It occurs to me that Anchorites should receive Heal as a class skill. When I think herb gardens and acupressure, I think "Eastern monk." I'm less certain that they should be getting 6+INT skill points, despite their disadvantage in raw combat compared to the fighting monk. They will be far less likely to take/need the physical skills, but may end up being good at them anyway due to high Wisdom and/or Charisma scores.
Come to think of it, I can't see any strong reason for Monks to not get Heal as a class skill. Sure, it's nitpicking, but that's what I do.
-Tallas 02:21, 29 July 2007 (EDT), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).
- Proficiencies
- Simple weapons, no armor or shields.
Class Chart
{{Class Chart
|Max Level=20
|Base Attack=Medium
|Fort Save=High
|Ref Save=High
|Will Save=High
|Special1=Unarmed strike, healing trance, insight
|Special2=Stunning touch, energy resistance
|Special3=Still mind, levitation
|Special4=Ki strike (blessed), blindsense 30 ft
|Special5=Purifying trance, purity of body
|Special6=Smiting fist
|Special7=Restorative trance, blindsight 30 ft
|Special8=Air walk
|Special9=Magic resistance
|Special10=Ki strike (holy), blindsense 60 ft
|Special11=Reviving trance, diamond body
|Special12=Abundant step
|Special13=Fly, blindsight 60 ft
|Special15=Quivering palm
|Special16=Ki strike (adamantine), blindsense 90 ft
|Special17=Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon
|Special18=Greater fly
|Special19=Empty body, blindsight 90 ft
|Special20=Perfect self, astral projection
Special Abilities
- Monk Abilities
- An anchorite has the same unarmed damage, insight bonus to AC, and movement speed increase as a monk of her level.
- Insight
- An anchorite has a preternatural awareness of the world around her, and of the energy that binds all things. This innate magical ability grants the monk many benefits.
- An anchorite gains her Wisdom bonus to all attack rolls with the unarmed strike and monk weapons.
- She gains her Charisma bonus to damage rolls with the unarmed strike and monk weapons.
- She gains her Wisdom bonus to the following skills: Balance (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), and Tumble (Dex).
- She gains her Charisma bonus to the following skills: Climb (Str), Jump (Str), and Swim (Str).
- Healing Trance
- As a standard action, an anchorite can heal herself or a touched creature of any amount of hit point damage up to her daily maximum of 2 * level * Wis. This otherwise works as the monk's Wholeness of Body.
- Stunning Touch
- As a standard action, an anchorite can touch a creature, stunning it for 1d3 rounds unless it passes a Fort save (Wisdom-based). This ability is usable once per day per anchorite level.
- Energy Resistance
- An anchorite gains Energy Resistance to all forms of energy (fire, cold, electric, acid, sonic) equal to her level plus her Wisdom modifier.
- Still Mind
- As the monk.
- Ki Strike (blessed)
- As bless weapon, but always active. You bypass DR/magic and DR/good, and all critical threats confirm. Affects only your unarmed strike.
- Levitation
- While maintaining Concentration, an anchorite gains the levitation ability. Hovering within 10 feet of the ground costs nothing; it can be sustained indefinitely (though your Concentration can be disrupted as if you were casting a 2nd-level spell).
:Each round you hover counts against a daily maximum of 10 rounds per level.
- Blindsense
- You gain blindsense in the listed radius.
- Purifying Trance
- As a supernatural ability, you purge yourself or a touched creature of one poison or disease (including all damage caused by it within the last 24 hours), any status effect normally cured by lesser restoration (such as fatigue), or 1d4 points of ability damage to one score.
:You may use this ability once per day per level.
- Purity of Body
- As the monk.
- Smiting Fist
- As an attack action, you may deliver an unarmed strike inflicting normal damage, but bypassing all miss chances from incorporealness as a ghost touch weapon, and also causing undead struck with this attack to pass a Will save, DC 10 + Wisdom bonus, or be destroyed instantly.
:Using this ability costs one use of stunning touch, and can be used at most once per round.
- Restorative Trance
- As a Concentration action requiring 3 rounds to complete, you purge yourself or a touched creature of all temporary ability damage, all ability drain to one chosen ability score, all temporary negative levels, and up to one permanent negative level. It also cures any fatigue or exhaustion.
:This ability costs three uses of Purifying Trance.
- Air Walk
- Your Levitation ability improves. You can now walk on air as in the air walk spell; you remain able to rise or fall 20 ft per round as in levitate. This is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell for the purposes of Concentration. If you lose concentration, you retain the levitate ability unless your concentration is again disrupted before you have time to renew air walk.
- Magic Resistance
- You gain Spell Resistance equal to 10 + level.
- Ki Strike (Holy)
- Your unarmed strikes inflict 2d6 holy damage, which harms all evil creatures.
- Blindsight
- You gain blindsight with the listed radius.
- Reviving Trance
- As a full-round action, you revive a dead creature by touch. The creature is no longer dead, and is stable at 0 hp. This ability only works if the creature died within the last 1 round per level. It costs 100 xp to use, as well as one use of Purifying Trance.
- Abundant Step
- As a standard action, you teleport as in Dimension Door, affecting yourself and carried objects only.
:This ability may be used once per level per day.
:Alternatively, you may teleport as a move action; this costs 2 uses.
- Fly
- Your Air Walk ability improves. You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed, with good maneuverability. You retain the ability to stand or walk on air as in Air Walk. This is a 6th-level spell for the purposes of Concentration. If you lose concentration, you retain the air walk and levitate abilities unless your concentration is again disrupted for each before you have time to renew fly.
- Invisibility
- As a standard action, you can become invisible as the spell. You may use this ability for up to 100 rounds per level per day; the rounds need not be contiguous.
- Quivering Palm
- As a standard action, you can kill or paralyze a creature with a touch. The creature must pass a Fortitude save to resist (Wisdom-based). If it fails the save, it either dies (which is a death effect), or is paralyzed indefinitely (can only be cured by Greater Restoration or better magic).
- Ki Strike (adamantium)
- As the monk.
- Timeless Body
- As the monk.
- Tongue of Sun and Moon
- As the monk.
- Greater Fly
- Your flight is now unlimited, and does not require concentration. If you become unconscious, you drift slowly down to earth at a rate of 20 feet per round.
- Empty Body
- As Invisibility, except you may instead become ethereal as in ethereal jaunt.
- Perfect Self
- As the monk.
- Astral Projection
- You may use Astral Projection at will.