
Known lovingly as Geckoes, these lizardfolk certainly deserve the name. No larger than a human child, these slim, colorful gecko-like folk are eloquent, dextrous, and intelligent. They have an excellent capacity for language, and take to human relations with diplomatic ease. Their features seem downright cute to most humans, and that tends to work in their favor.
==== Mon'gakri Racial Traits====
- Small Size
- Speed: 20' Ground
- -4 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha
- +2 natural armor bonus to AC
- +1 size bonus to AC and attacks
- +2 racial bonus to Balance, Jump, Hide, and Swim Checks
- Van Der Walls effect: Mon'gakri can climb sheer surfaces with ease. They have a continual Spider Climb effect.
- Hold Breath: A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
- Automatic Languages: Draconic and Common
- Bonus Languages: Any