Force is a group of powers. Each time you spend 1 Power Point (of which you receive 1/level), you may advance your rank by 1, and thus gain access to all powers of that rank.
Further, certain feats are made available for purchase by having the requisite rank of Force.
Rank 1
Rank 1 powers are available to anyone with rank 1 or higher in Force, and cost 1 Mana to use unless otherwise noted.
- Grip: At-will, swift, short range; medium or smaller target is held telekinetically (Unarmed vs Willpower to escape grab), moves up to 6 squares/rd as you direct, concentration.
- Push: At-will, swift, short range; medium or smaller target is pushed 5.1
- Shield: At-will, swift; you wield a shield of pure force, with Block Rating equal to 5 per Mana reserved.
- Barrier: Your Shield requires no hand to wield, and protects you from all angles. However, each block costs Mana, not Stamina.
- Boost: You can use telekinetic force to push yourself. At-will, move; you are pushed up to 10 squares, hurling through the air to arrive safely at your target.
- Magic Missile: At-will, std, medium range; create one missile per Mana, each inflicting heavy force damage. Optionally, missiles hit automatically, ignoring partial cover or concealment, but inflict only medium damage.
- Slam: Your Push is optionally Slam: at-will, std, short range; target is pushed 10 and suffers heavy physical damage if it strikes something. If that something is another creature or damageable object, split the damage between them.2
- Wield: You gain a third hand of force which can wield a weapon or shield on your behalf.
Rank 2
- Force Lance: At-will, std, line 10x2 or 20x1; heavy force damage, plus optional push to end of line, plus inflicts siege damage to intervening walls (and propagates through them if destroyed), plus destroys walls of force and similar force barriers on contact (if equal level or lower).
- Inertia: You can transfer inertia. Usable in a number of ways:
- As a readied or immediate action, instantly halt a fall (does not confer levitation)
- As a readied or immediate action, instantly halt a move action or charge
- As a readied or immediate action, instantly absorb the energy of a physical attack
- Concentration; you increase your own inertia, acting like a large creature (push resist, grapple, etc)
- Concentration; you decrease your own inertia, decreasing gravity effects, taking less damage from physical blows, etc
- Augment; add inertia to a physical attack, causing it to strike as a scaled-up weapon. 1 Mana = +1 size (double damage), 4 Mana = +2 size (quad damage), 16 Mana = +3 size (16x damage), affect push resist, other factors.
- Repulsion: At-will, swift, close burst 2; targets are Pushed. If you concentrate, the effect continues, pushing away all opponents (Strength vs Willpower to push past the effect, push resist applies); costs 1 Mana/rd to sustain.
- Absorb Inertia: When using Inertia to absorb inertia, you gain temporary Mana that can be used to power a use of Inertia that adds the stolen force to a target.
- Charge Weapon: You continually use Inertia to imbue a wielded weapon with additional force. You may use Charisma instead of Strength to determine your bonus to Melee rolls with the weapon. Reserves 1 Mana. On each strike, you may freely add Inertia augments.
- Levitation: You can use Grip to hold yourself aloft, gaining levitation (max speed = walking speed). Costs 1 Mana/rd, concentration duration.
- Slide: Your Push can now pull or slide.
- Dual Wield: Requires Wield. Gain an additional force hand.
Rank 3
- Break: You compromise the binding force of an object, shattering or cleaving it. Save-or-die, basically.
- Telekinesis: Evolution of Push and Grab. Some uses:
- Crush: lots o' damage
- Interpose: keeps chosen enemy at a certain distance, blocks attacks
- Vortex: AoE grab, crowd control plus damage when it ends
- Wall of Force: duh
- Explode: Your Break causes an explosion. AoE damage.
- Fly: You can fly for 1 Mana/minute at 150% base move (overland 300%).
- Greatwield: Requires Dual Wield. Wield as many hands as you care to reserve points of Mana.