

Attribute Value
Hit Die d6
HP/level 4
Weapon Prof. None
Armor Prof. None
Saving Throws Int, Wis
Level Max Arcana Special Ability
1 3 Evocation, Arcana
2 4
3 4
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 6
8 6
9 6
10 6
Level Max Vitae Special Ability
11 7
12 7
13 7
14 7
15 7
16 8
17 8
18 8
19 8
20 8



You are able to cast spells by evoking the power of ancient symbols, power words, and arcane formulae. While helpful, these are but aids to master the mental control needed to to envison formae, which form the basis of spells.


While Invocation and Elementalism focus on harnessing the power of other planes of existence, and Thaumaturgy focuses on harnessing the inherent power of vitality within living beings and the environment, Evocation is a more esoteric art. Through inner mastery of the mind, Evokers access the fundamental energies of reality itself, evoking magical effects "from nowhere" as it where. While other studies focus on how to find the energy, or how to handle the consequences, the principle challenge of Evocation is the knowledge of how to make the spell in the first place, as "arcane" is not just a colorful term, but an apt description of the knowledge required to do so.

At the core of every spell is a forma. This is a singular, atomic mental building block, impossible to describe in general terms, but possible to symbolize using geometry, sounds, motions, etc. A forma is a complex thought-form, that must be held perfectly in the mind, in order to produce its desired effect. It is analogous to a password or a secret code--get it just right, and get your desired outcome; make a tiny mistake, and who knows what might happen?

Formae (the plural) each describe a fundamental magical effect, such as opening a portal, or creating light, or transforming an object's shape. To do more complex things, it is possible (through even greater mental effort) to combine multiple formae at the same time. A spell comprised of a single forma is described as one of the "First Order", whereas one comprised of multiple is "Second Order". "Third Order" does not describe three formae, but instead describes a combination of multiple forma, at least one of which is Second-Order. One can imagine Fifth Order spells as quite complex indeed.

It is also possible to learn adjectivae, which are modifications to a forma that themselves have a standard form. For instance, one adjectiva might extend the range of any given spell, and thus takes more or less the same mental shape when applied to any valid forma as a basis.


The theory of Evocation holds that its spells are powered by cosmic energy. In a bit more detail, an Evoker modifies the "code" of the Universe, changing what it was going to do anyway. In this way, it is not technically creating or destroying energy, but it is also not necessary to provide said energy to create, or dispose of the excess liberated through destruction. The Universe "cleans it all up". (This point of view is disputed by other practitioners, naturally).

As such, the mechanics of the Arcanist do not focus on energy management, but rather on the very real risks of miscasting, and the consequences thereof. Any error in spellcasting can produce undesired effects, as well as injuries to the mind of the Evoker. In fact, that is the purpose of mnemonics such as geometric symbols, power words, and numerology--they help the evoker focus on the mindform. It is difficult for humanoid minds to envision purely abstract concepts in perfect detail, but easier to recite chants, envision well-studied geometric forms, etc.


Spellcasting Skill
You gain the Arcana skill (Int or Cha based). This skill is used to target spells, set DCs, etc.
Spell List
The list of spells you can potentially learn is given below in the #Evocation Spell List.
Spell Knowledge
You learn spells through study, and finalize that study by scribing spells in your #Spellbook.
Spell Energy
You do not use an Energy mechanic to cast spells. Rather, you roll skill checks, the DC of which is based on the difficulty of the formae and adjectivae involved; failure on these checks can cause negative consequences.
You have an ability called [Arcana[(#Arcana)], which allows you to create tools to aid in spellcasting. Spells cast using these tools are very reliable and unlikely to fail.
Spell Component
By default, when casting spells, you use mnemonics, which are mental aids in the form of geometric symbols, arcane words, gestures, etc. These are not themselves the components of magic, but rather devices that aid in the construction of formae in your mind. It is nearly impossible to learn formae without them, although it is possible to cast a well-known spell without them, if necessary. When deprived of your mnemonics, you suffer a penalty to the spellcasting check: -5 if deprived of your voice and -5 if deprived of your ability to gesture.

Evoker Spell List

First Order Formae

Available to Arcanists of the first rank.

Second Order Formae

Basic Adjectivae

  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • Arcanist
  • Artificer
  • Artificer
  • Core
  • Elementalist
  • Invoker
  • Invoker
  • Mystic
  • Practitioner
  • Priest
  • Psion
  • Psion
  • Vampire
  • Vampire
  • WIP
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Witch
  • Witch 6e
  • Witch
  • alt
  • crazy ideas
  • index