A shaman does not possess the shapechanging ability of a druid, though he has a unique and powerful bond with spirits of nature that surpasses that of his cousin. A shaman forms personal bonds with spirits of the land, and carries totems of those spirits as the focuses for his divine spells.
Basic Abilities
- Hit points
- 5 per level
- Skills
- Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
- Skill points per level
- 4 + Int modifier.
- Proficiencies
- All simple weapons, all martial axes
Class Chart
{{Class Chart
|Max Level=20
|Base Attack=Medium
|Fort Save=High
|Ref Save=Low
|Will Save=High
|Special1=Rebuke spirits and elementals
|Special5=Shapeshift (traveler form)
|Special10=Shapeshift (spirit walker)
|Special15=Shapeshift (lesser elemental)
Class Features
- Spell List
- Druid Spell List plus Shaman Spell List
- Access Method
- All known (as a cleric)
- Preparation Method
- Memorization (as a cleric)
- Spells per Day
- As a druid
====Rebuke spirits and elementals====
A shaman can rebuke fey, incorporeal undead, and elementals as a cleric rebukes undead. Unlike a cleric, he cannot command such creatures, except for elementals: all elementals he would normally rebuke, he may instead command. He is limited to commanding no more than his own level in hit dice of controlled elementals. Elementals remain under his control until he dies or releases them.
A shaman may attempt to rebuke a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. A shaman with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (nature) gets a +2 bonus on turning checks.
You can shapeshift at will into powerful animal or nature-oriented forms. Each time you use this ability, you can choose the exact look that your shapeshifted form takes. Shamans pick animals from the terrain and climate they're most familiar with. For example, a shaman from a jungle might adopt the form of a black panter when in predator form, while one from the taiga might shapeshift into a white wolf. The two forms look different, but functionally they're identical. This is a supernatural ability.
It require only a swift action to shapeshift. If you capable of taking more than one form, you can shapeshift directly between two forms without returning to your normal form. There's no limit to the number of times per day you can change forms, nor to the amount of time you can spend in a shapeshifted form.
You retain your normal Hit Dice, hit points, base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and skill ranks regardless of your form. You also retain your normal ability scores, though each form may grant bonuses to your ability scores.
You keep all extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like special attacks and qualities of your normal form, except for those requiring a body part your new form does not have.
All your held, carried, or worn gear melds into your new form and becomes nonfunctional until you return to your normal form, though you retain magical effects from subsumed items; for instance, if you wield a scimitar that grants +6 to Strength, you cannot use the scimitar in animal form, but you retain the +6 to Strength. Any magical enhancement that affects only the item specifically, such as the Speed ability of a weapon, would not function, since the item it affects is not available.
You cannot speak in shapeshifted form, and your limbs lack the precision required to wield a weapon or perform tasks requiring fine manipulation. You can't cast spells or activate magic items while in shapeshifted form, even if you have the Natural Spell feat or other abilty that would allow you to cast spells while wild shaped. (Not that you can wild shape, and thus take the feat, but you gotta cover your bases.)
Unless otherwise noted in the desciptions below, you retain your size and space when you adopt a new form. You always retain your type and subtypes, regardless of the nature of the form assumed. You don't gain any special attacks or qualities while shapeshifted except as described below.
When you shapeshift into a form other than your own, you gain natural weapons (and reach with those weapons) as described below. These natural weapons gain an enhancement bonus on all attack and damage rolls equal to 1/4 your druid level, and at 4th level and higher they are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The damage dice given are for Medium druids; smaller or larger druids should adjust those values accordingly.
So, without further ado, the forms:
- Traveler
- Starting at 5th level, a shaman can take the form of a swift-footed animal, such as a wolf, ram, or cheetah. To be a shaman means to seek out remote areas of wilderness, to commune with the spirits of the land, and this form helps the shaman accomplish such tasks.
- Base speed 50 ft.
- +2 to Strength, +4 to Dexterity
- Low-light vision, scent
- Track
- +4 racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent
- Spiritwalker
- Starting at 10th level, a shaman can take the form of a ghostly version of the traveler, a form even swifter and more suited for travel through hostile areas.
- Base speed 70 ft
- +6 to Dexterity
- Darkvision
- +5 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently
- Fade (Su): At will as a standard action, you become partially incorporeal, gaining the benefit identical to the spell blink, except that your movement is reduced to 30 ft. You gain a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks (stacking with your racial bonus).
- Lesser Elemental Fury
- Large (-1 attack, AC, -4 to Hide and Move Silently, +4 to grapple, trip, bull rush checks)
- Immune to critical hits and sneak attacks
- Damage Reduction 5/-
- Air elemental:
- Slam attack (2d6)
- +4 bonus to Strength
- +8 bonus to Dexterity
- +4 natural armor bonus
- Fly 100 ft (perfect)
- At 20th level, you gain Combat Reflexes and Dodge as bonus feats while in this form.
- Earth Elemental
- Slam attack (2d8)
- +8 bonus to Strength
- +4 bonus to Constitution
- -2 penalty to Dexterity
- +10 natural armor bonus
- Earth mastery, push, earth glide
- Base land speed 20 ft
- At 20th level, you gain Power Attack and Great Cleave as bonus feats while in this form.
- Fire elemental
- Slam attack (2d6+2d6 fire)
- +4 bonus to Strength
- +8 bonus to Dexterity
- +4 natural armor bonus
- Immune to fire, vulnerable to cold
- Base land speed 50 ft
- Burn
- At 20th level, you gain Weapon Finesse and Spring Attack as bonus feats while in this form.
- Water elemental
- Slam attack (2d8)
- +8 bonus to Strength
- +4 bonus to Dexterity
- +9 natural armor bonus
- Water mastery, drench, vortex
- Base land speed 20 ft, swim speed 90 ft
- At 20th level, you gain Power Attack and Great Cleave as bonus feats while in this form.