So Harm is Wisdom based? That explains why Clerics are so good at it...
-Tallas 11:36, 30 July 2007 (EDT)authorized for evaluation use.
Basic Abilities
- Hit Points
- 4 per level, 8 at 1st level
- Skill Points
- 8 + Int per level, 4x that amount at 1st level
- Skills
- Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Harm (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
- Proficiencies
- Simple weapons, monk weapons, hand crossbow, rapier (zatoichi), sap, shortbow, and short sword (wakizashi). No armor or shields.
Class Chart
{{Class Chart
|Max Level=20
|Base Attack=Medium
|Fort Save=High
|Ref Save=High
|Will Save=High
|Special1=Unarmed strike, flurry of blows, unseen strike
|Special2=Stunning fist, evasion, ninja alchemy
|Special3=Still mind, leap of the clouds, uncanny dodge
|Special4=Ki strike (magic), slow fall (10 ft/2 levels), shadow fade
|Special5=Purity of body
|Special6=Shadow jump
|Special7=Improved uncanny dodge
|Special8=Shadow shield
|Special9=Improved evasion
|Special10=Ki strike (lawful), shadow strike
|Special11=Diamond body, greater flurry
|Special12=Shadow form
|Special13=Diamond soul
|Special14=Shadow double
|Special15=Quivering palm
|Special16=Ki strike (adamantine), shadow walk
|Special17=Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon
|Special18=Shadow mind
|Special19=Empty body
|Special20=Shadow soul, slow fall (any distance)
Special Abilities
Monk Abilities
An anchorite has the same unarmed damage, insight bonus to AC, and movement speed increase as a monk of her level.
The following ninja abilities are identical to those of the monk:
- Unarmed Strike
- Flurry of Blows
- Stunning Fist (as the feat taken by a monk)
- Evasion
- Still Mind
- Leap of the Clouds
- Ki Strike
- Slow Fall
- Purity of Body
- Improved Evasion
- Diamond Body
- Greater Flurry
- Diamond Soul
- Timeless Body
- Tongue of Sun and moon
Powers of Shadow
- Unseen Strike
- When attacking a flat-footed opponent, you gain your Dexterity bonus to damage.
- Ninja Alchemy
- Alchemy|see below].
- Uncanny Dodge
- As a rogue.
- Shadow Fade
- In areas of concealment, a ninja can become invisible as the spell. To do so requires a standard action. His concentration can be disrupted, as if he were concentrating on a 2nd-level spell. Creatures who can see through the concealment for any reason are not affected by this ability.
- Shadow Jump
- In areas of concealment, a ninja can move like a ghost, disturbing nothing, making no sound, and provoking no attacks of opportunity. Effectively, you may teleport yourself and your equipment up to half your base movement speed as a move action. This is a supernatural ability, and can be disrupted by any magic that inhibits teleportation.
- Shadow Shield
- In areas of concealment, a ninja is more than hidden by shadow--he is protected by it. The miss chance granted by the concealment applies to all attacks and effects, not just targeted spells and direct attacks. Thus, it protects against a fireball as well as it does a scorching ray. Creatures who have blindsight, or are otherwise negating your concealment with any ability (including the magic of a seeking weapon), are not subject to this miss chance.
- Shadow Strike
- In areas of concealment, your attacks become as those of a shadow. As a swift action, you may activate or deactivate this ability for all attacks. Such attacks are incorporeal touch attacks, ignoring armor and natural armor bonuses to Armor Class. However, they cannot carry poison, nor can they affect undead, constructs, objects, or any other non-living matter.
- Shadow Form
- In areas of concealment, you can become incorporeal as a standard action, or resume corporeality as a standard action. You automatically become corporeal if you leave concealment, or if it is removed from you. Unlike Shadow Fade or Shadow Shield, this ability applies even to creatures who are negating your concealment through blindsight or other means.
- Shadow Double
- While you are in an area of concealment, you can project an image of yourself and control it remotely. This is like the project image spell, except that the image is partially real, and it has a duration of Concentration.
:If you concentrate on having the image attack, it can attack as if it were you, with all of your abilities, but none of your magical equipment. Any magical equipment you carry is nonmagical on the image; thus, a +5 dagger would not grant its +5 to hit and damage for the image, nor would it strike as a magical weapon, but it would otherwise act as if you were wielding it.
:The image is only partially real. While the image is in an area of concealment, it is effectively 100% real; outside such an area, it is only 50% real, and thus any attack or effect it produces has only a 50% chance of affecting a real creature. Roll this failure chance separately for each attack or effect. It applies also to attacks suffered by the image.
:The image has half as many hit points as you do, and can take damage as if it were you (with no magic items). If the image is destroyed, you cannot create it again for 24 hours. It regains all of its hit points every 24 hours. It cannot be healed.
:Being an illusion, it is not subject to precision damage, toxins, mental effects, negative energy effects, transmutations, or movement-impairing effects.
:You may suspend concentration on the image in any given round, during which the image will simply stay where it last was, taking no actions. It can remain in this state for up to 1 round per level per day. If you run out of such rounds, you cannot conjure the image for 24 hours. It regenerates all rounds every 24 hours.
:You may dismiss the image as a swift action at any time. If your concentration is disrupted, you dismiss the image.
- Quivering Palm
- As the monk ability of the same name; however, you may use it once per day per Wisdom bonus.
- Shadow Walk
- In an area of total darkness, you may shift into the Shadow Plane as a standard action. You may move within this plane, and reemerge as a standard action in an area of total darkness on the Material Plane. This is otherwise identical to the spell Shadow Walk.
- Shadow Mind
- In areas of concealment, you become immune to mental effects.
- Shadow Soul
- In areas of concealment, you become immune to negative energy effects.
Ninja Alchemy
Ninjas are masters of alchemy; poisons, elixirs, and alchemical items are essential to their dark tactics.
For game purposes, this is treated as an item crafting feat, available only to ninjas. These items have no market value; ninjas do not sell their secrets to non-ninjas. To other ninjas in need, a friendly ninja will sell alchemical items at cost (1 xp = 5 gp where applicable). A hostile ninja will kill you. Duh.
Ninjas with Profession (herbalist) can gather components for the creation of these items. It requires two hours to do so, and can only be done in a natural environment. Such a check yields an amount of components worth 1 sp per point the check exceeds 10, 1 gp per point the check exceeds 20, and 1 pp per point the check exceeds 30. The components have no resale value, except to another ninja.
The poisons created by this ability do not follow the normal rules for poisons, such as how long the effects last. They are still poisons, and thus do not affect creatures who are immune to poison.
====Alchemical Items====
- Vanishing Powder
- This powder produces a puff of smoke when thrown against a hard surface or pounded with a bludgeoning weapon, providing momentary concealment as an obscuring mist spell cast at 1st caster level. The uses a ninja can make of this are obvious.
:Cost to Create: 10 gp.
- Coin of Night
- This black, iron coin with a square hole punched through the center emits a thick, black smoke that acts as a darkness spell at 3rd caster level, with one exception: the concealment is not caused by darkness, but by a cloying mist, so effects specifically bypassing darkness spells do not see through it. When the effect ends, the coin is gone; it has disintegrated to form the smoke.
:Cost to Create: 240 gp. Required level: 3rd.
- Dust of Blindness
- When thrown into the eyes of a sighted creature, this dust blinds the creature for 1 minute. No amount of rubbing or cleaning can remove the effect before the duration ends, though a remove blindness spell will work.
:Cost to Create: 150 gp. Required level: 2nd.
- Elixir of False Death
- When you drink this potion, you must pass a Fortitude save or take 1d6 Con damage. If you pass the first save, the secondary effect does not occur. You may voluntarily fail the first save.
:One minute after drinking the potion, you lose consciousness. For all intents and purposes, you are dead. Any spell or effect that works only on living creatures does not affect you. Any amount of skill in healing or anatomy will confirm your death. And yet, when the potion expires, you are revived, albeit a bit worse for wear.
:When crafting the potion, you determine how long you want the potion to last, up to 3 days. In actuality, the time is within 3 hours of that (add 1d4, subtract 1d4, minimum length of effect is 1 hour).
:When you awaken, you are disoriented, effectively dazed for one round, then nauseated for 1 minute thereafter. Any physical wounds suffered while dead do affect you; this applies to hit point damage only, not toxins or magical effects.
:Cost to Create: 4,000 gp.
- Essence of Pain
- A weapon coated with this poison inflicts searing pain on its victim, who must pass a Fortitude save, DC 13, or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
:Cost to Create: 25 gp.
- Essence of Pain, Greater
- As Essence of Pain, except the DC is 17, and the effect lasts 1d4+1 rounds. Also, the victim moves at half speed.
:Cost to Create: 250 gp. Requires: 7th level.
- Essence of Pain, Master
- As Greater Essence of Pain, except the DC is 23, and the effect lasts 1d4+1 minutes.
:Cost to Create: 2500 gp. Requires: 13th level.
- Mage's Bane
- This poison confuses the minds of spellcasters, requiring them to pass a Concentration check of DC 15 + spell level each time they wish to cast a spell; failure on the check means the spell is lost. Lasts 1d4 rounds, no save.
:Cost to Create: 75 gp. Required level: 3rd
- Mage's Bane, Greater
- As Mage's Bane, except the Concentration DC is 20 + spell level, and the effect lasts for 1d4+1 rounds.
:Cost to Create: 750 gp. Required level: 9th
- Mage's Bane, Master
- As Mage's Bane, except the Concentration DC is 30 + spell level, and the effect lasts for 1d4+1 minutes.
:Cost to Create: 7500 gp. Required level: 15th
====Miscellaneous Items====
- Poisoner's Sheath
- This scabbard for a light or one-handed piercing or slashing weapon automatically applies poison each time the weapon is drawn. The reservoir can contain 1-10 doses of any poison. All such doses must be of the same poison.
- Cost to Create
- 5,000 gp, 200 xp.