
The Great Race of Dwarf




35,000 years


Evolved from Giants


The great race of Dwarf comprises of the Four Great Races of Tellandor. Dwarves are, by commonly-accepted history, the third oldest great race, though their lineage (per legend) is of the Titans, giving their line as great a tenure as the great race of Dragon on Tellandor itself.

Dwarves are humanoid, bearing much resemblance to the great race of Man, with the most apparent difference being their size: they are substantially taller and broader than men, with some subraces averaging over 7 feet in adult male height. Less obviously, they boast a greater constitution than men, including longevity, but unlike the great races of Elf and Dragon, they are not immortal.

They are notable builders, preferring by and large to dwell in heavily-constructed fortifications, and favoring the exploitation of mineral resources through extensive mining apparatus unknown to other races. They were the first smiths among the great races, and are credited with the invention of writing. In modern times, dwarves have become known for a love of education, science, and archaeology; in the Auld Empire, they were notable artificers, and a few still practice that craft today.


The term "dwarf" is a word only found in the tongues of Man, and generally only those of Daenic root. It is a corruption of the Proto-Dwarvish DVAR (pronounced roughly between "doer" and "dvar"), a word whose meaning is simultaneously "the many" and "the one", or in other contexts, both "the great" and "the small".

It is a common misconception that the term "dwarf" refers to their status as "lesser giants". This is largely based on a discredited work by the scholar Arvic of Triele, On the Doings of the Dwarfs, commissioned for King Albur IV of the court of Ulden Caer in the 17th century BGC, that served as the only authoritative work on the great race of Dwarf available to humans until the founding of Oathkeep. In fact, the scholar mistranslated the dwarvish HVARTAETN ("half-titan") as DVARTAETN do to lack of knowledge of the drift of runic pronunciation, and noted a similarity in the words HUAR and DUAR that does not properly exist. The word HUARTAETN refers to a mythical or extinct creature, a degenerate form of the legendary Titan race.

The earliest known use of the word DVAR to refer to the race is in the Tomb of Hroth (HROTHVOL), a ruin in Nordheim dating back at least 20,000 years.

Auld Dwarvish Modern Uldennic



Attend / pay attention

(We) are DVAR
(I), Hroth, represent (them/us)
(We dwell) under the mountain
(If) you (desire) (our) knowledge
Then (you must) prove
(To the) Goddess (your) worth/value
1: A common introduction to indicate the importance of an incription.
2: This phrasing has been adapted in modern dwarvish to equally well mean "the House of Hroth", in literal and figurative sense, and thus many modern settlements have names such as KOL TURIN or KOL ZAN.
3: The word CHE is informal; the break from formal speech communicates a disdain for the very idea that someone would plunder their treasure--yet the omission of the active verb for "desire" or "want" implies that such an act is obvious, and almost implied to be permissible...an odd phrasing altogether. More recent tombs use a more formal and direct approach to this topic.
4: Probably AMANN, although the omission of her true name--or the common appellation AMA (The Mother)--is curious.

The most important part is the conjugation of DVAR DAZ, which literally translates to "dwarves exist". In this context, it is implied that "we" (Hroth's people) are dwarves. The use of the present tense in this case implies that their identity as dwarves is an innate or permanent state. If DVAR had been a family name, the correct usage would be DVAR DAN (we ''were' the house of DVAR). Curiously, no inscription exists to explicitly establish a family name; some histories hold that dwarves of this era did not establish separate family names, but rather identified with a Thane or Greatfather--in this case, they would implicitly be "the House of Hroth", and no further inscription would be needed beyond his own name.

Physical Description

Dwarves are similar in appearance to humans, though they are markedly larger. Depending on subrace, adult male dwarves average between 6'6" and 7'8" feet in height; the most commonly-encountered subraces (in human lands) tend toward the high-center of that range. Females show a similar pattern of sexual dimorphism to humans, averaging about 10% shorter than their male counterparts.

Mineral Nature

Dwarves are heavier than humans, but even more so than their height would suggest. Though few opportunities present themselves for anatomical study (see "Dwarven Death" below), dwarven bones are notably dark in coloration, and slightly magnetic, indicating a high iron content, which seems to agree with their greater resilience and load capacity. Their muscles are similarly different in substance, able to bear greater stress before tearing than those of humans. Dwarves typically eat an iron-rich diet (see "Diet" below) so it seems their bodies incorporate iron in ways the human body does not, and an iron deficiency could seriously undermine their skeletal and muscular systems.

It goes without saying that dwarves enjoy a natural advantage of strength and resilience compared to humans. Still, these properties are a function of their size, so they are generally outclassed by dragons, save the very young who are physically smaller.

It is apparent that dwarves have an unusual affinity for minerals. When a dwarf dies, his body naturally petrifies as it dries. This process can be greatly disrupted by decay, so it is customary for dwarves to be burned (preferably slowly, amidst coals or even in molten metal, as opposed to a bonfire) upon death--when properly implemented, this process causes the dwarf's non-mineral tissue to be replaced with minerals, and allows their body to retain its shape and form (rather than withering).

This process, and the strong tendency for dwarves to securely inter their dead (and violently protect the remains) means that little anatomical study has been done. Were such a study conducted, with properly advanced methods and understanding of science, they would find that the dwarven body is capable of incorporating almost any minerals, seemingly with an understanding of and preference for those that will yield the best strength/weight ratio.

Indeed, there exists a forbidden art known as Metalmancy (METLSRA) in which dwarves can deliberately incorporate minerals while still alive, their bodies becoming partially or even entirely metallic or crystalline while retaining mobility and facility. The practice is known in modern times only to Deep Dwarves and secret cults.


Dwarven reproduction takes place in a manner very similar to that of humans. The gestation period is slightly longer (averaging 48 weeks), with birth weights often exceeding 11 or 12 pounds. Infant mortality is notably higher among dwarves (compared to humans), but mortality for the mother is lower, although risk of complications leading to infertility remain elevated.

Unlike humans, dwarves seem to respond strongly to environmental factors in determining gender selection. Under normal circumstances, dwarves in a peaceful, thriving settlement tend to have nearly equal sex distribution, while those in a harsher environment strongly favor male offspring. This process has been known to go awry, with the birth rate of females dropping to dangerous and unsustainable levels--in some cases, it has even led to the extinction of tribal lines. It is likely for this reason that many traditional dwarven cultures place limits on the activities and mobility of females, to minimize the risk of harm or death, given a small breeding pool.


Dwarves have a markedly different metabolism from humans. Notably, they have three stomachs, and a number of additional digestive organs for which there are no parallels in humankind. Food consumed by a dwarf spends much longer in the digestive tract--as much as three times longer than in a human--and is more thoroughly processed. Dwarves can derive benefit from many foodstuffs humans cannot, including straw, seed husks, and plant fibers. The longer tract puts them at risk for foodborne illness, but the additional organs seemingly counter this danger with an array of chemicals to neutralize harmful organisms.

This adaptation has proven highly useful for those dwarves (read: most) who dwell in harsh environments with limited access to abundant food (read: mountains). Dwarves cultivate many of the same plants and animals as humans, but prepare their food differently. Notably, "dwarf bread" is made of whole grain, including not only bran but husk and chaff. The taste has been described by humans as "like eating sawdust", and it is sometimes derisively called "horse food" or similar insults.

Dwarves are also capable of digesting gristle, sinew, and bone meal, and tend to be very thorough in the consumption of animals. This is not to say that dwarves prefer such things; rich dwarves often eat only choice cuts of meat, preferring soft organs as a delicacy, and eat refined grains--however, this diet does not seem to be healthy, and dwarves who so indulge often suffer obesity alongside weakened bone and muscle strength.

Dwarves enjoy the same intoxicating effects of alcohol as humans, although requiring a substantially larger dose. To the chagrin of their human companions, dwarves feel little ill effect from over-consumption of alcohol (read: hangovers), due to their ability to break down its toxic byproducts, although they are still prone to alcohol poisoning if they grossly over-indulge.

The long digestive tract of a dwarf means they can maintain a more consistent level of energy with inconsistent intake. While they prefer to eat often (generally 1 large meal per day and numerous small ones), they are quite capable of eating sporadically (every few days) without suffering great hunger, and can even gorge themselves on very large feasts to retain energy for an extended period of inactivity--some dwarves have been known to so "hibernate" for several months, though most succumb to thirst before that point.



Cultures and Nations

Though there are innumerable minor holds throughout Tellandor, there are a few major dwarven realms worthy of note:

Realm Population Location Description
The Great Halls


Beneath The Immortals

A vast network of interconnected mines and dungeons, this realm is the fabled birthplace of the dwarven race (though some dispute this). Their leader is a Great Thane who considers himself the Thane of all dwarves.

The Dundran Vale


Near Domhur in the Junean Holds

An ancient, isolated realm, said to be the birthplace of writing and the place when Man and Dwarf first learned to cooperate.

The Auld Highlands


Northwest of Oathkeep

Separated from the Immortals by the vast Kurland Steppes, this realm is fiercely independent, and claims to be the true birthplace of the Dwarven race.

The River Rock

68,000 (dwarves)

West of the Blue Water

This realm is notably recognized by various human realms including Obrith and the Ahrimid Empire. It is predominantly non-dwarven, but ruled by dwarves from keeps dating back to the Great War. It is named for the fortress which serves as its capital, and noteworthy as a buffer state between the lands of Man and Dragon.

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