

Attribute Value
Hit Die d6
HP/level 4
Weapon Prof. None
Armor Prof. None
Saving Throws Con, Wis
Level Max Vitae Special Ability
1 3 Witchcraft
2 4
3 4
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 6
8 6
9 6
10 6
Level Max Vitae Special Ability
11 7
12 7
13 7
14 7
15 7
16 8
17 8
18 8
19 8
20 8


Traditions of witchcraft:

Everyone has:

Optional traditions:

If you take Witch at level 1, you gain a tradition as a bonus feat. Otherwise, you must spend a Class Feat to gain one.

Spells Known

You know all spells in your traditions, and all universal Witch spells.

Powering Spells

Some spells require Vitae, a form of life energy that can be gathered through various means. Each tradition has a specific way to gather Vitae. All Vitae is the same; if you have more than one tradition, you may gather Vitae through any and all methods known to you, and spend it on any spells you know.

Universal Spells and Formulae


Brew Potion: Each day, you can create a number of potions, elixirs, or alchemical concoctions equal to your Witch level + your Wisdom modifier. Potions last 10 minutes unless otherwise specified.

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3


Figuring out how to level this up. Feats?


Given a Sympathetic Component, you can create what is known as a Phlyactery: an object which has a magical link to the creature from which the sympathetic component was formed. Phylacteries have a myriad of uses, because the laws of magic dictate that the phylactery and the creature are one in the same, and what happens to one happens to the other. Furthermore, possession of a phylactery gives you a measure of possession of the creature, allowing you to contest their will, push past their defenses, and get inside their mind and/or body.

A sympathetic component is:

Living matter loses its connection to its host over time. The sympathetic link can still be created, but it requires the investiture of vital energy. Similarly, less-attuned but still somewhat treasured items have a weaker connection to the host that can be exploited, with the help of external investiture. Thus, you have two rituals to create a phylactery:

Once you have a phylactery, there are several maneuvers available to you that make use of it:


Various means of divining truth, seeing afar, or predicting the future, all powered by the Vitae of the one seeking the answer (not necessarily the witch).




Anti-Magic is the tradition of drawing Vitae from other magicks. As such, it is well-suited to combating spellcasters.

Rank 0

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3


Blood Witches draw Vitae from living blood. The blood can belong to anyone, even themself.

Rank 0

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3


Plague Witches draw Vitae from disease. By nature, disease is a life form that harms or kills to empower itself.

Rank 1

Rank 2


Rank 0

Rank 1

Rank 2


Black Witches draw Vitae from the source: living creatures. This is considered the darkest tradition, and stains the Chroma of any witch who uses it

Notes: this is highly redundant with Blood and Anti-Magic, mechanically speaking

Rank 1

Rank 2


There is vitality in emotion; powerful emotions can be tapped for Vitae.

Rank 1

Rank 2


Death Witches draw Vitae from the passing of life, as all living creatures emit their Vitae upon death. By taking control of Vitae during this transition, it is possible to animate the dead.

Rank 1

Rank 2


The tradition of faith, sometimes called "White" magic, is one dedicated to respecting the laws of magic, and humbly asking for blessings, presumably in exchange for good deeds and strict adherence to a moral code. It does not require belief in a specific deity--only reverence for Magic itself, and its natural laws--although many worlds have goddesses of magic that fit this faith well.

Rank 1


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  • Invoker
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  • Psion
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  • Vampire
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  • Witch
  • Witch 6e
  • Witch
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