
Baikili is a island in the Dragon Crescent. It is approximately 2-3 days south of Onaona Island, and is one of the southernmost islands in Loretan.
Like most islands in the Dragon Crescent, Baikili is volcanic in origin. The slopes of this long-extinct volcano are still visible as a U-shaped ring of mountains surrounding the interior, roughly concentric with the shores of the island.
The surface area of Baikili is about 230 square miles above water; a further 158 square miles lie between 1-9 feet deep around the island. The island shelf merges with the larger Kalikili island as it heads northeast.
Baikili is considered neutral territory between Loretan and the Shah'Numan Rajate, by terms of treaty. The people of the city are sovereign in all affairs of settlement and exploration; none may settle the island without the approval of the pre-treaty inhabitants. The island itself is considered owned by no power.
Baikili's ecology is truly remarkable, and its origins the subject of much debate between biomancers. The majority of the species of the island, flora and fauna alike, are significantly larger in size than their mundane counterparts. Though many of the species are unique to the island, or native to regions far removed from the Dragon Isles, the telling factor are the species who are found on other nearby islands in a more "normal" size. This has led many to conclude that the mutations of the island's flora and fauna are caused by some property of the island itself.
It has proved difficult to fully explore the island, due in part to political considerations, but also to the tremendous danger posed by the indigenous species. To date, no Loretanian expedition has reached the island's core.