
Empathy is a Charisma-based skill available only to Psions.


Empathic Awareness

Swift, concentration; you open your mind to empathic input. Thereafter, you sense the emotional state of all beings with minds capable of emotion within range.

At any given time, you detect the emotions of all within the area. You don't necessarily know which emotions belong to whom, or where the being currently is.

As a standard action, you may roll a Perception check to narrow down a particular emotional state to a creature you can see, or a location within range if you cannot see the creature. As long as you maintain awareness of that target, you can continue to associate their emotions with them. If you become unaware of that creature, you have to re-establish awareness with another standard action and Perception check. If you cannot see them, you cannot be aware, so when pinpointing the location of a creature's emotions, you can only be sure they were in that position in that moment; if they move thereafter, you are not automatically aware they did.

Empathic Bond

Swift, touch, concentration; you join your mind with the target, forming an emotional bond. Both of you become aware of the others emotions while maintaining concentration and touch. If the subject is unwilling, you must first land a successful touch attack, and they are allowed a Charisma save to end the effect.

This doesn't do much, but it feels nice.

Implant Emotion

Std, touch, concentration; you thrust a chosen emotion into the target's mind. If unwilling, they are allowed normal defenses against your touch attack. All effects allow a Cha save to end.

Calm Emotion

Std, touch; remove strong emotion, touch attack if unwilling, Cha negates if unwilling.


  • (up)
  • (cur)
  • Adaptation
  • Augmentation
  • Biofeedback
  • Empathy
  • Force Shield
  • Hypnosis
  • Mind Control
  • Mind Reading
  • Mindlink
  • Object Reading
  • Psychic Assault
  • Sensation
  • Static Charge
  • Telekinesis