gain the Bonus Feat Orisons, which grants an additional 2 cantrips known, as well as 4 spells of rank 1.
Spell List
- Radiance
- Divinity
- Mentalism
- Magic/Anti-magic
- Void
- Discord
Rank 0
- Searing Light: Std, ranged; subject suffers medium radiant damage plus dazzled (disadvantage to Perception and ranged attacks for 1 rd, Con negates). Undead and outsiders profane to your faith suffer heavy damage instead.
Rank 1
- Holy Light: Std, ranged, 1 Mana; subject is healed for heavy damage.
- Alternate: swift, ranged, 1 Mana; subject is healed for medium damage.
- Divine Shield: Immediate, 1+ Mana; you are invulnerable. If you take a hostile action (debilitate or damage any other creature), you lose this protection. This spell does not end ongoing harmful effects, but prevents any harm they inflict while it is active. Each round after the 1st, you must expend 1 Mana to sustain the spell, if you wish to.
- Shield of Faith: Swift, ranged, 1 Mana; creature gains a shield that Absorbs 100% of all damage, to a limit equal to a heavy damage roll.
Rank 2
- Light of the Dawn: burst AoE, harms and heals.
- Halo: aura of holy light heals subject lightly ongoing; can move to different targets.
Rank 3
- Power Word: Heal: insta-100%.
- Sunray: Juno ult.
Rank 4
- Gift of Life
- Wall of the Faithful
Rank 5
- Choir of Judgment
- Exultation
- Power Word: Life
Rank 0
Rank 1
- Repentance: std, ranged, 1 Mana, concentration; enemy takes no action but to consider their misdeeds (Wis ends). If they are particularly burdened by sin, they suffer disadvantage. Hostile action against the target ends the effect immediately.
- Aura of Courage: resist any compulsions/emotions made by profane creatures.
- Sanctuary: std, centered circle 2, 1 Mana, concentration; you create hallowed ground that enemies cannot easily violate. Allies gain advantage to any saves against compulsions or hostile emotion effects; any such effect that didn't allow a save now allows a Cha save to negate each round. Enemies who are extraplanar must pass a Cha save to enter the area, and if they start within it, must pass a Cha save on turn start or be compelled to exit before taking any other action. Any ranged magical attack suffers disadvantage to hit allies within the area.
Rank 2
- Banish
- Call of Redemption: subject's inner goodness compels them to repent
Rank 3
Rank 0
- Read Emotions
- Mindlink
- Mind Thrust: std, ranged; medium psychic damage.
Rank 1
- Detect Thoughts
- Implant Emotions
- Psychic Assault: std, ranged, 1 Mana; inflict 1d4+1 Int, Wis, or Cha damage (Int/Wis/Cha save for half, respectively).
Rank 2
- Mind Blast: std, cone 4, 2 Mana; medium psychic damage plus stun (Int, Wis, or Cha ends, your choice).
- Mind Control
Rank 0
- Discord: std, ranged, concentration; orb of darkness orbits subject, slowly sapping their vitality. As long as you concentrate, the target suffers light necrotic damage on turn start. While this effect is active, subject gains Vulnerability (max 5) to all damage from your allies.
Rank 1
- Armor of Darkness: swift, 1 Mana, attuned; you cloak yourself in shadows, which serve to protect you from harm. Each time you suffer damage, reduce it by your spellcasting ability bonus (to a minimum of zero).
- Darkbolt: std, ranged, 1 Mana; medium necrotic damage plus wracked (unable to act due to pain) for 1 rd (Con negates).
- Vampiric Touch: std, touch, 1 Mana; heavy necrotic damage plus heal yourself half the amount.
- Alternate: std, ranged, 1 Mana; medium necrotic damage plus heal yourself half the amount.
Rank 2
Rank 3
- Power Word: Death: insta-kills creature who is close to death
- Vampiric Embrace: for a brief period, heal the whole party based on damage dealt
Soul / Spirit / Mana Stuff
Rank 0
- Mana Burn: damages subject by burning away their Mana
Rank 1
Rank 2
- Blessings:
- Speed / Haste
- Defense
- Freedom
- Auras:
Class Feats
- Monk
- Unarmed strike / fighty stuff
- Ki strike