
The Mon'gorit, or Skulkers, are four-legged lizards with prehensile forelimbs who can walk on either two legs or four. They resemble komodo dragons with larger, more powerful legs and a larger cranium. While bipedal, they hunch forward with their head bent over, the eyes and mouth thus facing forward as a human's would. In this stance, they are uncomfortable unless moving forward or bracing themselves, so they prefer usually to walk on all fours.
The tendency of Mon'gorit to keep all hands on deck has inhibited the development of tools, but their warriors are not to be trifled with. Heavier than most Mon'hes'seth, Skulkers like to use their weight to their advantage, and favor grappling. They especially prefer to ambush prey in swamps and muddy regions where they can smother less adroit creatures.
Racial Traits
Skulkers have the following racial traits:
- Large size
- +4 Str, -4 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
- +2 natural armor bonus
- Improved Unarmed Strike: As the feat.
- Hold Breath: Can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to four times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
- Stunted Tool Use: Using hand-held tools doesn't come easily to skulkers, even with training. They do not receive weapon proficiencies from their class at 1st level. If the class normally grants all martial weapons, they may choose one missile and one melee weapon group.
- Poison Bite: With a successful unarmed strike against an unarmored foe, a skulker may inflict a poison causing 1d6 Dex damage (initial and secondary), with a DC of 10 + 1/2 HD + Con. After use, the bite attack becomes usable again after 1d4 minutes.
- Automatic Languages: Sethic
Racial Levels
- Hit Points
- 6 per level
- Skills
- Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).
- Skill Points
- 2 + Int
- Proficiencies
- Light and medium armor. No weapons.
{{Class Chart
|Max Level=3
|Base Attack=High
|Fort Save=High
|Ref Save=Low
|Will Save=Low
|Special1=+2 Str, +2 Con, +3 natural armor
|Special2=+2 Str, +2 natural armor, bite attack
|Special3=+2 Str, +2 Con, +1 natural armor, improved poison bite
- Bite Attack
- The skulker gains a dedicated bite attack usable as a secondary natural attack. The bite inflicts 1d8 damage. The skulker's poison bite ability is no longer restricted to unarmored foes.
- Improved Poison Bite
- The skulker's poison bite now inflicts 1d8 Dex damage, and can be used every 1d4 rounds.