A warlock does not possess the shapechanging ability of a druid, though he has a unique and powerful bond with spirits of nature that surpasses that of his cousin. A warlock forms personal bonds with spirits of the land, and carries totems of those spirits as the focuses for his divine spells.
Basic Abilities
- Hit points
- 5 per level
- Skills
- Bluff (cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Dsguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
- Skill points per level
- 2 + Int modifier.
- Proficiencies
- All simple weapons, all martial swords, no armor or shields.
Class Chart
{{Class Chart
|Max Level=20
|Base Attack=Medium
|Fort Save=Low
|Ref Save=Low
|Will Save=High
|Special1=Fel companion, eldritch blast
|Special2=Bound weapon
|Special4=2nd fel companion
|Special5=Bound armor
|Special6=Improved eldritch blast
|Special8=3rd fel companion or lesser nightmare
|Special10=Mental command
|Special12=4th fel companion
|Special14=Unspoken will
|Special16=5th fel companion or greater nightmare
|Special18=Death pact
Class Features
- Spell List
- Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List, minus the schools of Abjuration, Evocation, and Transmutation, plus the Warlock Spell List.
- Access Method
- Spellbook (as wizard).
- Preparation Method
- Memorization (as wizard).
- Spells per Day
- As a wizard.
Fel Companion
You begin play with the ability to summon a fiendish companion. It is a standard action to summon or unsummon your companion. It acts in all ways like a called creature, and is under your complete control as a summoned creature would be.
(Insert list of fel companions by level range here.)
{{Generic Table
|Max Row=2
|Caption=Allowed fel companions
|Header1=1st level
|C1_R1=Fiendish animal of type: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse (light or heavy), owl, pony, snake (Small or Medium viper), or wolf.
|Header2=5th level
|C2_R1=Dretch, imp, hell hound, howler, quasit, salamander (flame brother), vargouille, yeth hound.
|Header3=10th level
|C3_R1=Achaierai, greater barghest, bearded devil, shadow mastiff.
|Header4=15th level
|C4_R1=Babau, succubus, erinyes, chain devil, hellcat, efreeti, salamander (average), xill.
|Header5=20th level
|C5_R1=Bebilith, hezrou, vrock, barbed devil, bone devil, night hag, nightmare (cauchemar), noble salamander.
Also allowed are the lesser nightmare (as a nightmare, but no astral projection or etherealness) and the greater nightmare (as a normal nightmare).
Your fel companions always have at least half your normal maximum hit point total.
- Mental Command
- With this ability, you may command your fel companion using telepathy, with a range of 1 mile. The companion can also communicate to you all that it observes through this telepathic link.
- Unspoken Will
- With this ability, your will prevails even while you are unable to exercise it on your fel companions. Effectively, you retain control of your companion even while out of range of your telepathy, or when you are unconscious or dead. The companion is acting out your standing orders; being fairly intelligent, it is able to follow complex orders. If you die, the companion is still released.
- Death Pact
- With this ability, your fel companion is not dismissed when you die; you retain control of it through standing orders.
Special Abilities
- Eldritch Blast
- You can sacrifice any spell slot to produce a bolt of dark energy inflicting 2d6 damage per spell level with a ranged touch attack (Short range). The damage is untyped, and has no save. As a supernatural ability, an eldritch blast allows no spell resistance and cannot be counterspelled, though it is subject to antimagic.
- Improved Eldritch Blast
- You can modify your eldritch blast to affect multiple creatures. You can affect one additional creature/level within 30 ft of the central target, in which case all secondary targets suffer only half damage. Alternatively, you can turn the blast into an area: either a 120 ft line, a 20 ft burst, or a 60 ft cone. An area eldritch blast inflicts half normal damage, and allows all targets a Reflex save (Int-based) for half damage.
- Lifetap
- You can sacrifice your own life force for raw magical power. As a swift action, you suffer 2 points of Con damage, and enter a clearcasting state. In this state, the next spell you cast within 1 minute does not expend a spell slot. You may use metamagic on such a spell, even if the spell you cast was not prepared with metamagic, as long as the modified level does not exceed your normal maximum spell level. This requires the metamagic feat or feats in question. All Con damage suffered cannot be healed, magically or otherwise, until you next prepare spells.
- Bound Weapon
- At will, you can summon a fiendish spirit into the form of a weapon with which you are proficient. The weapon appears as a glowing, devilish-looking form, clearly magical, but functions in all ways like a normal weapon. To do so requires expending a move action and a prepared spell of your choice. The weapon is magical; it has an enhancement bonus to hit and damage equal to the level of the burned spell (maximum +5). You may allocate some of this bonus to weapon special abilities; the total bonus of special abilities cannot exceed the enhancement bonus. Thus, burning a 9th-level spell allows you to summon a weapon with a +5 enhancement and +4 worth of special abilities.
:The weapon can be dispelled by a targeted dispel magic, but only one targeted on the weapon itself. It can also be banished or dismissed as if it were a summoned creature; your Will save and level applies. It cannot be sundered. It lasts 24 hours, or until dismissed. It is automatically dismissed when you prepare spells.
- Bound Armor
- At will, you can summon a fiendish spirit into the form of armor. It appears as a glowing, clearly magical suit of armor of whatever style you prefer. It does not hinder you any more than normal clothing would, having no armor check penalty, encumbrance, or arcane spell failure chance.
:To summon the armor, you expend a prepared spell slot. The armor grants an armor bonus of 4 + the spell's level, to a maximum of +13 with a 9th-level spell. You may also allocate some of the spell level bonus to armor special abilities (those with an enhancement bonus equivalency, not those with a flat cost). The amount of effective enhancement points allocated to such abilities cannot exceed the amount of the spell level bonus allocated to armor. Thus, with a 9th-level spell, you could gain a +9 armor bonus and +4 worth of armor special abilities.
:The armor cannot be removed from you except by a targeted dispel magic on the armor itself or by a successful dismissal or banishment cast on the armor, using your own Will save and level. The armor lasts 24 hours, or until dismissed. It is automatically dismissed when you prepare spells.