
Rules TBD. Idea is:


Standard; you speak a suggestion through the mindlink. The suggestion must be a single clause (subject, verb, object), not a compound sentence (no and, but, or, although, etc). If the suggestion is impossible, it fails automatically. If it is grossly against the subject's interests, they gain advantage to the save. Subject is allowed a Cha save to negate; otherwise, their next action must be to fulfill the suggestion. If they are not in combat, they will follow through with it for up to ten minutes, or until they fall out of range, their behavior is pointed out to them as abnormal, or they become aware of danger.

"Grossly against the subject's moral code" means such egregious actions as attacking an ally, betraying a charge, giving up a prized possession, etc. In more indirect situations, consider how important it is to the subject not to follow the suggestion. For instance, suggesting to a random bar patron to walk over to the front door and open it is mostly harmless--it's just a door--so they wouldn't get advantage. Suggesting to a guard sworn to defend a castle door to throw it open is a gross violation of their intent, thus they gain advantage.

  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • Adaptation
  • Augmentation
  • Biofeedback
  • Empathy
  • Force Shield
  • Hypnosis
  • Mind Control
  • Mind Reading
  • Mindlink
  • Object Reading
  • Psychic Assault
  • Sensation
  • Static Charge
  • Telekinesis